Talented Genius

Chapter 1052: Self-sufficient

Chapter 1052

The wind from the wing window slowly blows in. It is already dusk, and the wind that blows in is somewhat chilly.

The heat of the dishes on the table also drifted in the cold wind, as if to slowly cool down the temperature, the sizzling of the iron sheep's head stimulated the eardrums of the three.

After the shock, Yun Ji did not speak, move, or call the bodyguard, just silently watching the two people at the door.

She knows that doing nothing at this time is the best. Once there is a misunderstanding,

Two people with a smile on their faces but a chill on their bodies, the world seems to be full of murderous aura that can freeze all lives.

"My surname is Yuan!"

The Mongolian man erased the fleshy color on his face, revealing his original skin color and face. It was the middle-aged man Ye Tianlong had seen in Guangguang Temple:

"Everyone calls me Boss Yuan. It's trivial. Ye Shao has never heard of it. It's normal."

Ye Tianlong still held the iron plate in his palm, as steady as Mount Tai: "Boss Yuan? Fortunately, fortunately, you can pretend to be in front of me, you are a character."

"It's just that you and I don't seem to have any grudges, so what are you doing to kill me?"

Ye Tianlong smiled warmly: "Is it because I'm handsome?"

He didn't think that Boss Yuan was sent by the Song family or the Cai family. After all, he first met Boss Yuan in Guangguang Temple before killing Cai Jinyin and them.

Hearing Ye Tianlong's sentence, Boss Yuan laughed, with a hint of appreciation in his eyes: "You and I must have hatred, otherwise, how could I kill you?"

Then, he spoke first: "Ye Shao, when you see my remote control, don't you feel afraid that I will press it?"

"With your cleverness and mind, you can surely guess what is hidden in the iron sheep's head."

There was no wave on Ye Tianlong's face, and he replied without comment: "Of course, it's nothing more than explosives such as explosives."

Boss Yuan was very interested: "Then you don't worry about me pressing it down?"

"Of course you want to press it down, but you lose the opportunity to pull the distance away. You and I are sticking together now, I die, that is, you die."

Ye Tianlong looked calm: "And you don't want to take your own life, so I don't worry about you pressing it down."

Boss Yuan asked faintly: "Do you know I dare not press it?"

Ye Tianlong replied generously: "The sleeves of your shirt are rolled up to prevent the soup from splashing on your shirt."

"When you came in with the iron sheep's head, you deliberately avoided the oil stain under your feet, and a drop of soup lay on your collar, and you frowned."

"You came to kill me today. If you are really determined to die, how can you love to be so clean?"

He looked at Boss Yuan: "So I conclude that you don't want to die. Or, I will give you a chance. I will press the remote control for you?"

Ye Tianlong reached out to hold the remote control.

Boss Yuan could instinctively move three inches away, and the corner of his mouth moved a bit. He wanted to press the remote control with his thumb, but he still lacked the last bit of courage to die.

A good life has been going on for a long time, and Boss Yuan really doesn't want to die if he is not a last resort.

Ye Tianlong looked at Boss Yuan and said faintly, "I don't want to die, and I can't escape, why don't you tell me the black hand behind?"

Boss Yuan gave a wry smile: "Okay!"

He was very helpless and unwilling: "Her name is..."

When Yun Ji curiously pricked his ears to listen, Boss Yuan dropped his right hand, swished out an extra iron drill, and stabbed Ye Tianlong out.

Ruthless, accurate, and fast.

Boss Yuan has no reputation in the arena, but it does not mean that he is a trash. On the contrary, he is a killer who crawled out of the dead.

He seldom leaves room for others to fight back under a single blow, not to mention such a short-range thunder blow, few people in the world can stop it.

Yun Ji subconsciously yelled out: "Be careful!"


Ye Tianlong didn't evade, nor did he release a knife. He just moved the iron sheep's head, and the tall cover blocked the iron drill's assassination direction.


The iron drill pierced the aluminum lid, pierced the fragrant sheep's head, and then pierced Ye Tianlong's clothes.

Boss Yuan's stabbing was fierce, but half of the iron blade was submerged by the lid and sheep's head. The stabbing on Ye Tianlong's body only had a point.

Even at this point, he only pierced the clothes and stopped. There was a yellow explosive in the sheep's head hanging in the air.

Boss Yuan's face changed drastically, it was too late to subconsciously pull out the iron drill, and the iron plate supported by Ye Tianlong was directly pressed on his face.


The sizzling iron plate hot on the skin, immediately printed a red mark.


Boss Yuan, whose entire cheek was burned, let out a muffled snort, staggered back a few steps, and there was a touch of pain in his eyes.


It's just that he didn't have a buffer, and he drew a sharp iron rod and rushed towards Ye Tianlong again, like an off-string arrow, swift and sharp.

