Talented Genius

Chapter 1100: Danger

When Liu Ye was arguing about life and death, Ye Tianlong was treating Tianmo and Canshou.

Tianmo's injury was a little better, but his hand was more serious. He had internal injuries in the battle against Silver Knife and Blood Shadow, so Ye Tianlong gave him medicine.

The place where they are wounded is where the Dalmatians gather. Not only is there enough food and medicine, but it is also sufficiently secret and safe.

Even if another heavenly king came from the Thirteen League, it would be difficult to attack.

"Tianmo, your injury is not serious, just remember to apply and take the medicine on time every day, up to three days, the wound will scar."

After treating the wounds of the two of them, Ye Tianlong stood up, washed his hands and patted Tian Mo and said, "The other thing is to eat more meat and add nutrition."

"You are only nineteen years old. It's when you are growing up. You can't just eat eggs."

Ye Tianlong reminded Tianmo: "Moreover, it's good to take a seat these few days, don't practice the knife any more, it will easily tear the wound.

After the Battle of Blood Shadow, Tian Mo seemed to have grown a little bit. Although the young and frivolous spirit could not be restrained, his eyes were already a little bit deep.

This is the voice of growth over time. As long as he is given a little more time, a little tempering, and a little guidance, he will eventually become a great master.

Seeing Ye Tianlong's caring gaze, Tian Mo, who was used to practicing swords every day, finally nodded, "Okay."

Ye Tianlong looked at the remnant hand on the recliner again: "Canhand, you are seriously injured, and the **** foot hurt your internal organs, so you need to rest more."

"You have to take the medicine on time every day like Tianmo. You can't eat too hard food this week. I will ask someone to make some porridge for you every day."

He added another sentence: "Don't worry about your grandma, Xiaolan and the others will take good care of it."

Although Ye Tianlong was scornful and cynical every day, he knew everyone around him very well, and he knew what Canshou cared about most now.

Can Shou coughed and squeezed out a smile: "Understood."

"Ye Shao, this is Blood Shadow's knife."

At this time, the Dalmatian drove over in a wheelchair: "The brother who handled the tail of the hand felt good, so he left it as a victory."

"Although it is not a famous weapon, it is definitely a treasured sword."

He picked up a box on his knee and handed it to Ye Tianlong respectfully: "Do you see if you need to stay?"

Can Shou couldn't help squinting his eyes: "Is it that blood knife? It's really good. I didn't cut it after a dozen knives."

The Dalmatian smiled: "I don't know what the name is, but the knife is like blood stained red. It is a sharp and hard weapon."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, then opened the box, a red light flashed suddenly, and the blood knife exuded murderous intent into Ye Tianlong's eyes.

The sense of blood and sea of ​​corpse mountain rushed to his face. It was a bit like Ye Tianlong's little red. Ye Tianlong glanced at it and knew it was a good thing.

"Yes, it's a good knife. It's estimated that you won't be able to cut a hundred people."

Ye Tianlong slid his fingers across the red blade, and after feeling the coldness and hardness, he smiled at the Dalmatian and said, "Leave this knife for you."

"Although you are tyrannical, you either cut your hands or your feet, but in many cases, it is better to have an extra weapon than empty-handed."

He put the knife in the Dalmatian's hand: "Blood knife, you keep it, it can be regarded as a reward for the dog camp. You handled it quite well."

Whether it is Iron Hook and others, or the blood shadow corpse, the Dalmatians have handled them properly, and people can't find a handle at all.

The Dalmatian was very happy when he heard the words: "Thank you, Shao Ye."

It was not the knife that was delighted, but Ye Tianlong's award.


At this moment, Ye Tianlong's cell phone rang, and he took out to answer, and soon there was a burst of hearty laughter. It was Zhao Wenguang who called yesterday:

"Brother, I'm in Jiangcheng. I just got on the airport expressway. Are you free tonight and have a meal together?"

Ye Tianlong glanced at the time and responded with a smile: "I didn't eat breakfast or lunch just to wait for your meal. I have been waiting for you."

Zhao Wenguang burst into laughter again: "Hahaha, okay, brother, although I am not a rich country, but I still have money to eat."

"You decide the location, you order the dishes, and I will pay for it all."

He spoke very happily: "You report a place, I will pass now."

Ye Tianlong thought for a while, and finally said: "Jiangcheng Tea House, the environment is good, the dishes are also very good, and the most important thing is safety."

