Talented Genius

Chapter 1172: A little bit

Hearing the words of Lan Lanxiang, Jiang Yunzhou's expression changed: "What do you mean?"

Lan Lanxiang did not respond, but looked at Ye Tianlong and smiled: "Tianlong, do you know why I was kidnapped?"

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, not knowing what the blue sky meant, but after thinking about it, he immediately figured it out. He sighed, and it was indeed unnecessary to appear by himself:

"Uncle and King Qi are in full-scale war. If you blow the head of the red ghost, King Qi will fight back and retaliate, or maybe even kill chickens and monkeys."

"You are worried that your family will be harmed, so you send someone to protect Xiaomo and the others closely, and you let yourself risk trapping."

He smiled faintly: "In other words, when you come here, your uncle is not tied up, but your uncle wants to come, otherwise no amount of people will be able to tie your uncle."

"My uncle was kidnapped, and the value of living is far more valuable than death, so there must be a big figure to pass on the command of'cooperation' on behalf of King Qi."

Ye Tianlong scanned the information on the table and smiled: "Now it seems that everything is as uncle expected."

Jiang Yunzhou's eyelids twitched as he digested Ye Tianlong's content, and the two subordinates tensed their nerves and called the rest of the staff for support with their phones.

The blue sky showed a hint of appreciation: "Tianlong, you are indeed a talent. I did not misunderstand you, and I moved your heart."

"In the face of this reckless man Jiang Yunzhou, you don't hide as far as you can, nor do you run to comfort Xiaomo, but you are going all the way to save me the first time."

The blue sky expresses a sincere voice: "Uncle is moved from the heart."

Ye Tianlong smiled peacefully: "This is what Tianlong should do."

"You two are talking the same as singing."

Jiang Yunzhou had already reacted at this time and stretched out his hand to pat Lanxiangxiang's cheek: "You mean, you were tied here by me on purpose?"

"Even if you were **** by me deliberately and wanted to expose the strength of King Qi in Mingjiang, but now you are held in my hand, how can you toss?"

There was a joke at the corner of his mouth: "Even if this place is surrounded by your people, as long as your life is held in my hands, the winner will still be me."

"Because as long as I cut off two of your hands and feet, I think no matter how many elite Lans are, I can only retreat."

Jiang Yunzhou smiled triumphantly: "Lian Lanxiang, you are arrogant."

"The most naive thing is that you are still in my hands, but you are talking about your setting like a winner."

"You are still in my hands, saying that those just now are ridiculous, not only will not scare me, but will make me more careful about you."

Jiang Yunzhou was very polite and taught the calm blue sky, "I won't give you any chance to escape."

Then he looked at Ye Tianlong, his smile turned hideous: "Boy, you are very powerful, you are the most overbearing opponent I have ever seen."

"But so what?"

Jiang Yunzhou held the meteor hammer tightly: "Don't say you still have a gap with me, even if you are better than me, I still won't be afraid of you."

"You came to save Lanxiangxiang by yourself, showing that you really care about him, otherwise you won't do anything stunned."

He sneered: "You actually care about him, so I should threaten you with him. It should work."

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "It seems that you are not the rash man as uncle said."

Lan Lanxiang playfully took the topic: "People are wise and stupid, he is stupid, but still stupid."

"is it?"

Jiang Yunzhou's eyes widened, as scary as a lion: "Stop talking nonsense, and immediately break my arm, otherwise I will destroy the blue sky."

Ye Tianlong hooked his finger at him: "Come here and chop it for you personally."


Jiang Yunzhou didn't talk nonsense, he slapped the blue sky again, and after a crisp sound, there was a trace of blood on the corner of the blue sky, but he didn't care.

Then, Jiang Yunzhou let two of his subordinates look at him, took a step forward with the meteor hammer, and shouted sharply: "Throw away the knife!"

Ye Tianlong seemed helpless, nailing the blood-stained saber into the ground.

Jiang Yunzhou tilted his head to one of his men: "Go and chop off his hand."

A black-clothed man asked his companion to stare at the blue sky, and walked towards Ye Tianlong with a saber. The light of the knife shone with bloodthirsty rays...

