Talented Genius

Chapter 1084: My knife is faster

At the beginning of the Hua Deng, Jiangcheng Bar, people come and go, and alcohol is everywhere.

A silver-clothed man leaned against a bar, his appearance was soft, his temperament was elegant, his eyes shone in sapphire blue, and he was full of depth.

There were eighteen cocktails in front of him, all of which were the most exciting drinks in the bar, which made people appetite when they looked at them, and the smell of them was even more tangy.

But it also means the strength of the cocktail.

However, the silver-clothed man didn't care at all. While leaning on the bar, he squeezed the wine glass and threw one cup after another in his mouth, drinking very happily.

Eighteen glasses of cocktails were quickly drunk by him, and his cheeks started to be a little rosy, but his eyes were still clear and he could see people's hearts at any time.

"Brother Dao, let's drink two less cups first."

Just as he picked up the thirteenth cup and threw it into his mouth, a flat-headed young man came over and cautiously advised: "We will have to perform the task later."

"Liu Ye gave the order to die. Before dawn, we must mention Ye Tianlong's head to see him, otherwise we will fall to the ground."

"We have locked Ye Tianlong. He is eating supper at the Chunfeng food stall. I have arranged for thirty brothers to surround him."

He watched the silver-clothed man drink the fourteenth glass of wine: "Just wait for you to preside over the overall situation."

"Originally we wanted to do it directly, but I heard that this kid is not easy. Hall Master Tie's over 100 people have all folded."

The flat-headed young man looked respectful: "So you should sit down and be safe."

The silver-clothed man ignored the straight-headed youth, and continued to drink the rest of the cocktail unhurriedly. This has become his habit.

Always drink 18 glasses of cocktails before killing, so that you can not only maximize your courage, but also maximize your silver knife.


After drinking the eighteenth glass of wine, the silver-clothed man threw the glass on the table, grabbed a cigarette, and turned and walked towards the door lonely.

The straight-headed youth hurriedly followed with a few companions.

It didn't take long before the two commercial vehicles drove away from the bar. As soon as the cars left, the 18 wine glasses that Silver Knife had drunk were immediately taken away.

Then, a few warm rags were wiped on it, and all traces disappeared for an instant.

Of course, Yin Dao wouldn't know all of this, he just leaned on the back seat, squinting his eyes to look at the night scene ahead.

He was a little lonely, a little melancholy, and a little unspeakably lonely.

Although he is now a high-powered person and is still a well-known figure in Jiangcheng, this is not the life that Yindao wants. His biggest dream is to be a professor.

Yindao likes to stand on the podium and write on the blackboard with chalk. He also likes to read the books to enjoy the vigor of young men and women.

He also tried his best to make himself outstanding and hoped to stay in school when he graduated. He vowed to be the youngest and most outstanding professor.

It is a pity that his dreams and wishes were cut off in the year of graduation.

Yindao still remembers that he couldn't get through his girlfriend's phone that night, so he ran to the girl downstairs to find her because he was worried about her.

As a result, before he got downstairs, he saw his girlfriend in a skirt sitting in a Mercedes with his tutor, and he could judge what was going on from his blurred look.

At that moment, Yindao died of love, and his life was half dead.

He didn't remember the follow-up of that night, only knew that it was at the police station to regain his sanity again, and his body was full of blood, falling drop by drop.

Someone who has a mentor, someone who has a girlfriend, and someone who has his own cut.

He was regarded as passionate murder, not sentenced to death, but lifeless. He originally wanted to sit in prison, but he met Liu Ye and finally came out after only ten years.

After he came out, he became a **** of the Sixth Master, with a silver knife, bloodbathed most of the Jiangcheng gang.

He has given Liu Ye a great reputation, he has also won a reputation for himself, and he has inexhaustible money, but he is still unhappy.

This unhappiness was because of the boring life and the invincible loneliness. Looking at Jiangcheng, he could not find a strong opponent.

Even with the golden gun, he did not dare to let go of the gun to fight him.

Invincible heart, invincible knife, how can Ye Tianlong, who is going to kill tonight, jump until dawn?

The corner of Yindao's mouth evoked a touch of joking, and he reached out his hand to close the car window, suddenly his eyelids jumped, and there was an extra man at the crossroads in his vision.

He was as long and thin as a silver knife, but standing at the intersection, he was as straight as a javelin.

Canshou, the canshou Ye Tianlong called from Mingjiang.


The silver knife suddenly smiled, and then issued an instruction: "Crash over."

The straight-headed youth immediately stepped on the accelerator and slammed into the target man.

The distance between the two sides was not far, the car suddenly accelerated, and it was even closer.

Just when the car was about to touch the opponent, instead of dodge, Canshou sank his feet, and then his body shot forward.


The car screamed and ran into the place where the hand was standing, but there was no sound that the flat-headed youth wanted, and the opponent disappeared in an instant.

The corner of Yindao's mouth rose, and his body kept moving, and suddenly he patted the direction of the skylight above his head with a palm.

In the darkness, on the top of the commercial car, a slender figure was standing there lightly, it was the candid hand.

However, as soon as Can Shou's feet landed, a terrifying sound came from the skylight.


A fist severely smashed a hole in the roof of the car, and then hit the bottom of the left hand's right foot with great precision.

Canshou's eyes flickered, and his step sank hard.


The fists and feet collided fiercely, making a dull sound, and then, Canhand bounced up with the help of his strength, and his body suddenly churned into the void.

Yindao's body also shook, brute force rushed all over the arm, soreness, just like a punch that hit an iron plate, he could not help secretly calling out to meet a master.

At the same time, the running commercial car made a "click" sound, the roof collapsed, and the whole body suddenly sank.


The flat-headed youth stepped on the brake subconsciously, the car made a sharp braking sound on the road, and then stopped at the fastest speed.

But because the speed was too fast before, when the car stopped steadily, the whole body was thrown out because it lost its balance.

The light directly deviated from the road forty-five degrees and shot towards the road, just focusing on the cold-looking hand.


The silver knife kicked the car door and touched the debris on the top of his head. A silver knife flashed out, staring at Canshou and asking, "Who?"

The five flat-headed young men also went out, pulled out an iron hook, and approached them with murderous aura, "Boy, do you want bloodletting?"

"I heard that your knife is fast."

Canshou said indifferently: "I came here to tell you that my sword is faster!"

The next second, he released his right hand, and the blade pouring out, like a meteor and a river.


The five flat-headed young people didn't even lift the hook, and their bodies shook and fell to the ground, clutching their throats.

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