Talented Genius

Chapter 1123: Blocked

Lan Xiaomo waited on the spot for ten minutes, and then three black cars drove to pick her up and drive towards the Peacock Garden.

It didn't take long before the convoy drove into Lan Xiaomo's garden. The door opened and Lan Xiaomo jumped out, jumping all the way, obviously very depressed.

When the iron door of the Lan family was slowly closed, a BMW passed by the door quietly, and Ye Tianlong rolled the window up.

Tian Mo stepped on the accelerator and left: "Why don't you just send her back?"

Ye Tianlong seemed to leave Lan Xiaomo halfway ruthlessly, but in fact he kept staring at her for safety, and secretly followed the convoy back to the Lan Family Garden.

"This is a troublesome girl. If you don't press her, you will be tossed to death by her in the future."

Ye Tianlong sniffed Lan Xiaomo's remnant breath: "And let her down, I want to see if anyone takes the opportunity to deal with her."

"The brake failure is 80% man-made, so I wanted to help her find the murderer."

There was a gleam in his eyes, and his thoughts were longer than many people, and then he revealed a touch of regret: "It's a pity that the Lan family bodyguard came too soon."

Then he said to Tian Mo: "Let Old Han send a few tiger masters to protect her secretly, so that she won't have any accidents."

Although Lan Xiaomo returned to the Lan Family Garden for the time being, Ye Tianlong was worried that the girl would run out unconsciously, so he hoped to provide her with insurance.

Tian Mo nodded: "Okay."

At this moment, Ye Tianlong's mobile phone vibrated, and soon after putting on earplugs, the betting dealer's voice came. After hanging up, another call came in.

This time it was the soliciting of the young lady, followed by financial management, fortune-telling, feng shui, and health products.

Ye Tianlong frowned and took a few calls, all in a mess. He quickly made a judgment that someone tossed himself with a "dead man".

He knew that Lan Xiaomo was tossing without asking, so he let Bailihua screen off these abnormal calls, and then encrypt his mobile phone.

Just cleared it out, Ye Tianlong's phone vibrated again. He was about to instinctively press it, only to find that it was the cardinal number.

Ye Tianlong put on his earplugs and answered, "Hey, oriole, what's the matter?"

The oriole whispered back: "Ye Shao, found the trace of the goddess."

Ye Tianlong's spirit lifted up: "Wait, I'll go over immediately."

As the car drove away, a pair of binoculars fell down at the top of the Lan Family Garden. Ye Tianlong followed in secret and fell into the other's eyes...

At this moment, the goddess was in the alley, and the oriole was hiding in a secret place where he could see the goddess' house. He had no impulse and waited quietly for Ye Tianlong.

While waiting, the oriole took out a piece of chocolate, tore the package and stuffed it into his mouth. During the ten hours of tracking, he didn't even eat a bite of rice.

It's not that he isn't hungry or thirsty, but he just doesn't have time to eat, and he is worried that the smell of food will affect the sharpness of his nose, so he insists on eating until now.

This is the food and the chocolate on his body. It is impossible for the oriole to leave the place to buy things. He must ensure that the goddess is under his nose.

Three pieces of chocolate were eaten, the oriole was refreshed, and then he took out a cigarette and lit it, which was regarded as a treat to himself.

It's just that whether it was eating chocolate or smoking, he never left the house of the goddess from start to finish, and kept staring at the house to be demolished.

The oriole doesn't even understand, why is it repaying his life-saving grace to be so responsible to Ye Tianlong? Or sympathy?

He felt that he should hate Ye Tianlong, only in this way could he be worthy of the dead Nalanba, but I don't know why, the time passed, the less hatred.

Whether it is Ye Tianlong's affection, trust, or the future ambition blueprint, the oriole is full of expectation and interest, and it dilutes hatred.

In particular, Ye Tianlong once talked with him, hoping that he can set up a bird hall, the most powerful tracking talent in the world.

That idea made the oriole have a look forward to the future, and the five words "the world's first exploration" had an indescribable attraction to him.


As the thoughts turned, the oriole's fingers also felt a burning pain, and at the same time it awakened him from his loss. It turned out that the smoke between his fingers had burned to the end.

This hot, the melancholy that the oriole had just shown inadvertently just now, the pain disappeared like a long whale absorbing water.

The wind blowing from the alley blew the oriole's clothes flying like a flag, and the flames that burned everything jumped in the cold eyes.

He twisted out the burning red cigarette **** with his fingers, and opened his palm to let the wind blow the embers away without a trace.

Suddenly, the oriole's hand paused slightly, as if he had noticed something, and then his body turned around and quickly changed his hiding place.


At the same time, he grabbed a saber in his hand.

At this moment, the wind seemed to stop blowing, and the air became stagnant and heavy.

It seems to be a second, and it seems to be as long as ten thousand years, the oriole's field of vision, there is an additional masked man in the clothes of a cleaner.

The masked man's whole body is wrapped tightly, making it impossible to see his age and face, but his eyes are exceptionally clear and there is a hint of helplessness.

The two faced each other in silence, and the atmosphere gradually became serious.

The oriole asked faintly: "The person of the goddess?"

He was not in a hurry to do it. First, Ye Tianlong and the others were rushing over. Second, they were worried that the fight would attract the attention of the goddess.


The masked man did not respond, but directly raised his right hand, with an old-fashioned pistol in his palm, and suddenly pulled the trigger in his hand at the oriole.

The bullet burst!

The oriole was tumbling on the spot almost at the same time, the same clean and fast and silent.

The bullet fell through!

In the next second, the oriole rose up and flew straight at the masked man, and the rabbit flew down, very neat.

"Pump pound!"

Despite a missed hit and the oriole dodges quickly, the masked man still held his mind, and continued to pull the trigger with his muzzle at the leaping body.

The firearm in his hand burst into flames, shooting a wall that was already broken into something more unrecognizable.

I don't know if it is the oriole who has experience in avoiding bullets, or the masked man's inaccurate marksmanship. Five shots did not injure the oriole and only scratched his sleeve.


The masked man took two more shots, this time not at the oriole, but in the middle of the two to stop the oriole from jumping forward.

The oriole's momentum was slightly stagnant.

The masked man took the opportunity to withdraw five or six meters back, kicking out a few bricks and shooting, as if to run away.

The oriole swung a knife and chopped off the bricks.


At the same time, the oriole heard a movement coming from behind, turned his head and looked around, seeing the goddess also jump off the second floor and ran in the opposite direction.


The oriole cursed and turned to chase the goddess. In any case, we must leave the latter...

The masked man's eyes condensed, he stopped and withdrew, and then started to pounce on the oriole.


At this moment, five vans crossed one end of the alley, the doors opened, and more than forty Longmen children swarmed out...

At the other end, a BMW also appeared, and Ye Tianlong and Tianmo kicked off the door.

"The goddess ran from the east."

The oriole yelled: "Here is her party."

"You go to chase the goddess with Tianmo."

Ye Tianlong stared at the masked man: "I will deal with this person."

The masked man lost the opportunity to run.

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