Talented Genius

Chapter 1108: Goodbye Shangguan

After playing chess with Dai Hulang and chatting for half an hour, Ye Tianlong went to see Shangguan Xiaozhi.

He originally wanted to see De Mingzi first, but after Dai Hulang told Aunt Wa to arrange shooting in the field, Ye Tianlong dissipated the idea of ​​disturbing him.

Demingzi did her best to grow up, and she could not disrupt her pace at will.

On the way to Shangguan Xiaozhi, Ye Tianlong saw a young man lying on a small hill, holding a wine bottle in his hand, lazily basking in the sunset.

He closed his eyes while pouring wine into his mouth. It seemed that he was living a very free and easy life, and he seemed to have something on his mind.

Ye Tianlong smiled and walked over, and sat down beside the young man: "Drink your sorrows by drinking?"

The young man opened his eyes and glanced at Ye Tianlong. He wanted to struggle but was pressed by Ye Tianlong, and then replied with a wry smile:

"It's not about drinking to relieve my sorrow, don't you think I'm celebrating my success?"

He poured another sip of spirits into his mouth: "I haven't completed the task you gave me. It has been two months and I haven't seen Yan Huang."

"No, to be precise, I can feel that he is in West Lake City, and I can smell his breath, but I can't lock it, I can't catch it."

He sighed: "I almost lose face to see Mr. Dai and you."

The young man is Xue Yifeng, one of the six masters of the Qin family.

"Don't be depressed!"

Ye Tianlong didn't have the slightest blame on his face. Instead, he patted him on the shoulder with relief and said, "It's pretty good that you can hurt him hard."

"Yanhuang is the king of killers. He is so easy to be killed, and he can't live to this day. It's even more unlikely that his forces will enter the top five in the world."

"To be honest, this situation is expected, unless I personally dedicate my energy to deal with him, otherwise he will be difficult to dig out."

Ye Tianlong's eyes narrowed slightly, and the second half of the words were not spoken, but it was a pity that he agreed to Yan Fei and would not take action against Yanhuang.

"When you say this, it seems that I am far away from Yanhuang."

Xue Yifeng took another sip of wine: "Do you think he has left West Lake? I feel his presence is purely an illusion of being drunk?"

Ye Tianlong laughed when he heard the words: "Don't doubt yourself, trust your intuition, otherwise you will lose your sharpness and your mind will be confused."

"If he were still in the West Lake, with his strength, after the buffer of these days, he could have summoned his companions to respond."

Xue Yifeng asked curiously: "Why stay in West Lake all the time?"

Ye Tianlong smiled: "First, West Lake is where the Dai family's power is located. No matter how many companions come, it is full of risks, and it may also allow you to find a locked-in gap."

"Second, Yanhuang is injured, but it is still very serious. Compared with the injury on the body, is it more likely to leave safely if he is injured?"

Xue Yifeng nodded subconsciously: "At this time, it is indeed not as good as being still. Digging a hole to hide is much safer than evacuation with injuries."

Ye Tianlong patted him on the shoulder: "According to my estimation, Yanhuang should wait for the injury to heal, and then summon his companion to pick him up and leave."

"I'm afraid so."

Xue Yifeng's eyes lit up, and then he sat up again: "It has been two months, the piece of meat that the jackal tore off should have grown a lot."

"I'm leaving. I will try again. Before he gets better, I will dig out his trail and kill him."

After speaking, he also waited for Ye Tianlong to respond, and quickly left with the wine bottle, showing passion and blood.

Ye Tianlong looked at Xue Yifeng's back with a wry smile, not sure if he wanted him to succeed, or if he wanted him to fail again...

Shangguan Xiaozhi was still detained in the basement. When Ye Tianlong appeared in front of her through the levels of levels, she was folding a red flower and wearing it.

Although the environment is difficult and he has become a prisoner, but Shangguan Xiaozhi's face is not at all decadent and sad, let alone the sadness that is greater than the death of heart.

She lived a very optimistic and peaceful life. Not only was the cell neat and tidy, but even the railings were cleaned, and a small grass was also raised.

God knows where the grass came from. It is very small and thin, but the vigor and vitality that she cares for, shines tenaciously in the skylight sunlight.

"Shangguan, it seems that life is going well."

Ye Tianlong opened the iron door and walked in with a gentle smile: "I thought you had become a grudge."

Shangguan Xiaozhi, who was folding the red flower, heard the movement and raised his pretty face to look at Ye Tianlong. There were not many waves in his eyes, only a calm smile:

"Don't Ye Shao understand my temperament? Even if I fell bruised and bruised, I still have to face it with a smile, miserable and sad, it is Li Qingzhao."

Her voice was very soft: "It won't be me Shangguan Xiaozhi."

Today's Shangguan Xiaozhi did not tie his long shoulder hair, but let three thousand green silks draped on his back, and the slightly broken bangs added a bit of playfulness.

There are not too many decorations on this woman's body, just a string of extremely simple red string bracelets, gently wrapped around her wrist.

The snow-white wrist skin and the red cloth rope bracelet not only didn't make her seem like a cliché, but set off the grace and grace she should have.

Coupled with her delicate and gorgeous face, it is easy to make people feel that this is really an elegant woman in Eastern style.

Ye Tianlong was in a daze about the beauty of the woman, then walked to Shangguan Xiaozhi and said, "You can see that you are really beautiful and powerful."

He made no secret of his appreciation: "I thought you would break the jar, even if you don't want to die, you will get by."

"But now it seems that you are very active and optimistic. I believe that as long as you give you a handful of soil, you will be able to sprout and bloom."

Ye Tianlong lightly sniffed the fragrance from the woman: "You surprise me."

"It is an honor for Shangguan Xiaozhi to be praised by Ye Shao."

Shangguan Xiaozhi's pretty face is still soft: "It's just that the victor praised the prisoners, don't you think this is a cruel condemnation?"

Ye Tianlong smiled: "I don't have this idea."

Shangguan Xiaozhi said softly: "Of course I know that Ye Shao didn't have this idea, but it's still harsh to me."

"Ye Shao came here in his busy schedule, definitely not to see my beauty, to see my strength, and to see how I live."

Shangguan Xiaozhi got up and poured a glass of water for Ye Tianlong, then he turned to ask: "Did you think about how to deal with Shangguan?"

The narrow and dreary basement was shining brightly in Shangguan Xiaozhi's smile, just like the warm sunlight falling from the skylight, colorful.

"Send you a gift for your old friend."

Ye Tianlong did not respond directly, but took a blank sheet of paper from his arms, opened it, and placed it in front of Shangguan Xiaozhi. It was the sketch of Boss Yuan.

Shangguan Xiaozhi first glanced casually, seeing the images and brushwork of the sketch, his eyelids instantly jumped, and then he whispered: "Boss Yuan?"

Ye Tianlong smiled and nodded: "It seems that Boss Yuan is really Miss Shangguan's person."

Shangguan Xiaozhi sat down, picked up the sketch and answered the question: "He is dead?"

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