Talented Genius

Chapter 1148: Insufficient balance

Although Ye Tianlong felt that Lan Xiaomo was unreliable, he promised to give him breakfast.

After he got off the huge ship, he drove to a commercial center. Although it was already nine o'clock, many shops had opened, but the restaurant was still quiet.

The few luxury restaurants that can satisfy Lan Xiaomo’s breakfast are either not open yet, or in the stage of internal cleaning, and there is nothing to buy.

Ye Tianlong didn't blame them either. At this point in time, apart from breakfast shops or McDonald's, it is impossible for normal restaurants to open for business.

It's just that he didn't leave. Ye Tianlong found an internally organized restaurant and asked them to cook Lan Xiaomo's meal at five times the price.

Under his rhetoric and handsome tactics, the restaurant manager on duty finally agreed to take the order and urge a chef to cook Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong also remembered that the Tianmen antique store was nearby, so he ordered five or six hard dishes and prepared to bring them to Zheng Xiaolan.

As a named general manager, he still needs to show his care for employees.

Ye Tianlong waited for about forty-five minutes, and finally left with two large food boxes, and then drove to the Tianmen antique store.

Today is Saturday. Zheng Xiaolan didn't have to go to work, but she still came to the store to do chores. This is what Ye Tianlong admired.

When leaving the car, Ye Tianlong glanced at the clock. At ten o'clock, he asked if this was breakfast or dinner? Then smiled and got out of the car and walked into the store.

This time is still early for the store, so there are not many people walking around in the store, and the staff and customers are very few.

Seeing Ye Tianlong's appearance, several Dragon Bu children immediately greeted him and said hello.

Ye Tianlong handed them a food box, told them to add vegetables at noon, and then asked: "Where is Xiaolan?"

A Dragon Bu child quickly told: "She is at the cashier today."

Ye Tianlong patted them on the shoulder, and then walked to the place where the order was placed.


As soon as Ye Tianlong stepped into the billing area, his eardrum was violently shaken, and a loud bang against the table stimulated his ears.

He turned his head and looked around, and saw a foreign man and woman mad at Zheng Xiaolan. An Oriental woman was patting the cashier counter, and her eyebrows were erect and yelling in Japanese:

"What's going on? My card is for Dongyang, Nanhan, Middle East, Europe, North America, why can't you use it here?"

"Do you know how to swipe my card, or your machines are too low-level to swipe?"

She was angrily: "Call your boss here!"

Dongyang women are tall and fashionable, wearing a green half-length blouse, a black miniskirt at the waist, and leather shoes on their feet.

This woman is already very aggressive, and it makes people feel uncomfortable to start the attack right now, but Zheng Xiaolan's face is a little blank.

Ye Tianlong guessed that Zheng Xiaolan hadn't heard what the Dongyang woman said, because in addition to the latter speaking too fast, there was also the fact that the momentum was too scary.

Several billing girls also jumped their eyelids, seeming to face this situation for the first time.

They didn't react much when they saw Zheng Xiaolan. The western man beside the Dongyang woman also raised his face and squeezed out the words in blunt Chinese:

"Have you heard, call your boss, we have to complain."

He stretched out his finger to poke Zheng Xiaolan's shoulder: "Complain that your goods are of poor quality, that your service is not good, and that your machine is too low-level."

"Be sure to let the boss deduct your bonus, deduct your salary, and then fire you."

The foreign man shouted with a superior look: "You should know that we foreigners complain to you, and vote one by one."

Ye Tianlong glanced at the card in the hand of the Dongyang woman, then looked at the lonely and helpless Zheng Xiaolan, moved his steps and opened the fingers of the western man:

"If you have something to say, don't move your hands or feet."

When the foreign man saw Ye Tianlong being nosy, he immediately rolled up his sleeves and shouted, "You hit my finger? Who are you? Go away."

Ye Tianlong's eyes were cold, and the foreign man's body trembled, feeling a chill, his raised hand instinctively stagnated, and he did not dare to hit it.

He didn't wait for foreign men and Oriental women to go crazy, Zheng Xiaolan, who looked sideways at Guazi's face, asked, "What's going on?"

At this moment, there were already many people onlookers around, including businessmen waiting for the identification results, and guests who had just walked in, watching this scene curiously.

In the early morning, there was nothing wrong with it, and it was a joy to watch the excitement.

"It's like this."

When Zheng Xiaolan saw Ye Tianlong stand up to speak for herself, she was moved with a green face, and then hurriedly explained to Ye Tianlong:

"They bought a Jade Ruyi for 10,000 yuan, no cash, no WeChat or Alipay payment, they only had a Toyo Bank card in their hands."

She told the story: "I said I can swipe the card, but I can't do it with the card. I swipe it six times, and I swipe it once on all four machines."

"No amount jumped out no matter how you swiped it."

"I told them to change a card or go to the next-door teller machine to withdraw cash, and they went crazy. First, I said that I have a low education and can't swipe the card."

"I said that I have been working for half a year, swiping my card thousands of times, and I am absolutely skilled in manipulation."

She gave a wry smile: "They changed their words and said that there was a problem with our credit card machine."

"I also said that they will never change a bank card or waste time withdrawing money because of our credit card machine problem."

Zheng Xiaolan was a little aggrieved: "I said the machine was fine, and it was cleaned up yesterday, and the light display was normal. They didn't listen."

"It doesn't mean that there is a problem with the credit card machine, and then I scolded me for poor service, and replaced it with Toyo's early apology and early compensation."

Ye Tianlong said softly and relieved: "Don't listen to their nonsense, compensation will be paid if anyone's problem is not figured out. This is to humiliate the IQ of the Oriental people.

When several cashiers pursed their lips and laughed, Ye Tianlong turned his head and looked at the arrogant Oriental woman, with a polite manner:

"Hello, please swipe your card again, I can find the problem for you immediately."

The Dongyang woman was very impatient when she heard this: "I have done it five or six times, and I want to do it again?"

"Do you want to peek at my password and copy my bank card? You Huaxia has the most copycats."

She yelled: "Stop talking nonsense, call the manager out quickly."

The foreign man also slapped the table and shouted: "Yes, call the boss out."

Ye Tianlong said faintly: "You are using Toyo Sakura Bank's third-generation global credit card. No password is required during the consumption process."

"Document confirmation only recognizes your own signature."

He attacked the Toyo woman: "If you don't sign for consumption or maliciously steal it, Toyo Sakura Bank will be responsible for all losses."


The Dongyang woman didn't expect Ye Tianlong to be familiar with her bank card, and after subconsciously squeezing it out, she took it out and swiped it on the credit card machine.

As Zheng Xiaolan said, the credit card machine ticked twice, but there was no money. Zheng Xiaolan shook his head in frustration: "I can't do it."

When the Dongyang woman saw it, she was fierce: "If you see it, it means that the machine is broken, and it is still in the top antique store. You can't even use the card reader."

"It affects our interests and wastes our time. We now demand not only a fairness, but also a huge compensation."

The foreign man also glared at Ye Tianlong and shouted: "Your service is too bad, quickly call your boss over to compensate."

"No need to call the boss."

A smile was drawn across Ye Tianlong's face, and then he pointed his finger at the bank card of a Dongyang woman, and his tone came out calmly:

"It's not a machine problem, or a clerk problem, it's a bank card problem, and the balance is insufficient."

He looked at the Dongyang women and them: "If you don't have a 10,000 yuan bank card, how can you get 10,000 yuan out?"

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