Talented Genius

Chapter 1086: Prince and General

There were also three stab wounds on the disabled hand, one on the shoulder blade, one on the ventral side, and one on the arm. The blood-impregnated marks were expanding.

It's just that his injury is much better than the silver knife.

The whole process from the attack by the broken hand to the end of the battle, in fact, lasted only six minutes.

Canshou dragged the injured body and picked up the weapon of the silver knife. It was a seven-inch small knife made of stainless steel, indicating that it was coated with silver.

"you lose."

Canshou stood in front of the silver knife, the two stared at each other, and Canshou's eyes were grim for manipulating life and death.

And the expression on Yindao's face unexpectedly relaxed, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, indicating that he was laughing, and whispered:

"Are you from Ye Tianlong?"

Canshou nodded: "Yes!"

The silver knife asked again: "You killed the iron hook?"

Canshou still nodded: "Yes!"

Yin Dao smiled and asked: "Who exposed my whereabouts to you? Six masters are yours around?"

Canshou responded honestly: "I don't know."

"My whereabouts have always been erratic, but before killing people, I liked to go to Jiangcheng Bar for 18 cocktails."

Yin Dao sighed: "Only a few people know this habit, and killing Ye Tianlong tonight is even more a temporary task."

"But you not only know it, but you also made tricks in the wine."

"I may lose tonight, but it's not as simple as that. At least I can change your hand. Unfortunately, my strength is restricted."

He was a little regretful: "At the critical moment, I didn't block you by a elbow."

"I can tell, but I don't know what's going on."

Canshou still shook his head: "I only know, when and where, when you show up, I will kill you."

Yin Dao nodded: "I believe you... well, don't talk nonsense, don't forget, you promised me..."

"I will remember!"

Canshou nodded lightly, and then faintly said: "Go all the way."

The next second, he nailed the silver knife into the opponent's throat.

Yindao's body shook, and then passed away with a smile...

"Really delicious!"

Almost at the same moment, at the Jiangcheng food stall, Ye Tianlong was holding a roasted chicken leg, gnawing at it, and pouring beer from time to time.

He eats very happily and comfortably, as if he hadn't eaten meat for many years.

He feasted on it like the New Year, but the thirty men and women in black around him looked ugly and stared at Ye Tianlong like a wolf.

They looked at the time, looked at the way, put their right hand in their arms three times, and took them out three times.

They were waiting, waiting for the instruction to besieged Ye Tianlong. They had been sitting for an hour, and even fools could see their intentions.

Although Ye Tianlong did not leave and just sat on the seat to eat, the thirty people in black still felt anxious.

They smelled a bad breath, but they couldn't tell what was wrong. They made three calls to the young man and others, but no one answered.

The diners around felt murderous, and they continued to pay for the food stall, which could accommodate nearly a hundred people, and Ye Tianlong was left alone soon.

After the boss and the waiter fried the last two dishes for Ye Tianlong, they bit their lip and hid in the room and stopped coming out. The surveillance camera was also turned off.

"Brother, you can't wait any longer. If you wait any longer, people's hearts will only get chaotic."

One person looked at Ye Tianlong, who was so happy, and whispered to a team leader: "Just do it."

The other people in black also nodded one after another: "Do it."

The team leader looked at the phone, then at Ye Tianlong, and finally bit his teeth: "Hands!"


Thirty people all drew out silver sabers, kicked off the tables and chairs, and approached Ye Tianlong murderously.


Just when thirty people thought that Ye Tianlong was going to fight fiercely, Ye Tianlong slammed the table, smashed five or six people directly, and then ran wildly.

His violent rage was too unexpected, and the speed was extremely fast, so the eight people blocking the road on the side were not prepared at all, and Ye Tianlong easily smashed out.


Thirty people were stunned when they saw it, but they didn't expect Ye Tianlong to be so spineless, and then roared together, carrying a saber to chase Ye Tianlong.

"Kang Dang, Dang Dang!"

While running, Ye Tianlong threw up tables and chairs and threw out a few chairs from time to time. The chasing soldiers were either tripped or hit, which was very embarrassing.

But this also aroused the anger of the chasing soldiers, they all shouted to chase Ye Tianlong, even to the end of the world.

"Swish swish!"

Ye Tianlong kept a distance with them, about ten meters away, so that the chasing soldiers could see but couldn't cut them, and he created obstacles from time to time.

Seeing the chaser holding dozens of sabers, passers-by screamed and avoided when they saw it, making Ye Tianlong run more happily.

Seeing that Ye Tianlong kept jumping and tumbling, and overturning more than a dozen people, the chaser became more angry, and regardless of the influence, he immersed himself in the chase.

Ye Tianlong ran across a street, glanced at the time, and then ran to the opposite'Jiangcheng Bank'.

Dozens of chasing soldiers pursued without hesitation, their sabers were raised high, and Ye Tianlong was smashed at any time.



"Prince generals, I would rather be kind."

After rushing through the street, Ye Tianlong shouted slogans like a nerve, and at the same time rushed to Jiangcheng Bank like a cheetah.

At the door of the bank, two cash transport vehicles, several staff members are carrying boxes in.

Hearing Ye Tianlong's shout, and seeing a group of people behind Ye Tianlong, the guards escorting the car immediately tightened their nerves, and all four of them stepped forward and raised their guns.

The guard yelled again and again: "Stop! Stop!"

Ye Tianlong ignored it, still shouting loudly: "Kill, grab, go rich, don't forget each other."

Fifty meters, thirty meters, twenty meters...

The red-eyed chaser behind was also biting hard, and the saber was raised high.

The guard yelled again: "Stop!"

Ten meters!

Warning distance!

The four guards raised their guns, and they all fired together.


At this moment, Ye Tianlong lowered his body, lay directly on the ground, rolled on the spot, and hid under the vehicle parked in front of the bank.

The four guards were taken aback, wondering what Ye Tianlong meant.


At this time, dozens of chasing soldiers still kept inertial forward, and because Ye Tianlong moved too fast, they didn't see him turning under the car.

So dozens of people rushed towards the cash transport truck with sabers.


The guard roared again, but the crowd couldn't stop at all. The front wanted to stop, but when the crowd came back, they rushed up.

The saber is sharp, the crowd is like a demon, and the situation is out of control, which is scary.


A guard fired a warning shot into the sky subconsciously, but as soon as his arm was raised, a coin hit his wrist, the muzzle lowered, and the trigger snapped.

The shotgun ejected hundreds of iron **** in an instant.


Six chasing soldiers collapsed.

The shot was fired, and the other three guards also pulled the trigger.

"Boom boom boom!"

The chasing soldiers fell down!

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