Talented Genius

Chapter 1116: Fall short


Although the wires fell into the river and exploded, all of them were short-circuited, and the light boxes all went out, but the goddess twisted like a mechanical dance.

Then, he floated and sank near the light box, no longer the sharpness of the attack.

Although they were more than ten meters away from the river and their sight was not clear, Tianmo and the others could still take a cold breath, and everyone could feel the pain of being electrocuted.

Ye Tianlong wanted to throw away a few more light boxes, but found that several food stall bosses moved quickly and took away his billboard.

And the four bosses who turned off the lights of the food stalls due to the short circuit of the light boxes are looking at Ye Tianlong with extremely innocent and helpless eyes.

If it hadn't been for him and Tianmo to have two things, these bosses would have rushed forward to pay compensation.

The girl in the peaked cap also looked at Ye Tianlong in surprise, obviously not expecting Ye Tianlong's world to be so intense.

"Sorry, I will compensate later."

Ye Tianlong smiled apologetically to them, then took out his mobile phone to turn on the lighting, swept across the surface of the river a few times, looking for the figure of the goddess Jiuju.

Soon, Ye Tianlong locked the goddess. She was floating on the surface of the river holding a light box, motionless, as if she had been stunned.

"I went down to fish her up and chopped off her limbs."

Tian Mo stood by and glanced: "This woman has no bottom line and is too dangerous."

Goddess Jiuju used innocent people as a bargaining chip, Tianmo didn't have the slightest affection for her, only full of killing intent.

Ye Tianlong squinted his eyes and glanced at Goddess Jiuju, looking at her painful and angry face, and the body that gradually disappeared into the shadows, and smiled faintly:

"It's dark, the line of sight is not good, there are too many variables, and the intensity of the electric shock just now is okay to stun ordinary people, but it's hard to tell her."

Tian Mo was taken aback when he heard the words, and then stared at the goddess floating on the surface of the river: "You mean, she is pretending to be dizzy?"

Ye Tianlong let out a long breath: "It's hard to say, but for safety, we'd better not go down."

"The river is deep, the line of sight is poor, she is dangerous, and she can't tell whether she is acting alone or has a companion today."

Compared with taking the risk of killing the goddess, Ye Tianlong cherished the lives of himself and Tianmo more.

"Do you want to transfer a team of people over to encircle you?"

Tian Mo said in a low voice, "She can't run far in the water."

Although he could not judge the true state of the goddess, Tianmo felt that Ye Tianlong's guess should not be wrong. The goddess was so insidious and cunning that he might pretend to be dizzy.

Who would have thought that after being shocked, she not only did not run away, but also pretended to be dizzy as the final struggle?

"It's too late. If she pretends to be unconscious, she will definitely not spend too long in her hands."

Ye Tianlong brought a box of empty wine bottles: "I didn't see us going down to fish her, I will definitely run away with a pinch of time."

Tian Mo looked regretful: "Then I can only watch her run away?"

"Get out, get out!"

At this moment, five or six plainclothes ran over, and Ye Tianlong heard a familiar voice and immediately slapped a look back.

He saw Jiu Shu several people at a glance.

Unexpectedly, it would be such a coincidence. I met Jiu Shu here. He judged that Jiu Shu was eating nearby, and he heard the movement and ran over to find out.

"Uncle Nine!"

Ye Tianlong's eyes lit up and he rushed over with a shout. Then, before Uncle Jiu said, he hurriedly pulled out his police gun: "Uncle Jiu, borrow the gun for use."

Uncle Jiu was taken aback. When he reacted, the police gun had been snatched away, and then he shouted: "Tianlong, Tianlong, what are you doing..."

Ye Tianlong didn't explain, he ran back to the railing, picked up the police gun and pointed at the hidden goddess with two shots.

Originally, the crowd screamed and scattered, and the peaked cap girl was also far away from Ye Tianlong as far as she ran, and her eyes were a little surprised.

Several plainclothes unconsciously drew their guns, Jiu Shu hurriedly held them down: "Don't be impulsive, your own person, an old friend of the Qin team."

Hearing the words of Uncle Jiu, the plainclothes was slightly taken aback, and then put away the gun.


The light box shattered in response to the piercing gunfire, and the goddess who had fainted suddenly exploded and plunged into the water with powerful limbs.

After a few ups and downs, she pulled the distance between herself and Ye Tianlong. That fierce speed was almost more energetic than the Jiwei shrimp that had just been caught.

Seeing from a distance, the avoiding spectators were also stunned. No one thought that the half-dead goddess suddenly became so sturdy.

Tian Mo also wiped out a cold sweat. This old guy was so insidious, he was simply a cobra, and he killed people silently.

"Damn! As expected!"

Ye Tianlong was fortunate that he didn't let Tianmo go down, otherwise it was very likely that he would be hit by her calculation, and he would be seriously injured if he didn't die. Then he shot another shot in the direction of the goddess.

With the sound of the gunshot, the goddess' body shook, her swimming was slightly stagnant, and then she twisted and ran...

Obviously, the third shot was hit.

"Hehe, one more shot, you're done."

Ye Tianlong took a deep breath, preparing to give the final blow to the slow-moving goddess, but was about to pull the trigger but was pressed with one hand.

Uncle Jiu, who ran over, was sweating profusely, and his old face was full of depression: "Tianlong, why? Why shoot? Shooting in downtown is very troublesome."

"Drug dealer, drug dealer!"

Ye Tianlong couldn't explain too much, so the goddess wandering across the river shouted, "That's a drug dealer, a drug dealer."

He stared at the goddess farther and farther to shoot, but Jiu Shu held down the gun again: "Tianlong, you have no right to enforce the law. I'll come, I'll come."

Ye Tianlong, who had just aimed at, almost vomited blood: "Uncle Jiu, drug dealer, drug dealer, let go, I killed her, you are the credit."

Jiu Shu insisted on holding down the police gun, not allowing Ye Tianlong to shoot: "Tianlong, you can't do this, you don't have the right to law enforcement to shoot, it will be very troublesome."

Several plainclothes ran over all took out police guns when they heard the words, and pointed them at the river surface as if they were facing the enemy, but the goddess was no longer seen, and it was hard to find the shadow in the deep river.

Ye Tianlong didn't see the goddess with the gun in his hand. He couldn't help showing a trace of pity on his face, and then returned the gun to Uncle Jiu:


The two lockdowns were conflated by the Jiu Shu, which led to a lack of success. If he had not been acquainted with the Jiu Shu, Ye Tianlong would have thought that he was in the same group with the goddess.

Uncle Ji took out his mobile phone to comfort: "Don't worry, she won't be able to run, I will immediately contact the river patrol, and then notify the hospital to pay attention to the gunshot wounded."

Ye Tianlong didn't hold on to hope. The goddess didn't kill people on the spot, making it harder for her to take a breath.

He and Jiushu briefly described the outline of the goddess, so that the police could portrait the wanted person, and then took out his mobile phone to lose money to the food stall owner.

All kinds of losses add up to more than 30,000 yuan. Seeing this scene, the girl in the peak cap nodded with her lips, then walked away silently with her guitar on her back.

After paying compensation to several bosses, Ye Tianlong was full of emotion: "This meal is really expensive."

He took Tianmo to the parking lot. After checking the car and confirming that it was not dangerous, he got in and leaned on the seat and drank water.

Tian Mo sat in the driver's seat and asked, "Where to go?"

Ye Tianlong threw the clean water bottle aside, and then touched his waist, chilling: "Shuiyun, change your clothes."

Later, he thought of the peaked cap girl again, and found that he had not returned the shirt...

And don't even know the name of the other party.

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