Talented Genius

Chapter 1179: I became a boyfriend

For an hour, he returned to the Xu Facai yacht in the deep city. Xu Facai took a shower and changed his clothes to send Ye Tianlong. His smile was very warm:

"Tianlong, why are you here? How do you know that I am here?"

Ye Tianlong didn't answer directly. He just picked up a big glass of Coke, poured it half a glass, and then sighed:

"After I separated from you at the police station, I was followed by a group of people. Later I took them down and forced a confession. I learned that you would come here."

"I also asked that they would be cruel to you. I couldn't get through when I called you, so I could only rent a speedboat to come and have a look."

He leaned on the sofa and took a big breath: "Lest you have any accidents."

"Unfortunately, I was late, and the two yachts were blown up."

Speaking of this, a touch of self-blame across Ye Tianlong's face, even faster he could save more than 70 lives.

Xu Facai's eyes showed a sense of appreciation. He didn't expect that Ye Tianlong not only had an extraordinary skill, but also had a heart of righteousness, and blamed himself for saving 70 people.

Replaced by the others, I am afraid that I am complacent about the record. At this point, he took another high look at Ye Tianlong.

Long Mao also secretly praises Ye Tianlong, his marksmanship, courage, and character are top-notch.

"Don't think so!"

Xu Facai stretched out his hand and patted Ye Tianlong on the shoulder, with a sincere tone: "You tried your best. You have saved me and more than 20 brothers."

"The remaining seventy lives and deaths have nothing to do with you. The murderers' methods are too harsh and vicious. It is them who are to blame, not you."

"No one can make things perfect, and this matter has nothing to do with you."

He spoke word by word: "You can do this, it is already commendable, you know, you are risking your life."

Xu Facai began to appreciate the feelings and joy of the blue sky. Ye Tianlong, who had nothing to do with him, committed himself to save himself. How could he not be moved?

"As long as there is a little mistake, you may be blown to pieces, so no one will criticize you, and you don't need to be guilty."

His palm is very hard: "More than 70 dead brothers, will never complain to you."

Ye Tianlong nodded gently: "Thank you, uncle for comfort."

Xu Facai patted his arm: "This sentence is out of the way. You saved me twice. If you want to say thank you, I should say, what can you do to thank you?"

"Furthermore, I have caused trouble for you. If you hadn't had two accidents, I'm afraid you have become an innocent victim."

He looked at Ye Tianlong very seriously: "Tianlong, if you have anything you need my help in the future, just open your mouth and go through fire and water, and you will die."

Xu Facai's original neutrality began to deviate from the blue sky, and decided to fully respond to the proposal of the black widow and support Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong smiled brightly: "Thank you, uncle."

"Tianlong, you have been tossing for so long, take a good sleep, and wake up to the shore."

Xu Facai's empathetic words changed: "I'll go to deal with affairs first. Today's explosion, these more than 70 lives, I want to deal with them properly."

"I want to ask for justice."

Ye Tianlong nodded: "Okay, uncle busy first, I'll take a rest."

Xu Facai patted his head again: "By the way, you haven't eaten yet? What do you like to eat, I'll let you get it."

"Uncle, you are welcome."

Ye Tianlong saw a half basket of carrots on the table not far away, smiled and ran to wash a few and took them in his hands: "I just eat this."

He bit off a piece with a click, eating very pleasantly, very enjoyable, fighting a fierce battle, it was at sea again, and had no appetite to eat greasy things.

So carrots are the best food for Ye Tianlong.

Xu Facai smiled first, then he was taken aback, looked at Ye Tianlong on the sofa, and saw him eat a carrot with his mouth...

He vaguely felt where he had seen this food...

Three hours later, Ye Tianlong and Xu Facai separated again. After Xu Facai arranged for someone to deal with the end of the hand, he would fly back to West China as soon as possible.

The three assassinations from last night to today let Xu Facai know that the deep city should not stay for long, otherwise there will be more killings waiting for him.

He didn't care, but he didn't want to involve anyone around him, innocent people, so he flew back to base camp to ensure the best safety.

However, when Xu Facai was leaving, he also gave Ye Tianlong a card of the'Emperor's Clubhouse' so that he could go to the clubhouse for help if he had something to do.

The other party's name is Luo Jingya.

Ye Tianlong didn't refuse, and after accepting it, he told Xu Facai to be careful all the way.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Ye Tianlong returned to the Shangri-La Hotel. He was about to sleep again but received a call from Huaruyu, Xiao Nizi's voice was excited:

"Group leader, group leader, are you in the deep city?"

Hua Ruyu always likes to call Ye Tianlong team leader, it seems that this way can be more cordial, and can also regain the feeling of the original Phoenix team.

Ye Tianlong was taken aback when he heard the words: "Yes, I'm in the deep city."

"Do you want me to buy a purchase? What does it look like?"

He then joked: "Anyway, you are the vice president of the beauty group, a person with an annual salary of one million, and you are still looking for me to buy?"


Hua Ruyu was even more happy: "I also just arrived in the deep city. I came to attend the wedding of my cousin. My parents are all here, so I can only show up."

"It turns out that you attended the wedding, congratulations to your cousin, you can stay in the deep city for a few more days, feel the excitement, and accompany your parents by the way."

Ye Tianlong responded with a smile: "As for the company, Zhao Keke and Chen Ling'er can last a few days. By the way, send me a gift to your parents."

"Group leader, group leader, I am calling you, not just telling you that I am also in the deep city."

Hua Ruyu pursed her little mouth: "I want you to accompany me to the wedding."

Ye Tianlong almost fell when he heard the words: "Your cousin gets married, what am I going to do? This relationship is so complicated and unfamiliar."

"Tsk, how can you not think of you so smart?"

Hua Ruyu snorted: "My cousin is married, and I'm still single, you say, my parents, three aunts and six women, what will happen then?"

Ye Tianlong had an epiphany: "You want me to be your boyfriend? Show it at the wedding so as to stop the mouths of the three aunts and six women?"

Hua Ruyu yelled happily: "The leader is smart, yes, I will use you for two hours."

"I know you are busy, but you have to have dinner every day? Supper has to last an hour, right? You take it as if you accompany me to dinner."

Hua Ruyu's voice became very gentle: "You help me through the difficulties, and I will repay you well."

Ye Tianlong lifted his spirits: "How can I repay?"

Hua Ruyu's words are temptation, and her tone is soft: "I will treat Long Live Master's regulations with my concubine, and I will repay Team Leader Ye well."

Ye Tianlong struck a spirit, remembering the old palace rules...

It is said that in ancient times, in the emperor’s palace, concubines and concubines crawled into the quilt from the "dragon claw" outside, and then slowly met with the emperor...

He cleared his throat: "This emperor...no, this boyfriend, I'm the one."

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