Talented Genius

Chapter 1079: problem occurs

At 7 o'clock in the morning, Haofang Garden, this is Liu Ye's mansion, he and Fu Yushun lived here last night.

Although I talked to Fu Yushun about late at night, the two sides verbally set six cooperation matters, but they still did not prevent Liu Ye from getting up early for morning exercises.

Liu Ye drank a glass of warm water on an empty stomach, and then walked out of the room to exercise. He walked slowly for fifteen minutes, and then practiced Tai Chi for another half an hour.

Dressed in a Tang suit, accompanied by a few Tai Chi push hands, it is very beautiful in the sun. People who don't know, think Liu Ye is the master of the open school.

It's just that Liu Ye didn't practice his boxing very carefully today. He looked at the gate from time to time, and ended up hastily in the end. It seemed that there was something on his mind.

He had just wiped his hands with a hot towel, and a woman in yellow clothes leaned forward with a dignified look on her face: "Liu Ye."

Liu Ye threw the towel on the tray: "Ouyang Jinyue, has Tiewan Hook come back?"

The yellow-clothed woman whispered: "No, he and more than a hundred brothers did not find a single shadow, as if the world had evaporated."

"I sent three groups of personnel to search, but none of them found the iron hook."

The pretty face of the woman in yellow is very solemn: "There is no one at home, at the entrance, or at the club."

"How is this possible? How can there be more than a hundred people alive, how can they disappear?"

Liu Ye's expression tightened, and his words showed a sharp tone: "Besides, they also have a phone. Your Intelligence Office can completely locate it."

Ouyang Jinyue took the topic: "We can locate it, but we can't locate it. The phone seems to have been destroyed, and the other party did not leak."

Only then did Liu Ye feel underestimate the enemy, not only Iron Hook, but also Ye Tianlong himself, and he didn't know how to die until now.

Although he hadn't seen the corpse with his own eyes, he vaguely felt something was wrong.

However, Liu Ye is an old river and lake after all. He calmed his mind and asked: "Then, do you know, where did Tiewan Hook besieged that kid?"

Ouyang Jinyue exhaled: "No one knows about this. Tie Kuan Hook received your order last night to lock Ye Tianlong's whereabouts and rush straight to it."

"It is estimated that the cousin is worried about the leak, so before the action, only Iron Hook and the two spies knew the location, and the rest were not clear.

Ouyang Jinyue whispered: "But I have tracked down the car they drove, and I believe I will find the whereabouts of the brothers in action soon."

They all thought that cleaning up Ye Tianlong was similar to squeezing an ant, so they didn't pay much attention to it.

The woman in yellow comforted the elderly softly: "Liu Ye, you don't need to worry too much."

"Tiewangou is the old rivers and lakes, with more than a hundred people, here is our site again, they can't make trouble, and Ye Tianlong can't make waves."

She expressed a sense of confidence: "The main reason for being chaotic this time is to underestimate the enemy. Give me some more time to make sure that I can find the iron hook."

Liu Ye asked again: "Where is Ye Tianlong?"

Ouyang Jinyue responded quickly: "In Yao Feiyan's garden, he lives with Yao Feiyan, and I saw his shadow on the inside line in the morning."

Liu Ye sneered: "You have a kind of kid, he has done so many things, and if he doesn't rush, he still dares to stay in Yao Feiyan's garden, so he is not afraid of death."

"It's best if they are safe, otherwise, if there is any accident, Lao Tzu will take someone to level the Feiyan Garden."

Ouyang Jinyue responded: "Liu Ye calmed down. We will definitely get back the humiliation he gave us."

The sixth master snorted: "If you can run, the monk can't run to the temple. Send someone to stare at the Feiyan Garden."

"As long as this kid doesn't leave Jiangcheng, it means that his life is always in my hands. If I want him to live, he will live, and if I want him to die, he will die."

There was light in his eyes: "Also, one more team will guard the garden. I want to see, on the night of the full moon, can he take my head."

Ouyang Jinyue respectfully replied: "I understand."

When she was about to turn around and leave, she remembered one more thing: "Liu Ye, one of the eight heavenly kings of the Thirteen League, Blood Shadow, arrived in Jiangcheng in the morning."

"He came here on behalf of Zhao Wuji and negotiated with Liu Ye about the alliance, hoping that Liu Ye could join the 13th alliance and become the first sword in the south."

Ouyang Jinyue spoke with a gun: "Liu Ye's interests in Jiangcheng remain unchanged, and he can still get the manpower and material support of the 13 Leagues."

"He said that he came with Zhao Wuji's sincerity, and hoped that Master Liu could take some time to see him."

The corner of Liu Ye's mouth evokes a joking: "I am sixty. If I still believe that there is a free lunch in the world, then my brain is flooded."

"Who is Zhao Wuji? The guy who eats people and doesn't spit out bones, he will give you a hundred yuan, and he will definitely dig a thousand yuan from you."

"But the 13th League is not easy to provoke, and can't be offended indiscriminately, otherwise we will be embarrassed on all sides, I will handle this matter carefully."

Liu Ye's eyes rolled around: "You tell him, on the night of the full moon, I will invite him to dinner, and in addition, you will prepare a generous gift for me."

Ouyang Jinyue was taken aback for a moment, and then responded with a smile: "Six Lords are wise."

After the woman in yellow turned and left, another figure flashed in the far corner. Fu Yushun stretched out from the entrance of the side hall, in good spirits.

"Liu Ye, good morning."

Fu Yushun raised a kind smile: "Look at your complexion. Things didn't go well last night?"

Liu Ye already regarded Fu Yushun as an ally, so he didn't hide too much: "More than 100 people were attacked and killed last night, but none of them came back."

"No, to be precise, none of them can be contacted."

Liu Ye's eyes narrowed slightly: "I'm afraid it's too bad."

Hearing that the more than one hundred people had not come back, Fu Yushun's old face was also a little surprised: "All dead? Where does this kid get this energy?"

"According to what you said last night, he is an outsider. He doesn't have any foundation in Jiangcheng, and there is no Fu's chess piece to borrow. How could he be so powerful?"

Fu Yushun made a conjecture: "Is it Yao Feiyan's person?"

Liu Ye shook his head: "Yao Feiyan and Ye Tianlong must have a leg, but she definitely has no ability to make a hundred people disappear."

"Yao Feiyan's captive thugs can take care of the nursing home. Large-scale killings are definitely not possible, let alone make more than a hundred people disappear."

Fu Yushun nodded, and then thoughtfully: "It seems we need to re-evaluate that kid's strength."

"Forget it, don't think about these bad things early in the morning."

Liu Ye touched his head, and then laughed: "Let's go to breakfast, things will come to light sooner or later."

He squinted his eyes and looked at the sky again, his smile a little more exuberant: "Fu brother, congratulations, a long night passed without incident."

Fu Yushun smiled and nodded: "It's all due to the sixth master, I think, the remaining thirty-six hours will definitely be without surprises."

Liu Ye said with a proud look: "As long as you are in Jiangcheng, no one can hurt you."

At this moment, Fu Yushun's phone rang suddenly, and he took out his cell phone to answer, and soon a panicked voice came out:

"Mr. Rich, it's not good, something happened to the rich and the young."

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