Zhao Wenguang responded with a loud voice: "Okay, just Jiangcheng Teahouse. I'm about thirty-five kilometers past my side, plus traffic jam, it's about an hour and a half."

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "It's okay. Take your time. I'll book a room first. Anyway, we have a lot of time."

Zhao Wenguang simply and neatly: "Okay, see you later, I won't be drunk or return tonight."

Ye Tianlong hung up the phone, glanced at the time, and smiled at the three Dalmatians:

"You treat your injuries well, I have written the prescriptions and recipes, and you just follow them. I will see Zhao Wenguang later, and now I have to rush to the teahouse."

He also smiled and added: "If you three are bored in bed, you can fight against the landlords."

The three of them glanced at each other, with wry smiles on their faces. The three of them were a little bored, and the three of them fighting against the landlords would make people vomit blood.

"Ye Shao, don't worry, we will take care of ourselves."

Canshou coughed: "But you have to be careful."

"Although Liu Ye and the Thirteen Leagues have suffered successive blows, and there is no evidence to prove you, their strong strength and foundation are still there."

"Once they find clues or ignore their revenge, you will be in a very dangerous situation. It is best to bring a few more people around you."

Canshou advised Ye Tianlong: "This will provide an extra protective barrier."

Tian Mo also nodded: "Yes, Liu Ye believes that you are an enemy. Although the blood shadow is dead, it does not prevent the Thirteen League from locking you down."

"They put all the bills on you, regardless of the attack, or even the two parties jointly deal with you, you and Yao will be very troublesome."

Tianmo regretted that he was injured and could not protect Ye Tianlong personally: "It's better to have more people around you."

The Dalmatian directly said: "I will let ten dogs protect you."

"take it easy."

Ye Tianlong raised a smile, warming the care of the three of them. He stepped forward, patted the shoulders of the three of them, and spoke softly:

"Liu Ye is kidnapped now, and he won't threaten me for the time being. Besides, I have chess pieces by his side. I will soon receive the wind if he does anything."

"The Thirteen Leagues are indeed fierce, but this is Jiangcheng, not their territory, and there is no trace of blood, Zhao Zixiang and others were put in prison."

"Even if the Thirteen League locks me in, they won't do anything at this time. They will fish out Zhao Zixiang and others before talking."

Ye Tianlong has confidence on his face: "So I am safe these days, and I don't need too much protection by my side."

"Too many bodyguards, instead, told people that these things are related to me, so strengthen protection to avoid retaliation."

He relieved the three of them: "Don't worry, I can take care of myself. I am not a brave person. I really feel dangerous. I must strengthen my protection."

"You really don't worry, the Dalmatians sent someone to protect me secretly, but not too many, up to three. Once there are more, the target will become bigger."

Dalmatians know Ye Tianlong's character, so they can only nod their heads: "Okay, just do as you said."

Ye Tianlong smiled and hugged them, and then got into the car and left the dog camp. Not long after, a commercial car followed to protect him in secret.

On the way to the Jiangcheng Tea House, Ye Tianlong also called Yao Feiyan and asked her to help book a plum room, and prepare to entertain Zhao Wenguang later.

Yao Feiyan agreed, and soon she sent a message to inform that the room was booked.

Thirty minutes later, Ye Tianlong's car drove into the Jiangcheng parking lot. At this time, another call came in, it was Yao Feiyan.

Ye Tianlong was taken aback: "Feiyan, what's the matter? There are variables in the room?"


Yao Feiyan whispered: "The mercenaries who kidnapped Liu Ye are all dead—"

Ye Tianlong's body was shaken: "What? All dead?"

He has seen that batch of mercenaries. Although they are not top-notch players, they have real combat experience, and they can definitely match the combat effectiveness of an ordinary company in actual combat.

But such a team of twelve members were all destroyed within half a day.

After receiving information about the kidnapping of Liu Ye, tracking the whereabouts of Liu Ye, locking the location, assaulting, and killing, such a huge project was completed within five hours.

How can this not surprise Ye Tianlong?

Yao Feiyan was also depressed: "Yes, all were killed, Liu Ye was rescued, and the scene was burned. This person is too powerful."

At this moment, Ye Tianlong caught the eye of a long-haired customer by the window on the second floor of the teahouse, suddenly reaching out a hand, holding a gun in his hand.

The muzzle was pointed at Ye Tianlong's car, Ye Tianlong's expression changed drastically, and he kicked the car door and jumped out.

At the same time, the opponent squeezed the trigger.


A ball of flame hit the car, there was a loud noise, the car overturned, burning fiercely...

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