Talented Genius

Chapter 1082: I'll kill him (four more)

Overturned in the gutter!

This was Fu Yushun's first thought when he saw Baifen. After playing a conspiracy for so many years, he didn't expect to be turned around and stabbed today.

Eighty percent of this game was set up jointly by Fu Yuan Wai and Ye Tianlong, and Fu Yunan was their lead, and his beloved son was fooled.

Now that 30 kilograms of white powder have been found from the convoy, if you want to survive, there is no other way than to bite yourself without knowing it.

Just let Liu Ye carry this black pot, Liu Ye will hate himself or even kill himself, in short, no one can bear the blow of this batch of white powder.

In a dilemma, Fu Yushun could only stare at Ye Tianlong and sneered: "Ye Tianlong, a good method."

He didn't know how Ye Tianlong hid the white powder in, but he believed it must be the whistleblower.

"What is a good method, I can only say that Skynet is restored without fail."

Ye Tianlong's face was pretending to be a cross: "Former vice president, you have done too many bad things and harmed countless people. God sent me to clean up you."

"Don't despair, go back and explain to Officer Qin, and strive for leniency, maybe you can get back an old life."

He glanced at Liu Ye's hand, and squeezed out a sentence: "Besides, with your shamelessness, you can push the white powder on them."

The thirty elite Liu Ye was shocked when they heard the words, with a touch of dignity and fear on their faces, and then all their eyes fell on Fu Yushun's face.

They are all wondering, will Fu Yushun give them a scapegoat? Do you want to tell what you know?

People are messed up!

Ye Tianlong's words can easily lead dozens of people to testify against Fu Yushun, 30 kilograms of white powder, any suspicion will be devastating.

Fu Yushun knew that Ye Tianlong was calculating, and was so angry that he pointed at Ye Tianlong and shouted: "You, you...have a kind."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense!"

Qin Ziyi and the others have checked the eight cars carefully, and when they found nothing else, they waved their hands: "Take it home for a good interrogation."

A uniformed man quickly handcuffed Fu Yushun and the others, then stuffed them into the police car and returned to the bureau for interrogation. When Fu Yushun entered the car door, he turned his head and shouted:

"Ye Tianlong, you can't nail me to death. There will be no evidence that I am related to this pile of white powder."

He also shouted to Qin Ziyi: "This is a planting, this is a framed."

Ye Tianlong bit off the last bit of ice cream: "Good journey."

Before Fu Yushun was sent to police custody, Ye Tianlong would not tell him that there was his Fu Yushun fingerprint on the white powder.

Two hours later, Ye Tianlong, who had recorded his confession, came out of the Jiangcheng Police Station. Just standing at the door, a white nanny car drove over.

Ye Tianlong pulled the car door and sat in. Before leaning on the seat, a tender and fragrant body leaned over, and the face of the people who caused the country and the people appeared:

"Xiao Longlong, get rid of Fu Yushun, I'm helping you a lot, how are you going to thank me?"

Like a fox, the enchantress teased Ye Tianlong: "Do you want to agree with your body?"

"If you don't need money, your body is fine. You can use it anytime you like. I am very helpful."

Ye Tianlong squeezed Demon Ji's waist twice, and then pushed the woman on the opposite seat: "It's just that you have to think carefully, I don't love you very much."

"You occupy me, you can only get my body, not my heart."

Ye Tianlong smiled very warmly: "And you have to remember that once you start eating meat, you will leave your organization."

"It's not interesting."

A trace of melancholy flashed across the pretty face of the enchantress: "We turned our enemies into friends, and we slapped Fu Yushun, you can't coax me well."

She lifted her slender and white thighs and placed the crystal clear jade feet on Ye Tianlong's abdomen. Then, Yao Ji's pretty face showed a touch of approval:

"This round was really good."

Ye Tianlong took a bottle of soda water, the enchantress gave Fu Yun an medicine, and the wealthy members provided white powder.

He poured a big mouthful into his mouth and then smiled: "Fu Yushun still wants to get out of it. He didn't expect that Baifen had his fingerprints."

"Even if he has amazing energy and doesn't shoot him, he will stay in prison to death."

The enchanting girl smiled like a flower: "The rich man is sinister enough to pack the white powder that Fu Yushun has touched before, and send it all to us."

"But looking at his posture and preparations, I am afraid that he has long thought about dealing with Fu Yu smoothly."

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "I won't talk about the rich family. Let me talk about you. How can you explain to the monster butcher except for the target of the assistant?"

The enchanting girl arched her toes slightly, exerting two more strength on Ye Tianlong, and she was full of confidence: "No need to confess."

"Who told Fu Yun'an to belittle me first? It's good for me not to kill them personally, and want me to work for them? It's just whimsical."

"Furthermore, although the Monster Killer is strong and there are many dead men, it is only limited to Man Guo. In China and Heng Guo, he cannot make waves."

Her cold eyes revealed a murderous intent: "I really pester me, I will kill him to kill him in the country."

"If I can't kill, I will take you to kill together. You are my patron now."

As soon as the style of the enchanting girl changed, her toes drew a few circles: "If you don't help me, who will help me?"

Ye Tianlong removed the woman's crystal-like feet: "I'll help you less? If it weren't for me, you would have been ruined by Fu Yunan now."

"Now not only Fu Yushun has to sit in prison, but Fu Yun'an is also ruined, and it is estimated that he will not be able to leave China."

Demon Ji laughed, very sweet: "Then how do you want me to repay? Or you marry me."

"As long as you promise to marry me, I will leave the organization and marry you immediately, and I won't be a saint again, even if I am accused by many people."

"You don't need to agree with your body, you do me a favor and tell the King of India to kill that woman."

Ye Tianlong's smile became playful: "She is alive and always a thorn to my brother."

Enchantress laughed again, and then she sat beside Ye Tianlong and said, "Who is the King of India? You should know better than me."

"No matter what she did wrong or how many people she killed, as long as she didn't want to die, King Yin would not let her die."

"Actually, I envy her, at least she has loved and been loved by someone."

"She deeply loves the King of Yin, and is deeply loved by Tianmo. In this life, she has long been satisfied to show love and hatred with the two strong men."

The woman was all over the country, and she loved the King of India all her life but could not get the King of India, so she tempted Tianmo because of love and hatred, and used Tianmo's knife to kill the King of India.

For example, King Feiyin is a powerhouse close to the peak, I am afraid that he would be slaughtered by Tianmo, who smashed into the Seven Great Halls with one sword.

The end of her life is not very good, but the process is bright enough.

The car stopped at the intersection, and the demon girl looked at Ye Tianlong: "Xiaolonglong, if one day, I am taken away, will you enter the Seven Great Halls to save me?"

Ye Tianlong did not answer, but asked indifferently: "You said, what will Liu Ye do now?"

"You think about my problem."

The pretty cold-faced Demon Fairy opened the car window: "I'll kill him."

She jumped out directly from the window.

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