Talented Genius

Chapter 1138: Your stage

"You clearly know that Shao Qiao and YSB Tian Tuan are drinking here tonight. Not only do you not shy away from it, you are here to show off your coquettishness."

The red-dressed woman was fierce: "Do you think I am dead?"

Ye Tianlong recognized that the woman in red was the woman who had just danced the pole dance, still as **** and delicate as before, but her facial features were slightly distorted.

He also saw that they were also in the crowd with yellow hairs and swollen noses.

There is no doubt that the behavior of pouring soy milk in the morning was also instigated by the woman in red.

At this moment, the woman in red was taking a step forward, pointing at Xie Zuiyi and cursing: "You have tried so hard to seduce Young Master Qiao, are you shameless?"

Although she scolded fiercely and attracted many people to watch the show, Xie Zuiyi, who was being stared at, did not have the slightest emotional ups and downs.

She just stretched out her hand and flicked off her shoulder with a touch of beer, and then looked at the woman in red with a plain gaze. She didn't speak or dodge, and was independent.

"Not speaking? Not speaking is acquiescence."

Seeing Xie Zuiyi's indifference, the woman in red became more angry: "Everything is increasing in price, but people are getting cheaper."

There was an uproar around the drinkers, yelling at oneself, no one thought that Xie Zuiyi, who looked at the youth and innocent, would be a mistress.

"Zhong Hong, you are the shameless."

When Xie Zuiyi’s pretty face was slightly cold, a bald boy beside him could not restrain himself and stood up and shouted:

"Zuiyi came here to play and sing. It was the invitation of the bar owner. He signed the contract a week ago. He didn't come here to play and sing."

He fought back angrily: "We didn't even know that Young Master Qiao and the others were here, Zui Yi had no time or thought to grab a man from you."

"If you have the ability, go to chase Young Master Qiao, because he has a crush on Zuiyi, not Zuiyi chasing her."

The bald boy clasped Beth tightly: "You dare not yell at Qiao Shao, you will only find Drunk Yi unlucky, what is this?"

Zhong Hong's expression changed, and he yelled, "Shut up! The blue light is strong!"

"Our business is not your turn as a pug, do you think I don't know? You have been crushing this **** for four years in college."

She looked at the bald boy with contempt: "So you support her in everything."

"It's just that I'm telling you, you won't have a spring in a **** like you, she won't like someone like you, it's Shao Qiao that she wants to hook up with."

Zhong Hong scolded the other party, "The rich and powerful can only get into her bed. You can only be a permanent spare tire and free bass player."

"I'm just a spare tire, and it's better than someone like you who doesn't distinguish between right and wrong."

Blu-ray has a strong sense of confidence: "I tell you the last time, we signed the contract a week ago, not specially to find your man."

"I don't care when you sign the contract, anyway, I want you to get out of here immediately."

Before Xie Zuiyi could speak, Zhong Hong pointed his finger: "I don't want to see you, let alone see you peacocks opening in front of Qiao Shao."

"Qiao Shao is kind and easy to be fooled by girls, but I am not so easy to be fooled."

"A band that goes to a food stall for ten yuan a song, can come to this bar to sing, the boss invites? Are you a fool?"

Xie Zuiyi snorted contemptuously: "It is 80% of you who pooled money to come in for this concert. The purpose is to build a reputation and seduce the pure young Qiao."

Her words immediately caused her companions around him to agree, and one after another they attacked Xie Zuiyi and Blu-ray:

"That is, a band that no one listens to at the food stalls, the bar owner is inviting in his head?"

"It's a good guitar all over the body, and the rest is inferior to the stalls. What professional band is installed?"

"No matter how stingy the bar owner is, he won't ask a street band to smash his own sign."

"It must be to pool the money to buy the venue, by the way, hook up with Young Master Qiao..."

"Boss, come out and tell everyone, did you invite or did they buy the venue?"

Amidst his rumblings, a charming proprietress of about thirty years old came out, wearing a short skirt with suspenders and her white thighs, which was very attractive.

She already understood the matter in general, and also understood the background and strength of both parties, so she stood on the stage and said nothing.

"They came to buy the venue, two thousand yuan an hour, two hours, the purpose is to build fame and seduce Qiao Shao."

"It was my fault. I was drunk at the time. It felt okay to listen to them. I wanted to give them a chance, so I let them come."

"I didn't expect such a thing to happen, everyone, I'm sorry, I assure you that this will never happen again in the future."

The lady boss of Feng Yun looked at Zhong Hong and shouted: "Moreover, the drinks tonight are all 20% off, which is my little heart."

There was an uproar in the audience.

Zhong Hong looked at Xie Zuiyi and exclaimed triumphantly: "Have you heard? Did you hear? Now that the evidence is solid, you are here to seduce Qiao Shao."

Blu-ray was anxious: "Boss, why are you doing this? Obviously you invited us to sing. You said you like Zuiyi's voice very much."

At this time, Xie Zuiyi still didn't speak, but the light in his eyes gradually dimmed, and he seemed to be disappointed in this world.

"There are many singers in China who sing well. With my call, many third- and fourth-line singers will come to sing. Will I invite you?"

The proprietress reversed black and white: "Obviously you are paying for the venue."

"At your level, how can you sing with me, or with money to sing?"

The proprietress will never offend Qiao Shao and Zhong Hong, one is Shaodong from Qiao's theater, and the other is a new star who is about to cooperate with YSB Tian Tuan.

And what is Xie Zuiyi? It's just an underground singer with a good voice.

Blu-ray was very angry: "Boss, how can you do this?"

The proprietress picked up a cigarette, glanced at her head, and did not give Blu-ray a strong response.

Zhong Hong's pretty face was even more happy: "Have you heard? Your bad standards are not qualified to stay here. Get out of here."

Several beautiful female companions around him also echoed: "Get out! Get out!"

Many female guests who have been robbed of their boyfriends or encountered the mistresses also waved their bottles and screamed: "Get out, get out, don't welcome the mistresses."

Although the male alcoholic didn't shout to get out, they all whistled and booed, and were very rude to Xie Zuiyi.

Lan Lanqiang and they were very angry, but when they were about to say something, when Xie Zuiyi stretched out his hand, he simply said, "Go!"

Zhong Hong's victory situation: "Get out, you are not qualified to stay here."

"This place is really not suitable for you to sing. The grade is too low and too low."

At this moment, a very abrupt and disharmonious voice came from behind the crowd. Zhong Hong and the others turned their heads and saw Ye Tianlong appear swaying.

"Zuiyi, if you want, I would like to invite you to be a guest of Liu Tianhou and to sing at Mingjiang Liukeliu Stadium at the end of the month."

Ye Tianlong stretched out his right hand to Xie Zuiyi: "There is your stage."

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