Talented Genius

Chapter 1057: Three generations of dog king (four more)

Yao Feiyan trembled, is he here?

She looked in a trance, condensed her gaze, and saw Ye Tianlong's figure gradually clear, filling her entire eyes and mind.

Yao Feiyan's expression was very complicated, with anxiety, excitement, and a trace of shame.

Before today's conflict, Yao Feiyan had always hoped that he would never see this man again in this life, and it would be best for Ye Tianlong to disappear completely in this world.

In this way, the 30 billion she promised would not be divided, but the coercion created by the Dalmatians just now made her feel that money is not everything for the first time.

At least at this time Ye Tianlong was more valuable than 30 billion.

Although Ye Tianlong was only one person, the more than 20 people who were blocking the road separated uncontrollably, allowing him to walk to Yao Feiyan's side with great momentum.

The corners of the Dalmatian's mouth kept moving, his fists clenched and loosened, and he wanted to make a move, but looking at Ye Tianlong, he couldn't find a gap.

Ye Tianlong asked Yao Feiyan softly: "Are you okay?"

Yao Feiyan dissipated the negative emotions and gently took Ye Tianlong's arm: "It's okay...but if you come here for a while, your leg is probably broken."

After being separated for too long and meeting again, Yao Feiyan is still no stranger, and he smells the familiar atmosphere against Nalanba and the warmth of mutual support.

She suddenly felt that if 30 billion could be exchanged for Ye Tianlong's care, Yao Feiyan was willing to try to divide this half of the country.

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "Then thank God for being here in time, or else you have broken your leg, how can you show off in bed?"

Yao Feiyan blushed, and then said softly: "Can we get out safely?"

"of course!"

Ye Tianlong glanced at the audience: "Although there are a lot of people, they are all **** to me."

Yao Feiyan felt at ease, she believed every word of Ye Tianlong.

"Boy! Who are you?"

Although a little surprised at Ye Tianlong's smashing back the Dalmatians, Fu Yun'an was very angry when seeing the two men and me, seeing him as nothing.

"Do you know who I am? Do you dare to be nosy? Do you want me to break your legs?"

Yao Feiyan whispered: "He is a rich nephew."

Ye Tianlong fingered the bowling ball and smiled nonchalantly: "It doesn't matter who you are, whoever bullies Yao Feiyan is bullying me."

"For those who bully me, I have always spared no effort to trample to death."

He looked at Fu Yunan with a playful look, and his voice was not angry and mighty: "Just now you said you wanted to interrupt Yao Feiyan's leg?"

Looking at it like this by Ye Tianlong, Fu Yunan couldn't stop his eyelids from jumping, and then roared into anger, "Yes, what did I say?"

"You have the ability to come and hit me."

He has so many subordinates, as well as dalmatians with full fighting capacity, so called Ban Ye Tianlong is naturally emboldened.

Ye Tianlong calmly said, "Don't worry, I will break your leg."

Fu Yunan snorted coldly: "Boy, I'll give you one last chance. Get out of here right away. I assume you haven't been here."

"Otherwise even you will be abandoned later!"

He also glanced at Yao Feiyan with an evil smile: "Mr. Yao, I didn't expect you to have a little white face. It seems that the relationship is quite close."

"Yunyun, your Yang family can claim back their assets with integrity."

He looked at the woman in red next to him and smiled: "Otherwise, the tens of billions of assets in the Yang family will all be cheaper to outsiders."

The woman in red stared at Yao Feiyan and took Ye Tianlong's hand, her pretty face was filled with sullen anger: "Yao Feiyan, shameless bitch."

"I want to unite all the Yang family members and drive you out of the Red Clothes Group."

She yelled viciously: "You are sorry to my uncle and Yang family."

Yao Feiyan faintly said: "I'm shameless? Yang Yun, where are you? It's sad to seize your own cargo ship and unite with outsiders to seize the Yang family."

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Fu Yunan pointed a finger at Ye Tianlong: "The last chance, go or not?"

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Guess?"

When the voice fell, Ye Tianlong threw his right hand abruptly, and the bowling ball blasted out like a cannonball and took Fu Yunan's abdomen.


The Dalmatian's face changed drastically, and he was the first to rush to the Savior, wanting to kick the bowling ball, but he was still half a beat slow on his toes.

When the tiptoe was in the air, the bowling ball slipped by exactly one second, letting the Dalmatians miss.

This speed and strength made the Dalmatian's face moved for the first time.

Fu Yun'an also changed his face in the red women's screams, instinctively wanted to avoid but too late, and the hands that pushed out were also lost.


The bowling ball hit Fu Yunan's abdomen directly, making a muffled sound, and then Fu Yunan's body shook, and he flew back with a gun.

The companions in the back instinctively wanted to support, but they felt brute force when they encountered Fu Yunan. They all fell off and Fu Yunan continued to roll.


Behind Fu Yunan happened to be the fairway. With this slip, he slid more than ten meters out, then hit a row of white bottles, clanged, and fell into the hole.


The audience was quiet. First, I looked at Fu Yunan, who was vomiting constantly, and then at Ye Tianlong, who was light and windy, all were surprised.

No one thought that Ye Tianlong's strength was so terrifying.

"Now you can tell me who you are."

Ye Tianlong clapped his hands lightly, ignoring the Fu's bodyguard who surrounded him, and smiled at Fu Yunan who was helped out by several companions.

Fu Yunan's face was pale, cold sweat was constantly oozing out, and his whole body was in pain. His abdomen was almost overwhelmed. He felt his internal organs were shaken.

Reluctantly to breathe, Fu Yunan immediately pointed at Ye Tianlong and squeezed out with difficulty: "Give me... Kill him..."

The Dalmatian stepped on first, his eyes widened, his hips twisted, then his knees were slightly bent, his ankles were looped, and the whole person seemed to be covered with countless rings.

Every muscle, bones, and skin shook violently.

At this moment, the Dalmatians are really a bit of a vicious dog rushing for food.

"Are you from the evil dog village in Cambodia?"

Ye Tianlong narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw this, and muttered to himself: "Unexpectedly, here, I can still meet people who have survived'dog biting a dog'."

"Three years of foundation building, three years of tempering, three years of slaughter, ten people left, one person, and the dead will feed their dogs!

"During the nine years, there was no hot rice, no hot vegetables, only leftovers, only chilled."

"Before sunrise, you must have a bite, and at sunset, you must have a meal."

"Before the murder, eight dishes and one soup, after the murder, serve cold food."

Hearing Ye Tianlong's words, the Dalmatian's body instantly shook, and the stagnant eyes had waves, and it fell sharply on Ye Tianlong's face.

He did not expect that someone knew where he came from, and then he squeezed out: "Who are you?"

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "The three generations of dog kings, do my best, you say, who am I?"

The Dalmatian eyes widened instantly: "Ye Tianlong?"

Ye Tianlong's voice suddenly became majestic: "Interrupt Fu Yunan's leg and let you leave here alive."

The dalmatian's mouth trembled, then turned around and walked towards Fu Yunan...

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