Talented Genius

Chapter 1121: Take care

"Boom boom!"

During the shouting, the front of the car hit several tables, chairs and stalls in succession, knocking all these objects out, and a pot of soy milk splashed on the ground, and the aroma of soy was everywhere.

A few cages of steamed buns also flew into the sky, and then fell off, which irritated the eyes.


Seeing this, Ye Tianlong hurriedly grabbed the last bun, avoided obstacles in a few jumps, and then moved quickly to throw something onto the wheel.

Tian Mo also rushed over and drove out of his entire body to fight the car.

The car's forward speed slowed down, and Ye Tianlong's car rushed to the side of the car, ready to reach out and take Lan Xiaomo out.

Just when he stretched out his hand, he realized that Lan Xiaomo was still wearing a seat belt, so he shouted, "Quickly release the seat belt!"

Lan Xiaomo was using the strength of suckling, leaning back, and he was slightly startled when he heard Ye Tianlong's voice, and then overjoyed: "Tianlong--"

"Stop talking nonsense, unfasten the seat belt."

Ye Tianlong has no time to greet Lan Xiaomo. Although the **** is not very inclined, the brakes of the car must not stop.

It will continue to crash down, and finally hit the third ring road below, and the result will be either a collision with other cars or a deadly collision with the isolation pier.

No matter what kind of result, it is full of risks for the driver.


Lan Xiaomo was happy, and he was stunned, forgetting the danger, hitting the accelerator, the car rushed forward, and almost flew out of the sky.


Ye Tianlong couldn't stop swearing when he saw it, and then turned the steering wheel to let the car rub against the wall on the right to reduce the speed of sliding.

Then, he leaned in, reached out and touched Lan Xiaomo's body, and finally opened the seat belt button and forcefully carried the woman out of the driver's license.

As soon as Lan Xiaomo came out, Tianmo jumped away from the front of the car, Maserati wiped the wall and turned down the stairs...


With a loud noise, the luxury car rolled over more than ten meters and then slid for seven or eight meters before stopping in the middle of the road.

As soon as it stopped, several cars and two dump trucks swept past, and the taillights of the cars were still smashed. The ferocity made Ye Tianlong **** in cold air.

Then I was grateful that no one was hurt.

"Tianmo, let the traffic police tow."

Ye Tianlong asked Tianmo to call the traffic police to deal with it, then looked at Lan Xiaomo in his arms and said, "What's the matter?"

"President, you are so ruthless, shouldn't you ask me first, is there anything wrong? Is there any injury? Do you want to send it to the hospital?"

Lan Xiaomo hugged Ye Tianlong again like an octopus, her pretty face was not afraid of overturning, but very excited, and then pouted a little bit of anger.

Ye Tianlong said without angrily: "Okay, then I ask you, are you injured, do you want to go to the hospital?"

The blue little blue chicken pecked rice and nodded: "Yes, my heart hurts because I don't care about me."

Ye Tianlong pressed her head: "I don't care about you, I won't save you just now, let you go straight down."

Lan Xiaomo was happy again: "Yeah, you saved me just now, President, you treated me so well, and you saved me again, I want to promise myself."

"Thank you, this one is unnecessary."

Ye Tianlong refused, then patted her hand: "Get down quickly."

Lan Xiaomo pursed his mouth: "No, I'm scared, I have to hold it to make my heart feel at ease."

"When did you return to Mingjiang? Don't call me, do you have me already?"

Ye Tianlong looked helpless: "Don't make trouble, get down first." He sternly threatened: "Don't come down to play PP?"

Lan Xiaomo was full of excitement: "Okay, okay, I heard that this is a way for the rapid development of the relationship between men and women. You hit my PP quickly, and I promise not to cry."

Ye Tianlong almost vomited blood with anger: "You don't cry, I'm going to cry."

Today, Lan Xiaomo has a chiffon shirt on the upper body, and a short skirt, stockings and leather shoes on the lower body. It is not **** but not conservative. The place where it should be exposed is exposed.

Although she is just an adult, her figure is almost the same, plump and mature, showing the charm and temptation of a grown-up woman.

The two slender and round thighs also looked sultry.

Being hugged by her and rubbing his skin like this, Ye Tianlong will inevitably burn calories no matter how gentleman is: "Xiao Mo, will you come down?"

"You can come down, but promise me that you will take me wherever you go today."

Lan Xiaomo blinked innocent eyes: "I'm frightened, afraid, and insecure, I want to follow you..."

Ye Tianlong was helpless: "Okay, okay, I promise you, let you follow me today."


Lan Xiaomo hugged Ye Tianlong's head, took out the phone and took a selfie of the two people, and then slid directly off Ye Tianlong.

In the meantime, he slipped and stopped for a while, Lan Xiaomo felt a little blocked by something.


And this slip made Ye Tianlong let out a muffled snort, and then squatted down...

When Ye Tianlong compromised with Lan Xiaomo, the goddess was slowly waking up in an alley ten kilometers away, a small house waiting to be demolished.

After she fled back here last night, she treated her wounds and gave herself two bottles of glucose to cushion her overdrafted body.

It was just the soaking in water and excessive blood loss that caused her to develop a fever in the middle of the night, took a few anti-fever tablets, and then fell asleep until now.

The goddess didn't want to wake up, she was just hungry, her body needed energy, and the room was filled with the aroma of breakfast, so she opened her eyes.

With the opening of his eyes, the goddess' nerves were instantly tense, and there was a man in his field of vision, who was busy in the kitchen wearing an apron.

There is a pot of hot porridge on the induction cooker.

The goddess released the weapon in her hand and said coldly, "Why are you here? How do you know that I am here?"

"This is your former home and the place where you grew up. You are injured and you will definitely hide here."

The man in the apron didn't look back, but poured the chopped cabbage into the porridge: "I made the cabbage porridge you like. You can drink it later."

The goddess' eyes transmitted coldly: "What are you doing? Cook for me?"

The man in the apron sighed: "One is to know that you are injured, come over and cook something for you, and the other is to beg you, to beg you not to kill Ye Tianlong."

"He saved me. I hope you will hold your hands high and let him take care of my face."

The goddess said coldly: "You are not welcome here, get out!"

The man in the apron was not angry. He seemed to know her temperament and gave a wry smile: "For the sake of our childhood sweethearts, let me save him."

The goddess scolded again: "Get out!"

The man in the apron was very helpless, so he could only stir the hot porridge a few times with a spoon, and then switch to the heat preservation mode: "The porridge is ready, you can drink it anytime."

The goddess took her own weapon: "I will let you go."

The man in the apron shook his head, took off his apron and put it on the table, and then walked slowly to the door. When he was about to go out, he turned around and said:

"Take care."

"I can save you once, but I may not be able to save you a second time."

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