Talented Genius

Chapter 1170: misfortune

After Ye Tianlong had lunch, he came out from Liu Tianzi after learning about Yan Fei's condition.

While driving the car, he called Yan Fei, trying to talk to a woman who hadn't been in touch for some days, but no one answered the phone.

Ye Tianlong glanced at the time and guessed that Yan Fei was afraid of sleeping, but no matter how she sleeps, Yan Fei would not stop answering her phone.

The only possibility is that she is drunk.

As Liu Tianzi said, Yan Fei has been depressed recently. Not only has she announced that she will not take up the task for three months, she also likes to drink her own brewed medicinal wine.

She would drink half a catty every day, get a little drunk, and then fall into bed for a day.

Ye Tianlong thought about it for a while and didn't continue calling. He planned to contact Yan Fei at night, and guessed that Yan Fei's depression was about himself and Yanhuang.

Although I promised Yan Fei not to deal with Yan Huang personally, Yan Huang never went back to Africa and did not contact her. Yan Fei had to think about it.

Although Yan Fei has always favored Ye Tianlong, Yan Huang also grew up together and was absolutely loyal to her. Yan Huang had an accident and Yan Fei must be uncomfortable.

After figuring this out, Ye Tianlong parked his car on the side of the road, and then sent an email to inform Yan Huang that he was still alive...

As soon as the email was sent, Ye Tianlong's cell phone rang: "Tianlong, it's not good, Xiaomo called and Lantianxiang was kidnapped!"

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, and then he slapped a joke: "What? Lan Lanxiang was kidnapped?"

How is this possible?

Ye Tianlong clearly remembered that Lantian Xiang said yesterday that he would go back and prepare for the battle. He still stayed simple and would call the police to protect him when necessary.

How can a person with such a thoughtful vision and such a cautious approach be kidnapped in an instant?

And Cao Qiankun also said that Lan Xiang was not fighting alone, so Ye Tianlong felt unbelievable that he was kidnapped.

"Lanxiang went out to walk the dog in the morning. The dog's leash was accidentally torn off, and he ran a little far away, and then the gangster took advantage of it."

"The two commercial cars **** the blue sky with a thunder strike before the Lan's bodyguards arrived."

Bailihua's voice also became anxious: "Xiao Mo just called you but couldn't get through, so he called me. She wants your help."

Ye Tianlong's eyes narrowed: "Did you call the police?"

Bailihua nodded: "Call the police! But if the other party dares to kidnap at the gate of Lan's Garden, the police will not find it easily."

"Moreover, 80% are Qi Ba's subordinates. They are not afraid of being investigated by the police at all."

"Now not only the police are dispatched, but all the Lan elites are also dispatched, but Lan Xiaomo is still flustered and has no bottom, so I am looking for you."

She reminded Ye Tianlong: "You can call her back quickly, or go to the Lanjia Garden, I think she is in a hurry."

"Okay, I'll call her later, and the Lan Family Garden won't go. It doesn't make much sense to go there. The important thing is to quickly find the blue sky."

Ye Tianlong issued instructions to Bailihua: "You let the dragon gate all be dispatched, try to find the murderer, and then let the oriole go to the location of the incident to track down."

Bailihua nodded: "Understood!"

After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone arrangement. Lan and Ye Tianlong had **** a lot of interest. In addition to Lan Xiaomo's relationship, she had to do her best in public and private.

Following the issue of Ye Tianlong's instructions, Longmen and Dai's family quickly became operational, and the Oriole also appeared at the kidnapping scene with his men.

Although Mingjiang has a population of 20 million, the Longmen and Dai's revolving at full speed still produce an efficiency that is difficult for ordinary people to imagine.

It didn't take long for Ye Tianlong's cell phone to have an extra piece of information, a report from Shangguan Xiaozhi.

She doesn't know who kidnapped Lantian Xiang, but she has found out that the one sent by Qi Ba to Mingjiang to deal with Lantian Xiang was one of the four "sages" of the Qi family, Jiang Yunzhou.

It is said that they are the four sages, but in fact they are the four evils, and all of them have a lot of human lives on their hands. Qi Ba changed their status and took a new name.

Jiang Yunlong, Jiang Yunxiao, Jiang Yunshen, and Jiang Yunzhou, with four simple names, show their domineering and Qiba heart.

Long Xiao Shenzhou!

Jiang Yunzhou entered the Mingjiang River with the red dwarf, but there has been no trace of activity since he entered, and he is obviously Qi Ba's back.

Now that the mission of the red dwarf has failed, Jiang Yunzhou is likely to come out and do it, but he does not know his specific whereabouts for the time being.

Jiang Yunzhou is a big family member who has also practiced iron cloth shirts. Although he can't be invulnerable to the film and television, he is also very hardworking.

This person is bold and careful, the sword goes slanting, and the kidnapping of Lan Lanxiang is in line with his style.

Ye Tianlong looked at Jiang Yunzhou's photos again, and found that he was indeed a fierce and evil master who was somewhat similar to Meng Zhang Fei.

Especially those eyes, the convex ones seem to fall out of the eye sockets at any time.


When Ye Tianlong finished reading the information, news of the oriole came over, and he gave a route for investigation, the direction of which was an old place.

Nalanba's former dogfighting arena.

The oriole also informed the two police officers that they were heading towards the dogfighting arena and that they would arrive at the dogfighting arena for a search in about forty minutes.

Ye Tianlong, who hung up the phone, calculated the distance and found that it only takes ten minutes to get to the dogfighting arena, so he quickly deflected the car and drove towards the dogfighting...

At this moment, in the deserted VIP room of the dogfighting ground, Blue Sky twisted his neck and glanced at the surrounding environment.

There are more than 80 square meters here, and it faces the dogfighting arena downstairs. Although it hasn't been sealed up for a long time, there are already many signs of dilapidation.

In the empty room, some tattered furniture was left, the windows and railings were dusty, and the dogfighting ground was scattered with a lot of weeds and dead leaves.

He was very angry, and the only thing that felt alive was the black guards downstairs. They were carved out like a mold, similar in height and hostile.

Faced with the kidnapping, Lan Lanxiang didn't panic, and always kept calm.


As his thoughts turned, a burly man walked in with five or six of his men, followed by two men and women in suits and leather briefcases.

"Lan Lanxiang, hello, I am Jiang Yunzhou, maybe you don't know me, but if I say someone, you must know."

The burly man walking in front stared his eyes, but didn't smile, "Mr. Qi asked me to say hello to you."

"Qi Ba people?"

Lan Lanxiang was still not afraid, and after a glance at Jiang Yunzhou, he smiled and said, "His taste remains the same as before. It has not changed for more than a decade."

"Since I know him, he has recruited big guys around him, and he always thinks that force is the easiest way to solve problems."

He sighed softly: "Can't he use his brain a little more? Must kidnap and kill?"

Hearing the words of Lantian Xiang, Jiang Yunzhou laughed, with disdain in his eyes: "Lan Lanxiang, what are you? What qualifications do you have to question King Qi?"

"You are now in our hands. Doesn't it just mean that force is the most effective way to solve the problem?"

"I'm a rough person, don't like nonsense, now you have two paths."

He yelled out: "One, you honestly sign all these documents, and all the share assets are legally donated to Lantianxin and Lan Pingping."

"After they legally control the Lan Group, King Qi will see you as a brother-in-law and ask you to spend the rest of your life in a Greek shipyard."

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