Talented Genius

Chapter 1049: Courtesy car (three shifts)

"What? Sakura will not stay?"

On the small balcony of the Rong family's study room, the old man of the Rong family was wearing glasses and holding a pile of materials. Opposite him, sitting a black-clothed Lin Chenxue.

The elder of the Rong family carefully reviewed the information, and then smiled kindly to Lin Chenxue: "Chenxue, the data is good, Tianyao No. 1 can be tested."

Lin Chenxue nodded gently: "I'm already looking for a living specimen, and it is estimated that the experiment can be launched in the middle of the month."


The old man in Tang suit smiled: "I like your steady style. Only in this way can you slowly approach success."

"Just do everything according to your plan. You can ask for people, money, land, or famous foreigners."

The old man in Tang suit is very proud: "In short, as long as the project is successful, it doesn't matter what the price is."

Lin Chenxue respectfully replied, "Thank you Mr. Rong."

"Don't worry about the attack. No one will hurt you anymore. No. 4, No. 5, No. 6, and No. 7 will protect you closely."

The old man in Tang suit gave a reassurance: "When I find the whereabouts of the rich man, let him completely disappear in this world."

Lin Chenxue was very calm: "Everything will be arranged by Mr. Rong."


At this moment, the door of the room was knocked gently. Although the power was small, the rhythm was fast, which made people feel the anxiety of the person.

The old man tapped his finger on the table, and after recognizing that it was Wang Gobi, he opened the door. He knew that if he was not in a hurry, he would not disturb him at this time.

"Old Rong, it's not good, Song Dongzhong and Cai Jinyin are dead."

Wang Gebi directly threw a heavy piece of news on the table, and he was shocked by the old Rong family who had gone through ups and downs for half a lifetime.

He lifted his glasses and looked at Wang Gobi: "What did you say?"

The corner of Wang Gebi's mouth moved: "Song Dongzhong and Cai Jinyin were on the golf course, fighting for a female star named Lin Bella."

"Cai Jinyin was blown off by the Song family bodyguard, and Song Dongzhong was shot to death by Lin Bella, who had lost his mind."

Wang Gebi told the news that he had heard: "The two parties were in a fight, and they happened to meet the Kong brothers."

"The warning shot was invalid. After several people were killed and injured, the Kong family bodyguards decisively killed Cai's guard."

"In this gun battle, more than 50 people were killed and injured. The manager and the waiter also died of stray bullets. The scene was bloody."

Lin Chenxue was slightly taken aback, as if she didn't expect to be so cruel, especially Song Dongzhong's death surprised her, she was crazy about pursuing herself a few days ago.

Now she had her head blown off, and she couldn't help feeling that life was really fragile, and at the same time, she smelled a breath of storm coming.

"The Song family and the Cai family have always had a good relationship. Song Dongzhong and Cai Jinyin are incompetent, and they know that the advantages of the two cooperation outweigh the disadvantages. How can they fight for the actors?"

The old man from the Rong family saw the essence of the problem at a glance, and then looked at Wang Gobi and asked: "There must be a problem here. Where did your briefing come from?"

"The Kong brothers' confession to the police."

Wang Gebi exhaled a long breath: "They were left alive at the scene, and the specific situation naturally came from their mouths."

"Only the Kong family's mouth is left. They can do whatever they want."

A joking flashed across the face of the elderly Rong family: "Only they know what happened, and 80% of them were the ones who killed the two of them."

"It's just that the Kong brothers take the Song family and the Cai family too lightly. If Lao Song and the others are so good, how can they live to this day?"

Wang Gobi did not speak, and things that he could not judge would not affect his master.

"The truth will come out sooner or later. It is not so easy to hide it."

The old man from the Rong family patted the table with a majestic expression: "The Kong brothers just gritted their teeth, and I will force them out."

"If this matter is not investigated, and the lawless Kong brothers are severely punished, the next one may be the turn of the Jin family nephew."

"I will never allow this to happen again."