When he was approaching Ye Tianlong, Boss Yuan suddenly stabbed Ye Tianlong's heart. This trick was not a subtle martial arts, and even nothing changed.

But it was too accurate, too fast, and didn't give the opponent any chance to dodge and parry.

"Swish swish!"

Ye Tianlong shifted his footsteps, calmly avoiding the assassination of the opponent, and then one sideways picked up the sheep's head on the ground, once again blocking the attack of Boss Yuan.

Yun Ji was a little puzzled, why did Ye Tianlong's random movements always just enough to block Boss Yuan's attack?

Boss Yuan understands that his iron drill has just been pierced nine times, and Ye Tianlong's defense has also changed nine positions, but it is too fast to make people look at it.


Just when Boss Yuan exhausted his remaining power, Ye Tianlong threw the sheep's head and took advantage of Boss Yuan to dodge, hitting his thick Mongolian clothes with a palm.

Boss Yuan shook his body, then fell into flight with a muffled snort, fell heavily to the ground, fractured his ribs, and was no longer able to fight.

"Take it down!"

At this time, Yun Ji had called the security personnel to come in, and more than ten people held sabers and pointed at Boss Yuan, ready to besiege.

Ye Tianlong waved his hand to stop them from doing it, and looked at Boss Yuan who reached out his arms and smiled: "Say, who is the person behind you?"

"Speak out, I will let you go."

Boss Yuan's eyes widened, with endless doubts: "If I say it, you really let me go?"

Yun Ji was also a little surprised, but did not expect Ye Tianlong to give Boss Yuan a way out.

Ye Tianlong nodded calmly: "Yes, I really let you go, I promise a lot, but you have to be honest."

"Yao Feiyan..."

Boss Yuan thought for a while, then spit out a mouthful of blood, and struggled to squeeze out a name: "The 30 billion deadline is approaching."

Ye Tianlong narrowed his eyes: "Mrs. Yang? No, I should say Ms. Yao, you were sent by her to kill me?"

Boss Yuan slightly released the remote control in his arms and took the topic softly: "Yes, maybe Ye Shao has forgotten 30 billion, but Madam did not."

"She was worried in her dreams, her country was divided into half by you, and she didn't kill you in Mingjiang last time. This time I hope to kill you."

Boss Yuan stared at Ye Tianlong: "Ye Shao should know that Madam can only share adversities, not wealth."

Ye Tianlong said faintly: "Call her and I will believe you when I hear her voice."

"it is good!"

Boss Yuan didn't bother, read out a series of numbers, Yun Ji took out a mobile phone to call, and immediately pressed the hands-free button.

Soon, a soft voice came from the other end of the phone: "Hello, who?"

Ye Tianlong's eyelids twitched, and it was Yao Feiyan.

Boss Yuan shouted with difficulty: "Madam, it's me."

Yao Feiyan was very calm: "Old Yuan, what's wrong?"

Boss Yuan looked at Ye Tianlong with a frustrated expression: "Mission failed..."

Yao Feiyan faintly said: "Okay, I see, I'll talk later." Then, she hung up the phone.

Hearing a beep from the phone, Boss Yuan looked up at Ye Tianlong and squeezed a wry smile: "Ye Shao, do you believe it now?"

Ye Tianlong nodded calmly: "I believe it!"

Boss Yuan struggled, and then let out a long breath: "Can I go now?"

"Of course, I promised."

Ye Tianlong's expression was still calm, and then he pointed to the window: "Leave from behind, don't affect the guests in the restaurant."

Boss Yuan was startled slightly, and he didn't believe Ye Tianlong let him go. He hesitated to glance at the swordsman who surrounded him.

Yun Ji whispered: "Ye Shao——"

Ye Tianlong waved his hand: "Let him go!"

Yun Ji was helpless, and ordered the swordsman to give way.

A trace of joy flashed across Boss Yuan’s face, then a smear of blood on the corners of his mouth, he jumped out of the window...

Yun Ji rushed to the window and glanced, and saw Boss Yuan landing embarrassed, but he quickly got up again, rushed to the back door and rushed, while raising his hand.

The remote control is in hand.

"Ye Tianlong, go to death!"

Boss Yuan was full of hideous faces and laughed loudly. The young man, who always lacked a little experience, was destined to lose.

The remote control is in his hand, the sheep's head is still in the wing, and when he presses it, Ye Tianlong must be broken.

"Ye Shao!"

Yun Ji had already realized something, she turned her head to see the sheep's head not far away, her mind trembled, and after shouting a word, she threw down Ye Tianlong.

She hugged Ye Tianlong tightly, preparing to act as a barrier to the explosion...


On the grass outside the window, Boss Yuan laughed and pressed the remote control: "Goodbye!"

At this moment, Boss Yuan realized that there was something more in his grassland clothing, and he looked down and saw that it was the yellow explosive.

His old face was desperate for a moment: "No—"


With a loud noise, Boss Yuan was fried into meat sauce.

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