Talented Genius

Chapter 1091: Kill him by then

This slap caused the Danfengyan woman to turn around twice, and spit out a mouthful of blood again after a long while.

Amidst the stunned spectators around, the Danfengyan woman couldn't believe Ye Tianlong, and then she covered her cheek and shouted, "Kill him!"

In her hysteria, the two hunk men twisted their necks and rushed forward without saying a word, their fists blasted at Ye Tianlong like cannonballs.

They were also martial arts practitioners, and they could see that Ye Tianlong had some skills, so they attacked mercilessly.

The flower girl subconsciously spit out two words: "Be careful--"

As soon as she spoke, she coughed twice, and a trace of blood appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Do not talk!"

Ye Tianlong shouted: "I'm fine!"

The two people thought they were domineering, and they were vulnerable to Ye Tianlong's eyes. After twisting their bodies a few times, they calmly avoided the opponent's attack.

After the opponent failed with continuous fists, Ye Tianlong grabbed a rushing opponent, took advantage of the situation, and threw one over the shoulder and fell to the ground.


Then he knelt down with one leg, his knees slammed into the opponent's abdomen, and the fierceness caused the spectators around to tremble.

The hunk's eyes widened in an instant, his face felt like he was about to die.

A mouthful of blood spurted out.

Ye Tianlong didn't stop there, kicking his chin quickly.

With a click, the macho head tilted and fainted on the spot.

Another fierce man took the opportunity to punch Ye Tianlong's back of the head. Ye Tianlong heard the sound of the wind and could not avoid it. He turned around and swept his legs.


A beautiful arc was drawn with his right foot, and the attacker fell to the ground, his calf being swept off by Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong turned around and grabbed the guy's hair, pulled it up, leaped vigorously, and threw the guy onto the pillar at the door.

Before the other party struggled, Ye Tianlong pressed the other party's head and slammed on the pillar!


There was a crisp sound, just a knock, the other party's head was splashed with blood, and then fell silently, shocking many people around screaming.

Ye Tianlong threw the other party on the ground and looked at the Dan Fengyan women and them coldly: "Thirteen Leagues, can you afford to recruit?"

The Danfengyan women who saw their two companions were suddenly injured and unconscious, first they shocked Ye Tianlong's skill, and then each one was filled with righteous indignation.

The four people gathered around at the same time and shouted, "Boy, do you dare to hurt our brother?"

Ye Tianlong pointed a finger to the two people on the ground: "Isn't this obvious?"

The Danfengyan women yelled, "I'm looking for death!"


Just when they were about to rush up, the long-haired man waved his finger to stop the Danfengyan women from impulsively. He could see that Ye Tianlong was not easy to provoke.

"Little brother, you have two sons, but in these years, fists are not everything, and you must not forget that this is a country ruled by law."

He smiled without a smile: "Believe it or not, if I make a call, the police will come and arrest you and accuse you of intentional assault?"

Ye Tianlong responded non-committal: "If I hadn't had a second time, I would end up like a flower girl, and I would be the target of your trampling early."

"At this moment, I am immortal and have broken a few ribs. Therefore, a fist is not omnipotent, but without a fist, it is absolutely impossible."

He looked at the guy with the knife in the smile coldly: "You can call me and you are not afraid of the police, so what am I afraid of?"

"I didn't hurt two people. You should do it first, and you also severely injured a girl, and you have hidden weapons one by one."

Ye Tianlong has confidence on his face: "You are 100% control of knives, the official is here, let's see who is more guilty."

Hearing this, the long-haired man squinted his eyes and looked at Ye Tianlong with interest: "The eyes are very poisonous, but didn't your parents teach you a word?"

"The smarter the child, the easier it is to die..."

Before the voice fell, the long-haired man moved his feet and shot Ye Tianlong directly, quickly and ruthlessly, and unexpectedly.

At the same time, a violent and **** breath was released, full of power and pressure.

This momentum suddenly gave Ye Tianlong the feeling of being in a mountain of **** corpses.

At this moment, it seems that this world is a world where long-haired men dominate the power of life and death, and Ye Tianlong is just an ant in this world.

Ye Tianlong passed by with a touch of surprise, a state of excitement also surging from the bottom of his heart, filling his whole body.

Really a strong opponent.

Ye Tianlong's eyes were still peaceful, and a frightening aura swept over him. Instead of retreating, he stiffened and took a step forward.


The long-haired man, like a ghost, came to Ye Tianlong's body and blasted out a punch.

Ye Tianlong let out a cold snort, blocking it with one hand.


The fists intersect, and there is a soft snap, which is extremely low-key and gentle, with no earth-shattering domineering sound permeating.

However, the air flow was strong, and the clothes of the two of them were hunting.


Then, Ye Tianlong's body shook, and he stepped back and stood firmly, but the long-haired man withdrew five steps and stopped by stepping on a stone pier with his right foot.

The Danfengyan women were all surprised, and it was hard to believe that the master had fallen.

The long-haired man's face also changed, but he quickly raised a smile: "Who are you?"

Ye Tianlong rubbed the blood on the palm of his palm. It was the bruise on the fist joint of a long-haired man. It was insignificant, just like a mosquito bite.

He flicked the blood away, then looked at the long-haired man and said:

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that you are a little bit behind me."

Ye Tianlong said faintly: "Apologize to the little girl, and pay another 100,000 yuan. Today's matter is over, otherwise, you have to go to the hospital."

Dan Fengyan women's expressions changed drastically, and they shouted, "You--"

The long-haired man waved his hand to stop everyone's impulse, staring directly at Ye Tianlong with piercing eyes.

After a long time, he coughed up a smear of blood, looked at the scar on his fist, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and laughed at Ye Tianlong:

"Having this kind of cultivation at a young age really shocked me. My skills are not as good as you. Today, I am guilty of death."

He faintly said: "The green hills will not change, and the green water will flow. I think we must have a chance to meet again."

"Little girl, I'm sorry, I was reckless just now."

Blood Shadow took out a check, wrote a string of numbers, and then bowed to the flower girl: "This is one hundred thousand, please accept it, sorry."

The long-haired man who was unscrupulous and domineering at first, his tail clipped up his tail, was an honest man, and his performance was different before and after, shocking many spectators present.

Shouldn't this scene be a big fight? It would be too embarrassing to make an apology in such a low voice, not to mention that it was embarrassing to show up in the public.

After the long-haired man apologized and compensated, he turned around and left, Ye Tianlong stared at the drifting back, repeating the two words just now:

"Bloodshadow? One of the eight heavenly kings of the Thirteen League. He has the scheming, the means, and the humiliation..."

He looked at the wound in his palm again: "How can you keep such a person?"

Ye Tianlong applauded the blood shadow, but moved murderously...

At the same time, the blood shadow that got into the car tilted her head towards the Danfeng-eyed woman and issued an understatement:

"You follow him secretly to see where he settles."

He sneered: "He was poisoned by me. After three hours, he will lose consciousness and fall into a coma, and then kill him..."

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