Talented Genius

Chapter 1142: Qingming ahead of time?

In the dazzling light, Lan Xiaomo showed up with Liu Yongkang and Xu Jiajia.

Lan Xiaomo changed the look of a coquettish little **** in the past, and no longer entangled Ye Tianlong's octopus posture, proudly showing a young lady's aura.

She changed to a classic outfit tonight, with her hair curled into a bun and a hairpin with a fringe stuck in it.

Faint eye shadow, just right blush, eye-catching red lips, and light blue cheongsam reveal the curves of the body and the charm of a woman.

Extremely **** but with oriental subtleties, it is perfect.

Lan Xiaomo's dazzling brilliance suddenly overwhelmed the beauty of Zhong Hong and Nan Han Tian Tuan. The difference between the singers and the theater was instantly reflected.

Zhong Hong and several other beautiful women also instinctively bowed their heads, ashamed of themselves, no matter their family background or appearance, they were all inferior to Lan Xiaomo.

Qiao Dongsheng was stunned when he saw Lan Xiaomo, and then there was a burst of desire in his eyes, but he quickly returned to his smiling style:

"Miss Lan, it's been a long time since I saw you, it's getting more and more radiant."

Qiao Dongsheng dangling a cigar and squeezed out: "It's just that you have a man. Why haven't I heard of it?"

Lan Xiaomo took Liu Yongkang, Xu Jiajia and more than a dozen supercar members to the stage with a strong aura, looking at Qiao Dongsheng with disdain and said:

"What are you? When will I have a man? It's up to you to report to you?"

She didn't give Qiao Dongsheng a little bit of face, and directly added to the public and ruthlessly, so that many bar guests were surprised at her origin.

After all, Qiao Dongsheng has already shown himself off, and now he is scorned by Lan Xiaomo, he is obviously also a strong background master.

Qiao Dongsheng's face sank: "Lan Xiaomo, have a better attitude. Others are afraid of your Lan family. I am not afraid of you. Qiao Dongsheng is not afraid of us.

Lan Xiaomo ignored Qiao Dongsheng’s upset, took Liu Yongkang and the others to stand on the stage, Qi Qi shouted to Ye Tianlong: "President!"

These two words stunned the audience for a moment, and they didn't seem to expect that the graceful and luxurious Lan Xiaomo and the others called out the chairman to Ye Tianlong, and they were respectful.

Lan Lanqiang frowned as well, and cried out Ye Tianlong's extraordinary origins, then subconsciously shifted his steps, intentionally or unintentionally away from Lan Xiaomo.

Ye Tianlong saw Lan Xiaomo's face, a trace of helplessness crossed his face: "Why are you here?"

Lan Xiaomo pursed his small mouth: "A sister sees you being bullied, so call me, and I will naturally come over to support you."

Qiao Dongsheng and the others were all astonished, seeing Lan Xiaomo so gentle for the first time, and at the same time smelling a bad breath, Ye Tianlong's identity.

The corner of Qiao Dongsheng’s mouth moved and asked: "President? What is the president?"

Xu Jiajia joked: "The chairman, of course he is the supercar chairman. You don't even know that Ye Shao is the supercar chairman. Are you embarrassed to come here?"

Liu Yongkang also sneered: "Qiao's family has always been flooded with water, we can't blame it too much."

"To shut up!"

Qiao Dongsheng yelled: "Xu Jiajia, Liu Yongkang, keep your mouth clean."

Liu Yongkang smiled: "Why? Want to do it?"

Xu Jiajia said leisurely: "This is Mingjiang, start your hands, you are not enough to abuse people like this."

Apart from speaking, a dozen supercar members raised their chests together, staring sharply at Qiao Dongsheng and the group.

Lan Xiaomo waved his hand to stop everyone's impulse: "Yongkang, Jiajia, we are gentlemen, and we can't just start fighting at every turn."

"Young Master Qiao, I can tell you clearly."

She took Ye Tianlong's arm: "Ye Shao, Ye Tianlong, is the president of our Mingjiang supercar and also my husband, Lan Xiaomo."

"You just said that you want him to end tragically, Nuo, use your methods, I want to see, how did you let him end tragically?"

Ye Tianlong wanted to take his hand out, but was dragged to death by Lan Xiaomo, as if he was declared sovereign.

In the surprise of Zhong Hong and the others, Qiao Dongsheng's eyes couldn't help widening: "He is the supercar president? Is it your husband Lan Xiaomo?"

