Talented Genius

Chapter 1176: collapse

After exiting the police station, Ye Tianlong got into a leased commercial vehicle, and Tianmo stepped on the accelerator and drove to the booked Shangri-La Hotel.

After driving seven or eight kilometers, two black jeeps followed. Although they did not approach, Ye Tianlong felt that they were following.

After he found out, he slightly frowned. He came to the deep city to be low-key and secretive, and he has no enemies in the deep city. How can he be followed?

Ye Tianlong thought about it for a while, thinking of the murderer who attacked Xu Facai, could it be his own help that made the murderer think he had a leg with Old Xu?

Thinking of this, Ye Tianlong exhaled a long breath, and faintly said to Tianmo: "Tianmo, don't go back to the hotel yet, find a restaurant for breakfast."

"If you don't solve these tails properly, I'm afraid we will be very troublesome."

Tian Mo couldn't help being stunned when he heard the words, and then took a few casual glances, and there was indeed a black jeep behind.

Di Kuangtian and Zhen were still calm, as if they didn't care about being followed. They all knew that Ye Tianlong was not the one who was against Ye Tianlong.

Ten minutes later, under the instruction of Ye Tianlong, the commercial vehicle parked in a restaurant, which was very lively with people coming and going.

Ye Tianlong took the three of them out of the car door to eat breakfast, and at the same time told the Oriole to observe the actions of these stalkers in secret.

Ye Tianlong ordered more than a dozen dim sums in one breath, and ordered a pot of good tea, greeted Di Kuangtian, Tianmo and Zhen to enjoy it and replenish energy.

When they were halfway through eating, Ye Tianlong's earplugs moved slightly, and the oriole's voice came: "Ye Shao, they are also going in for breakfast."

"There are ten people in the two cars, eight people go in, and two others stay in the car."

Ye Tianlong nodded: "I see, you continue to stare at the people in the car."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Tianlong ordered another bowl of soy milk, gulped it, and glanced at the entrance not far away.

Sure enough, they saw eight stalkers coming in. They were divided into two groups, sitting on two small tables, calling for snacks while sneaking in here.

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly, and then looked at Zhen beside him: "Today is the time for you to show, but remember, don't die here."

Zhen Yanran smiled, shy but infinite, she ate two steamed buns with grace and drank a glass of corn juice before finally wandering up.

She asked the waiter where the bathroom was, and then under the guidance, she moved gently past two tables...

The chastity is like a snow lotus blooming quietly, which makes people totally unable to see any lethality. When it is discovered, it is often too late.

When Zhen came back from the bathroom, Ye Tianlong greeted everyone to finish the rest of the food, packed a few snacks and held it in his hands, and then left.

After they left, the people following the two tables also pulled paper towels to wipe the corners of their mouths, and then followed Ye Tianlong and the others neatly.

Five minutes later, the commercial vehicle and two jeeps started one after another and left the noisy restaurant.

Slightly stepping on the accelerator, Tian Mo drove the car to the location sent by the Feng group members, which is an old street with more than 50 years of history to be demolished.

Except for a large number of buildings with dangerous buildings, there are almost no people living in Old Street, so you can save a lot of trouble by starting there.

When approaching the old street, Ye Tianlong waved his finger lightly, and Tianmo quickly stepped on the accelerator, speeding up and driving into the old street.

At the entrance, Earth Kuangtian burst out from the car window, flashed past, and hid in an abandoned room.

When the tracking jeep found that the commercial vehicle was speeding up, Tianmo and the others had already driven hundreds of meters away.

The jeep hurriedly stepped on the gas pedal and followed, and within two minutes, it found that the commercial vehicle was parked in the middle of the road.

The body was leaning against a young man with a charming woman in his arms, staring lazily at them.

The people in the jeep knew their whereabouts had been exposed, but hesitated to find that the tires burst twice.

Immediately there was a person from behind.

Earth Kuangtian blocked their way.

The people in the jeep knew that they could not die well, and unwilling to show their weakness, they got out of the car. Ten men came forward with murderous aura, with weapons hidden in their waists.

They didn't care about being blocked by Ye Tianlong before and after. To them, Ye Tianlong was a sheep, surrounded by flocks, what's so disturbing?