He pointed to Wang Gobi: "Call the Song family later, and let Rong Xueli go over and help. The Rong family will go through this matter with the Song family."


Wang Gebi nodded respectfully, and then glanced at Lin Chenxue, with a hesitation in his expression, but finally he squeezed out:

"Old Rong, there is another irrelevant situation at the scene, but I feel that it may be involved."

The old man from the Rong family frowned, "Say."

"Ye Tianlong has also been to the scene."

Wang Gobi clearly caught Lin Chenxue's body tightening, and then softly added:

"The Kong family brothers went to the golf course to make peace talks with Ye Tianlong and resolve their grievances, but the Cai and Song families fought each other."

"So not only did the Kong brothers experience the on-site fighting, but Ye Tianlong also saw the entire gun battle scene."

Wang Gebi looked at the old man in front of him and said: "Confucius said that Ye Tianlong can testify that everything they say is true."

Lin Chenxue subconsciously asked, "Is Ye Tianlong injured?"

Wang Gobi smiled and shook his head: "No, he saw the gunfight and hid it for the first time. He is an elf and will not let himself be harmed."

Lin Chenxue let out a sigh of relief, and then returned to silence.

The old man from the Rong family glanced at Lin Chenxue helplessly, then looked at Wang Gobi and asked, "Ye Tianlong is also at the scene? Can you testify to the Kong brothers?"

Wang Gebi nodded: "Yes!"

The old man of the Rong family snorted, "Although Ye Tianlong has a lot of grudges with the Kong family, what he said is somewhat credible."

"But no one can guarantee that Ye Tianlong was threatened by the Kong family. Ye Tianlong was afraid of death, and this was an opportunity for reconciliation, so he acted according to the Kong family script."

He tapped his finger on the table: "Ye Tianlong's testimony has no meaning at all."

Lin Chenxue hesitated and squeezed out: "If Song Dongzhong and Cai Jinyin were killed by the Kong family, how could Confucius leave Ye Tianlong?"

"He killed so many people, how could he give Ye Tianlong a way out?"

Lin Chenxue's red lips lightly said: "A family arranges the script, and one more outsider is a bit more risky, not to mention this outsider is a thorn in the head of the Bankong family."

Wang Gobi agreed, but he dared not agree.

The elder of the Rong family frowned, and he didn't seem to like Lin Chenxue's words: "Chenxue, there are many corners in it, you don't understand, don't mix."

"This matter, I have a sense of measure."

Lin Chenxue lowered her head and said nothing, but her eyes were less submissive.

The elder of the Rong family waved Lin Chenxue out first with the information. He had realized that it was unwise to talk about Ye Tianlong in front of Lin Chenxue.

After Lin Chenxue left the study, the old man from the Rong family stared sharply at Wang Gobi:

"In any case, Song Dongzhong and Cai Jinyin are dead, and the Kong family brothers can't escape the blame. Ye Tianlong is afraid that there is a problem."

"Pharaoh, let the police take Ye Tianlong for a good questioning. They must ask the truth. Besides, send a team of people to the scene to investigate the situation again."

He slapped the table hard: "Never tolerate a bad guy!"

Wang Gebi nodded: "Understand!"

"If you can, buckle up Ye Tianlong and interrogate slowly. If you can't nail the Kong brothers, then nail Ye Tianlong to me."

The old man in the Rong family felt a little gloomy when he thought of Lin Chenxue's situation just now: "I don't want to see him jumping in China again."


At this moment, Wang Gobi's mobile phone vibrated. He picked it up to answer for a moment, his face changed slightly, and he looked at the elderly Rong family and spoke:

"Ye Tianlong went to the police station."

The old man of the Rong family straightened his body: "Very well, then let the police detain him and find all excuses to detain him, even if he is unnecessarily charged."

Wang Gebi sighed lightly: "Can't deduct it."

The old man's eyes were cold: "Why?"

Wang Gobi squeezed out: "He went in a diplomatic court car..."

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