Talented Genius

Chapter 1065: What should I call you?

Fifteen minutes later, in a forest by the river, Helen drove the car into a remote place. There was a small house with tables, chairs, and beds.

This is a record point for observing migratory birds. Except for a fixed ten-and-a-half-month period every year, it is closed almost all the time.

But at this moment, the house is alive, everything is replaced with new ones, quilts, mosquito nets, air-conditioning are readily available, and there are toilets in the corners.

There is even a two-meter-long wooden bathtub against the wall, with a few **** underwear hanging on the side of the bucket, which seems to be Helen's residence.

Helen quickly moved Ye Tianlong out of the car, and then threw him in the bathtub in the house.

Then, she took out four sets of shackles and fixed Ye Tianlong's hands and feet on the bathtub with ‘Kaka Kaka’.

"Ye Tianlong, I really thought you couldn't fall into the shadows, now it seems that I look at you highly."

Seeing this horizontal and horizontal world is a headache, and the man who has made herself suffer several times is restrained, Helen's mouth has a touch of complacency, and her voice is very happy:

"Not only did you fail to recognize my Thousand Faces Transmutation Technique, you were stupidly eroded by my gold coins, coffee, and poison."

Helen pulled the shackles to confirm that they had locked Ye Tianlong firmly: "When the tofu of this lady is so delicious?"

"You don't have to think about resolving it. This poison is a three-in-one product. No matter how powerful you are, it will take a long time to resolve it. This time is enough for me to arrange it."

Then, she touched her pretty face again: "It seems that this ancient face changing technique has been successfully practiced."

Helen bloomed with a seductive smile, then tapped Ye Tianlong's head a few times, very proud that he did not respond.

"I thought I wouldn't collide with you so quickly, but I didn't expect you to come to Jiangcheng to help Yao Feiyan."

Helen's eyes have a ray of light, and he hums heavily, "The beauty is really all over the world."

"Originally promised to kill the Monster Killer to prevent you from affecting the Fuyun'an plan, so that he can smoothly swallow the Hongyi Group and assist Fu Yushun in the upper ranks."

"But seeing that you are so handsome, this demon girl can't bear it, let alone we also have feelings."

She stretched out her hands to undress Ye Tianlong: "It's just that you can't let you jump and fight against me all day, not good."

"I'm going to transform you and give you a medicated bath. This is the new achievement of Shemale Slaughter's poppy. As long as I take it once, I will become addicted to medicated baths."

"If you don't wash it once every three days, you will feel uncomfortable all over, just like taking drugs. Then you will listen to me."

Helen began to put the fluffy head in the tub, and then took out a box from her arms, which contained a packet of poppy-scented powder:

"After washing it, it can not only warm my bed, but also cook me, fight monsters, and be my most well-behaved and strongest servant."

Helen bloomed with the charm of a woman, and she reached out to put her hand in the bathtub to feel the temperature, and took the opportunity to touch Ye Tianlong's legs...


Helen just poured the powder into the bath, and when a poppy scent rose, the door of the room was suddenly kicked open, and then a uniformed woman appeared, aggressively.

Seeing everything in the house, especially Ye Tianlong, who was lying naked in the bucket, and Helen, who was leaning half of his body, the uniformed woman was particularly angry.

Various dramas flashed in her mind: "Ye Tianlong, you bastard."

"Come to abuse shameless women early in the morning, you are a shameless bastard."

The uniformed woman raised both willow eyebrows, and Feng's eyes showed more anger, like a cat whose tail was trampled on: "I'm so disappointed in you!"

Qin Ziyi!

She came to Jiangcheng for business and caught Helen and Ye Tianlong in the morning.

She was a little surprised that Ye Tianlong appeared in Jiangcheng, and she was even more angry about the close relationship between Ye Tianlong and the strange woman, so she came over to find out.

After finally tracking down here, I found that the two of them are more than intimate, it is completely lingering, mandarin duck bath, handcuffs, shackles, bathtub...

Qin Ziyi's brain was instantly congested, so he didn't analyze the situation anymore, and broke in directly to catch the rape: "I want to sue you for illegal transactions."

Qin Ziyi was angry, and Helen was even more unhappy. How could he not be angry when he was destroyed by someone at the door?

And also was charged with a young lady.


Before Qin Ziyi pulled out the gun from his waist, Helen poured hot water from the tub and hit Qin Ziyi's beautiful eyes.

At the same time, she pressed her hands on the edge, her delicate body bounced up, and one foot touched Qin Ziyi's wrist, with a fierce momentum.

Qin Ziyi instinctively deflected her cheek when he saw the hot water hitting. At this moment, Helen kicked Qin Ziyi's hand and the police gun landed with a snap.


The immense force forced Qin Ziyi to lose his center of gravity, and quit four or five steps after staggering.

However, Qin Ziyi was also a well-trained person, and soon stabilized his retreat, and then kicked Helen back in a spin.


She originally used a gun to scare Helen and Ye Tianlong, but she didn't expect Helen to use this heavy hand, so she was also angry.


Helen's eyes moved a bit, and as soon as he lifted his right foot against the opponent's ankle, he immediately pulled to his side, pulling Qin Ziyi's legs into a straight horse.

In the next second, Qin Ziyi slid and stepped on the opponent's calf, and Qin Ziyi moved his right foot away with a yell.

Helen lost her foot, her pretty face was a bit ugly, she didn't expect this policewoman to be a bit level, and then her right foot fell on the floor, and her left foot swung out!


Hearing only a loud noise, Qin Ziyi's shoulder was hit hard by Helen, and his whole body slid back two or three meters before hitting the wall hard to stop.

There was a trace of pain on the pretty face.

However, Qin Ziyi quickly bounced on the floor, avoiding Helen and then making a heavy kick.

Then his hands were wrong, he forced Helen's fist, and his right foot took the opportunity to tap Helen two steps back.

"A bit of a standard!"

A sneer flashed across Helen's mouth: "It's a pity that I'm still a thousand miles away. Now, let me end the fight."

Thinking about Ye Tianlong, she decided not to play with Qin Ziyi, so she waved her hands and dozens of ribbons shot out from her body.

Like a snake, the silver ribbon swishes and flies, making it hard to guard against.

Qin Ziyi dodged seven, but did not dodge the eight behind. His hands and feet shook, he was entangled by the tough ribbon, and there was brute force.

Qin Ziyi paced steadily, carrying capacity with both hands, ready to counter Helen's pull.

"Pump pound!"

Just as Helen sneered and was about to tear Qin Ziyi down, only a few bright lights flashed by, and then all the ribbons were broken into two, and there was a sound.

Helen lowered her head to see that there were all broken shackles. She turned her head and looked around and saw Ye Tianlong get up leisurely and wrapped a bath towel.

"Don't hurt Zi Yi, she is my woman."

Ye Tianlong jumped out of his hand, smiling calmly watching Helen say: "Should I call you Helen or Demon Ji?"

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