A little-eyed man lifted his chin and stared at Ye Tianlong with cold eyes, with a strange yin and yang: "Boy, a little wise, knows we are following."

"Let's talk about it, what is the relationship between you and Xu Facai? What are you doing in Shencheng?"

"Frankly, we will give you a whole body, otherwise, we will nail you to the wall, and you will bleed for three days and three nights before you die."

While speaking, he also lifted up his clothes, revealing the guns at his waist, which really had a lot of background.

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "I should have said this to you."

Hearing this, the little-eyed man's face sank: "Boy, are you sure you want to fight us?"

He waved his left hand: "Take it!"

Five or six people around him immediately moved when they heard the sound, holding guns in their waists with murderous aura, the four went to catch Ye Tianlong and Zhen, and the two dealt with Earth Kuangtian.

Ye Tianlong didn't care, just looked at Zhen with a smile and said, "How long is there?"

Zhen smiled softly: "It just happens."

When the voice fell, the bodies of the four people who rushed up shook, and then they stopped and fell to the ground with a muffled snort.

Their faces were panicked, they didn't know what was going on, they tried to struggle and fell again, their bodies were weak, and their guns fell from their palms.

At the same time, the two people and the little-eyed man who walked towards Earth Kuangtian also swayed and fell to the ground, collapsed and sweating.

Only two of them were able to stand, but their faces were all shocked. They didn't seem to know what was going on. Then they hurriedly pulled out their guns and shouted:

"do not move--"


Before they pulled the trigger on Ye Tianlong, Di Kuangtian rushed into the middle of the two of them, peeked with both hands, folded, and snapped their hands and feet with a click.

Di Kuangtian then made a mistake with his hands, touched the two heads, and with a bang, the two heads fell and fell into a coma.

So far, all ten people have lost their combat effectiveness.

"What did you do?"

At this time, the little-eyed man let out a low growl: "How could this be?"

Zhen Youyou said, "I didn't do anything. You just got my medicine. You won't have any strength for three hours."

The little-eyed man remembered that Zhen had passed them when she was in the restaurant, and there was a touch of disbelief in his eyes. He did not expect this woman to be so terrible.

He was drugged silently. Fortunately, it was a drug. If it were poison, the eight people would die early.

He reacted, and then roared again: "You really are Xu Facai's comrades."

"I don't know whether I am Xu Facai's party or not. I just want to know your origins and details."

Ye Tianlong picked up the guns and glanced around, and found that they were all black guns, so he asked Tian Mo to pick up all the ten guns, maybe they would need them in the future.

Then he stared at the little-eyed man and added: "If you don't tell me, I can tell you responsibly, she will really make you worse off."

He pointed a little finger.

The corners of the little-eyed man's mouth moved, but he still held his mouth firmly: "Boy, the person behind us is not something you can offend."

"Anyone who is interested, it's better to let us go, and honestly explain Xu Facai's intentions."

He raised his neck: "Otherwise you will regret it."

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "You all want me to die, can't I offend him?"

The little-eyed man sneered: "The depth of the water drowns you."

Ye Tianlong shook his head slightly, then turned back to the commercial car.

Zhen stepped forward, her gloved hand grabbed the slender **** of the little-eyed man, and the next second, a needle pierced his nail...


The little-eyed man screamed, ten fingers connected to his heart, tears were coming out of his pain, he could only grit his teeth and use perseverance to bear the pain...


This needle is very soft, very long, and very sharp. With Zhen's fingertips twisting, it stabbed upwards little by little.

The needle pierced the finger, pierced the back of the hand, pierced the wrist, and continued to pierce forward. It seemed that it would not stop until it reached the top of the head...

The little-eyed man looked at the clear long needles under the skin, and the pain that became more and more unbearable, and that tenacity began to slowly collapse.

"This needle is not only sharp, but also very sharp."

Zhen said gently: "If I pull hard now, it will instantly cut all the meridians of your arm, and it is an irreversible injury."

"Have you seen... the situation of Baimai spurting blood?"

Zhen looks like a cherry blossom, and her voice has softened into a spring breeze, but the means have split the human will, human spirit, and fighting spirit.

The little-eyed man collapsed...

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