It is really difficult for him to associate these two identities with Ye Tianlong, and Xie Zuiyi also showed a daze, and he understood Ye Tianlong's confidence.

Ye Tianlong was inconvenient to drop Lan Xiaomo's face, so he could only sigh in acquiescence.

"It turned out to be the chairman of the supercar, no wonder he dare to challenge me with Qiao Dongsheng, it is a bit of a foundation."

After Qiao Dongsheng was taken aback, he laughed loudly, with a touch of disdain in his laughter: "Just look at it, it seems to be the owner of soft food."

"Lan Xiaomo, honestly confess, is it the little white face you raised? The president, did you push him to sit?"

As soon as the voice fell, the companions around him and Zhong Hong laughed. Although Lan Xiaomo and their status are not low, they are not yet suppressed.

What's more, behind the Qiao family, there is also the backer of the Kong family.

"Qiao Dongsheng, do you **** want to die?"

Lan Xiaomo's pretty face was cold: "A man who dares to insult me, believe it or not I keep you from leaving Mingjiang?"

It seemed that they felt the change in the subtle relationship between the two, and the people behind both sides were slightly tense, ready to fight.

"Lan Xiaomo, you are so direct, then I won't be perfunctory to you."

Qiao Dongsheng suddenly laughed, reaching out his hand to stop the men who wanted to rush up from behind, with a contempt in his eyes:

"I dare not move you nor can I move you. This is a fact. I don't deny it. After all, you are Lantian's beloved daughter and the future Chinese ship king."

Qiao Dongsheng let out a puff of smoke: "But you can't move me either."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, and looked at the girl next to him in surprise. He didn't expect that Lan Xiaomo was Lan Xiaomo's daughter?

It was a coincidence that Zhao Yaoyao also opened her mouth wide. Just now, she had been thinking about how to link Dao Zhang, but Lan Xiaomo was the daughter of Lan Xiaomo.

At this moment, Lan Xiaomo faintly said, "Really? Are you sure I dare not move you?"

Qiao Dongsheng took a step forward with his cigar in his mouth, not caring about Lan Xiaomo's cold expression at all, and said every word:

"If it weren't for my dad to take your dad to the island to engage in real estate and make the first pot of gold in his life, would your dad have today's achievements and status?"

"If your father is in jail for three months, it is not my father who gave the Lan family 50,000 yuan as living expenses, can your Lan family survive for three months?"

"Yes, it is true that the Lan family now has more money than the Qiao family, but when your father sees my father, he still has to call out Big Brother, is that right?"

"Your Lan family will visit my dad every New Year's Day, and your dad has to kowtow on New Year's Eve, is that right?"

When Lan Xiaomo stared at him sharply, the corner of Qiao Dongsheng's mouth raised a touch of pride: "Also, don't forget..."

"Your father said all day that the Lan family owed the Qiao family a favor, and when to pay it back, as long as he can do it, he will spare no effort."

Qiao Dongsheng smiled: "So you'd better not show me your face, otherwise I go back to my father and ask for a kiss, and you will become my woman."

"If your father loves you again, he will marry you to me out of promise."

Qiao Dongsheng's smile became playful: "So Lan Xiaomo, you'd better be honest now and apologize to me."

"Also, let this little white face kneel down and kowtow to me, otherwise, you will regret it."


Before Zhong Hong and their triumphant smiles fell, Lan Xiaomo suddenly stepped forward and slapped it directly on Qiao Dongsheng's face.

Qiao Dongsheng gave a muffled groan, and stepped back four or five steps, holding his cheeks, and did not fall down when he was supported by Zhong Hong.

He was furious: "Lan Xiaomo, do you dare to hit me?"

"What you said just now is correct, it's just a bit wrong."

Lan Xiaomo blew his fingers: "I am a Tianlong woman, I am the Ye Lan family, and it has nothing to do with the Lan family. My father can't control me, and can't force me to marry me."

Qiao Dongsheng yelled angrily: "I'll take care of you, stand in front of me immediately, take your little white face, and kowtow to Laozi."

"Otherwise, I will let you die without knowing how to die. I will go to propose a marriage tonight and marry you in and ravage you like a dog!"

Qiao Dongsheng roared like chicken blood: "Kneel down, kowtow!"

"Qiao Dongsheng, so majestic."

As soon as the voice fell, the unclosed wooden door was pushed open with a bang, and a voice came with a majestic voice, with a condescending voice:

"What are you? Dare to make my Confucius brother kowtow?"

"Are you going to celebrate Ching Ming Festival next year in advance?"

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