Talented Genius

Chapter 1127: Crisis (four more)

The god-wife is abolished, both legs and one hand have broken muscles, and even walking is a problem in this life, let alone being a killer.

To put it simply, it is more uncomfortable for her to live like this than to die. After all, she has many enemies.

Once someone knows her whereabouts, I'm afraid that the trouble will continue, and she has no ability to protect herself, and she falls into the hands of her enemies, either committing suicide or suffering.

Therefore, the goddess made this confession, and Ye Tianlong didn't get muddled and took the people away from the old house.

"Find a few doctors to treat the wounds to the goddess."

Ye Tianlong waved his hand to let the Longmen children leave: "Send someone to protect her and Jiu Shu for a week, and let Jiu Shu dig out what the goddess knows."

"How many digs, how many, the goddess was rescued by the Cai family thirty years ago, it shows that she has a good relationship with the Cai family, I believe she knows many things in the Cai family."

He issued an instruction to the oriole: "Also, strictly seal the news of the goddess, and still declare to the outside world that the goddess attacked me again."

The oriole nodded: "Understand."

Ye Tianlong got into the car, picked up the phone again, and sent an email to Yan Fei, asking if there has been a three-handed werewolf recently.

Fei Yan soon sent a message, telling Jacks that he had been active in Europe, and there was no sign of going to China, but the yellow wolf had disappeared recently.

She also sent the yellow wolf information to Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong glanced around and found that Yellow Wolf was a beautiful girl with a hot body, not inferior to the heroine of Transformers.

"The red wolves and gray wolves were killed by me, and the green wolf group represented by Dr. Murong was also destroyed by Han Qinhu, dinosaurs and Zhan Shou."

He leaned back on the chair and muttered to himself: "Jacks died and wounded so many and it is not a long memory. It seems that Huang Langgao is going to be ruined."

But Ye Tianlong had to admit that the women around Jacks were **** and beautiful enough.

Not only can it make beautiful women dedicate themselves, but they can also make them sell their lives. Ye Tianlong feels that Jacks is more successful than himself. Of course, he also feels that the latter is ruthless.

Such a beautiful woman, to take such a big risk, is nothing short of violent.

Ye Tianlong shook his head and sighed with emotion. He also took the Yellow Wolf team's information into three photos, and then sent a message to Confucius who was thousands of miles away.

Now that the two sides are allies, Ye Tianlong doesn't want the Kong brothers to hang up. Once they hang up, he will bear the firepower of the Cai family and the Song family.


At this moment, the naked Confucius was in the suite of the Beijing Clubhouse, wiped his neck with sweat, and then slapped a **** the thigh.

Then he admired the other person for changing a seductive position instead of asking, ‘why do you hit me? ’

Confucius was too aggrieved these days. He has always been arrogant. He not only went to the detention center for three days, but also kept his tail clipped after he came out.

Except for his home and his own club, he dared not go anywhere. He didn't even have time to chase one hundred billion debts, making him depressed every day to want to beat others.

When he came to the clubhouse today, he was teased by a **** girl. Confucius couldn't control the flames, so he dragged him into the room to rectify the Fa.

The girl is a foreigner, she has a very good figure and amazing physical strength. She has the endurance and unrestrainedness of a Spanish mad cow.

The silver-haired girl didn't know whether it was painful or comfortable, and her mouth kept uttering murmurs. For Confucius, this was a display of male power.

This aroused his greater fighting spirit, and he felt like he was a fighter machine that would never know tiredness.

The white skin of the silver-haired girl was filled with bright red colors, and her limbs were weak and collapsed on the bed, as if she was drunk.


Confucius also fell beside the girl in the end, feeling that most of his depressed mood was reduced, and then reached out and grabbed the phone on the bedside and opened it for a glance.

There was news from Ye Tianlong on it. After Confucius glanced at it, a flash of playfulness flashed in his eyes, then turned off the phone and continued to rest.

"Well, my dear, I'll relax your muscles and bones."

After resting for almost ten minutes, the silver-haired girl endured the pain and approached Confucius' body, slackening his muscles and bones skillfully.

Confucius closed his eyes and enjoyed the other party's service. The rain and clouds just consumed a lot of his energy. At this moment, massaging and stretching the muscles and bones is exactly what he wants.

The silver-haired girl recovered quickly. Confucius was very satisfied with the strength of her fingers and gradually relaxed Confucius' limbs.

The blonde girl could even hear Confucius screaming. Although it was short, it showed that he had fallen asleep, which made her eyes shine more brightly.


The silver-haired girl massaged Confucius for ten minutes, and then moved her fingers to his neck. In the next second, her nails protruded three millimeters.

When the murderous intent appeared in her eyes to poke the flesh and blood of Piercing Zixiong, a hand suddenly blocked her wrist, Kong Zixiong opened his eyes and smiled:

"What? Want to kill me?"

The silver-haired girl's face changed slightly, she smashed a tooth, and then ejected the broken tooth, shooting at close range to the naked Confucius.

Confucius wrapped the towel in his left hand with a violent wave, and directly knocked out the fragments of teeth, the teeth fell on the ground, sizzling, filled with anxiety.

Very toxic.

After a miss, the silver-haired girl yelled again, the blue silk swept away, and several fine needles shot at Confucius.

Confucius waved his left hand again and shot down the needle again.


Seeing another failure, the silver-haired girl suddenly lifted her knees, and Confucius slapped it out to block the opponent's attack.

"It's my turn."

After that, Confucius' eyes cold, and then he twisted his opponent's wrist with a ‘click’.


When the silver-haired girl made a scream, Confucius' left hand was close to her throat again.

The former didn't have time to react to resistance at all, her fragile throat was embedded with Confucius' fingers.

Confucius tugged his hand, and a **** arrow shot out.

"Kill me how I want...I will kill you!"

The silver-haired girl rolled off the bed with wide-eyed eyes, and she finally realized that she was in the mirror, that arterial blood surge...

She fell to the ground with her eyes open and unwilling. She didn't seem to think that Confucius had such a keenness and remained vigilant after intense exercise.

She regretted that she didn't have the determination to die together, otherwise she would bite her fangs when she was lingering, and Confucius would have died with her a long time ago.

Confucius, who seemed to have just done a trivial thing, waved his left hand, threw the blood on the ground and wiped it with a bed sheet.

But half of his body was stained red with blood, splashed on his face, raised his head, Kong Zixiong's mouth opened an arc:

"The Cai family...it's interesting."

At this time, the Kong family bodyguard who heard the movement had already broken in.

Although they had enough understanding and confidence in Confucius, there was still tension on their faces.

Confucius licked the corners of his lips with his tongue, and licked the hot blood splashed by the deceased's mouth: "Send my order to chase down the Yellow Wolf team."

"Before dawn, I want the hand of the three-handed werewolf to be broken in the capital."

Yigan's men responded together: "Yes!"

Confucius took a bottle of wine from the wine cabinet, twisted it away and drank it in one breath:

"Prepare a special plane, go to Mingjiang tomorrow, thank my brother."

He narrowed his eyes slightly: "If it weren't for him to remind him, this young master would be staggering tonight."

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