Talented Genius

Chapter 1144: Have a dance

At two o'clock in the morning, Wangjiang Restaurant was heavily guarded and brightly lit, with dozens of Kong's bodyguards standing upstairs and downstairs.

The restaurant that was supposed to be closed, because of Ye Tianlong and Confucius' supper, became lively and noisy again, and the wine and dishes were also full of fragrance.

Lan Xiaomo knew that Ye Tianlong had something to discuss with Confucius, so he didn't bother with him as he did before, but made an appointment to see you the next day.

Ye Tianlong didn't make a whole fish feast to entertain Confucius, so he got a roast suckling pig, and he cut and ate all kinds of sauces with one knife.

The crispy slices of meat, dipped in the sauce, bite down, full of fragrant mouth, and especially joyful.

"Ye Shao, I'm very sorry about tonight."

Confucius took a knife to cut off a piece of meat, and once again apologized to Ye Tianlong: "Qiao Dongsheng's trash is really embarrassing."

"But it's also a good thing. At least let me take the opportunity to reorganize the team, otherwise there will be more and more black sheep in the future."

"I want to be the most powerful young man, I have to step on Jin Xuejun and Rong Xueli. Too much waste will only drag down my combat effectiveness."

Having said this, he changed his mind: "By the way, Ye Shao, say sorry to Mr. Zhao and Director Zhang for me."

"Their losses, their demands, tell me, I double compensate them."

Ye Tianlong took a sip of the white wine, smiled calmly and replied: "The tree is big with dead branches, Kong Shao's team is so huge, there are a few scumbags normal."

"Furthermore, Shao Kong didn't show favoritism. He scolded them in public, lost their face, and brought back justice to me and Mr. Zhao."

He added softly: "So Kong Shao doesn't need the slightest self-blame, let alone any compensation, but I should say thank you."

When Ye Tianlong put down the wine glass, Zhen silently filled him with wine, and then silently retreated to the back.

Hearing Ye Tianlong's words, Confucius gave a thumbs up and said, "Ye Shao is really a good person. If I am replaced by me, I am definitely not as capable as you."

Ye Tianlong picked up the wine glass and smiled: "We are old friends, so don't flatter each other, or it will be sour in the ears of outsiders."

"It's rare that you come to Mingjiang for a stroll. We should have a good chat, eat some good food, drink some fun, and don't worry about other things."

His smile is very gentle: "After drinking this wine, let's watch the scene, sleep well, and then continue to drink..."

"Hahaha, it makes sense, I came to Mingjiang for vacation, not for unhappy."

Confucius pulled a towel and wiped his hands, and then he also held up his glass with a smile: "Come on, drink, drink, I won't be drunk tonight."

The two touched gently, and then drank one clean.

"Ye Shao, it's a bit boring to drink so dry like this, should we do some singing and dancing?"

After putting down the wine glass, Confucius suddenly said: "If there are beautiful women to admire the eyes, there are singing and dancing to raise the ears, the night will be better."

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "Kong Shao is very interested, it's just midnight in the middle of the night, and it's the Linjiang restaurant. How can there be any singing and dancing?"

"It is often said that Nanhan women are born to sing and dance."

Confucius threw a piece of meat into his mouth, chewed hard a few times and swallowed it in, his eyes fell sharply on Zhen's face, and his smile was a little playful:

"The beautiful bodyguard next to Ye Shao is not only gentle and lovely, but also trained according to her figure, so she must dabble in singing and dancing."

Confucius said leisurely: "I think it shouldn't be a problem to jump on two songs, it depends on Ye Shaoshe's reluctance to let her show it."

When Confucius saw this, Zhen's nerves were inexplicably tense, as if she was being stared at by a wild beast, and her body almost made a counterattack.

Then she glanced at the clock again, two thirty-five.

"It's just two songs, and it's not about letting her die twice. What's the reluctance of this?"

Ye Tianlong leaned on the seat, with a smile across his face: "It's just that I just accepted her, and I haven't felt the various performances yet."

"So I don't know if she can dance."

He looked at Zhen calmly, harmless to humans and animals: "Zhen, do you know how to dance? If so, let us have a look at the style."

"If not, it doesn't matter. Let's finish drinking and eating early, go back to sleep, and go to Shuiyunjian to listen to a song tomorrow."

Ye Tianlong also threw a sentence to Confucius: "Young Master Kong, don't go to the hotel tonight. Follow me to a place where there are enough rooms."

Confucius laughed: "Okay, let Ye Shao arrange everything."

Zhenwenyan touched the corners of her mouth a few times, and then softly said, "Ye Shao, I was a trainee before. Although I didn't debut, I still can sing and dance."

She put down the hip flask in her hand and smiled: "I will dance for Ye Shao."

After speaking, she tore off the black tie from her long black hair, and the three thousand green silks instantly spread out, blooming in the river breeze blowing in by the doors and windows!

Her unique fragrance filled the hall, and the gentleness she felt slowly flowed through everyone's hearts.

Confucius leaned back against the seat with a carefree gesture, with one hand on the table, knocking intentionally or unintentionally, and one hand on his waist, his fingers touching the coldness of the gun.

There was a hint of playfulness in his eyes, and a hint of coldness.

Ye Tianlong was as calm as a level, holding wine like an artist waiting for the opening.

After moving a few tables away, Zhen walked slowly to the middle, and smiled softly at Ye Tianlong: "Ye Shao, Zhen dances for you, adjust the song!"

When is the bright moon? Ask Qingtian about the wine.

I don’t know what year is the heavenly palace?

"I want to go back by the wind, lest Qionglou Yuyu, the heights are too cold, dance to figure out the shadow, how is it like in the world?"

Zhen scattered the peace on her face, and her red lips lightly sang the head of the water tune. Her voice was very pleasant, but at the moment it was a little more sad.

The flying sleeves and spinning blue silk made Ye Tianlong unable to see the expression on her face, but he could feel Zhen's resignation and powerless struggle.

He also felt Zhen's heart broken in the dance, and then rushed towards him all over the sky, almost asphyxiated.

"Transfer to Zhu Pavilion, low Qi household, and sleepless."

"There shouldn't be hate, what's the matter for the other time?"

Perhaps it was the strong stimulation of the light, or Zhen's uncontrollable, Ye Tianlong vaguely felt tears in Zhen's eyes.

Crystal clear.

Confucius didn't pay much attention to it. Let Zhen dance is purely a planning link. He did not expect that she danced so well and so beautifully.

After more than ten years of adulthood, Confucius conquered not one hundred and eighty women, but there was never one as soft as Zhen.

It's just that Confucius knows that this woman will not have anything to do with him, either she will die or she will be with Ye Tianlong, so he returned to calm after sighing.

"I hope people will last forever, and there will be a thousand miles together."

At this moment, Zhen turned her slender body, twirled twice, and then turned her hands into a flying moon pose.

Elegant, touching, and pleasing to the eye.

"Yes, yes, worthy of being the maid of the Nan Han family."

Confucius smiled and clapped his hands: "A dance is better than many professionals. To be honest, I admire you very much."

"For Ye Shao's sake, I will give you a chance."

He tapped his fingers on the table and his smile became harsh: "Tell me, who is leading the team tonight?"

Zhen Qiao's face changed, her abdomen moved, her throat squirmed, and her red lips opened up, but she saw a hand lightly on her shoulder, gentle and warm.

Ye Tianlong sighed softly: "I lost."

His fingers slipped into Zhen's seductive mouth and pinched out a small bead...

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