"The game should be over."

Lan Lanxiang smiled suddenly, lowered his head, not knowing what tricks he had made, only to hear a few clanging sounds, and the chains fell.

The two shackles of his hands also hit the ground twice, and the blue sky instantly regained his freedom, and then he pinched the saber on his neck.


With a crisp sound, the saber turned into countless pieces, and then fell to the ground.

Jiang Yunzhou's complexion changed drastically, and he instantly understood that he had made a big mistake. With a roar, the meteor hammer hit the blue sky with his head: "Dead—"

Full of power.

Lan Lanxiang was on one side, and at the same time he pulled the man in black and threw it out.

Hearing a crisp sound, the black man's head was hit by a meteor hammer, and a lot of blood burst out instantly, and his head was half missing.

Jiang Yunzhou was taken aback. He didn't expect that the blue sky would hide from each other so quickly, and he would have a little skill, and then he was furious.


It was also in this gap that Ye Tianlong kicked the saber on the enclave, and went in to chop the belly of the man in black.

The latter screamed and flew out while clutching his abdomen. Jiang Yunzhou reflexed, and his backhand was another meteor hammer.


The meteor hammer hit the black man's head again, with another loud noise, half of his head was missing, and blood shot everywhere.

"Go to hell!"

After two consecutive manslaughter of his companions, Jiang Yunzhou was very angry, and a roll of corpses was smashed at Ye Tianlong, and at the same time he swooped in the blue sky.

Obviously he knew who was the most important.


At this moment, four people flashed in through the doors and windows.

A blue-clothed woman raised her hands, and dozens of blue threads like spider silk shot out, entangled Jiang Yunzhou's body and the meteor hammer.

Then, a woman in Tsing Yi fell from the air and slashed towards Jiang Yunzhou, who was stiff.


Jiang Yunzhou gritted his teeth and lifted the meteor hammer, barely holding the long knife that fell.

In the huge collision, the two each stepped back a few steps, but before Jiang Yunzhou gasped, a black-clothed woman folded her hands and sent twelve flying knives in a row.


Jiang Yunzhou, who was bound by the blue silk and wrestled for another round, changed his expression, and the meteor hammer kept hitting and blocking seven or eight flying knives.

But four shots still hit his body.

It's just that his muscles are unusually strong, and the four throwing knives only hit half a point before stopping.


Jiang Yunzhou roared and forced the flying knives out of his muscles with a few bangs, and one of them shot at Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong kicked away.

At this moment, another woman in gold appeared, arranging her bow and shooting arrows. The bow was a desert bow and the arrow was a sunset arrow.

An arrow shot, golden light flashed, sharp and stern sound.

Jiang Yunzhou raised the meteor hammer to resist, but couldn't stop the sunset arrow.


With a muffled sound, the arrow entered his throat.

Jiang Yunzhou's body suddenly stagnated, and then his eyes protruded to the largest extent, and the meteor hammer fell with a bang.

He wanted to shout, he wanted to struggle, but suddenly, the whole person was like an empty snakeskin bag, shaking and falling to the ground.

There was an arrow in his throat.

It is the sunset arrow!

Jiang Yunzhou's eyes were full of aggrieved and angry, staring at the four women, his mouth twitching constantly, full of fear, doubt and unbelief...

He didn't seem to believe that these four charming women could kill him.

His lips were still moving, and the autumn wind in his throat rustled like leaves. Although he was speechless, everyone knew he was 10,000 unacceptable.

The breath fell a thousand miles away, and the body was full of strength!

The four women succeeded in one blow, did not stay any longer, and left the hall as soon as they turned, and quickly disappeared in Ye Tianlong's vision, as if they had never disappeared.

The four women obviously represent the Four Gods of Wealth. The woman in blue is the blue sky, the woman in black is from the Black Widow, and the woman in Tsing Yi is Xu Facai...

Woman in gold...

Ye Tianlong narrowed his eyes, thought a few thoughts in his heart, and then muttered to himself: Huang Bajin...It turned out to be a peking jin...

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