Talented Genius

Chapter 1184: Critically ill (four more)

After leaving the University for Nationalities, Ye Tianlong got on a commercial vehicle and handed over one thousand yuan to Tianmo as a gas fee.

Ye Tianlong is a person who has come, knowing that the best way to treat Zhehua is to find a new relationship and a drop of blood and tears.

The tears of blood did not fall for a while, but the new love affair has already begun.

Ye Tianlong, a Fengyue veteran, knew what she wanted to do when he saw the posture of the clouds, so he took advantage of the trend to create a development opportunity for the two of them.

He believes that with Yunduo's cleverness and Zhehua's character, basketball's ‘family education’ will be successful, so he feels comfortable with the charge of the thousands of agency fees.


When Ye Tianlong blessed the two of them to have a good home, a phone call came in, and then Bailihua's report came from Ye Tianlong's ear:

"Ye Shao, according to your instructions, I have asked Group Feng to collect some news."

Bailihua's voice is as pleasing as ever: "Dong Geqiu's father is Dong Zhadan, a native of Shencheng."

"Dong Zadan has two identities, one is the boss of professional demolition, and his demolition company has more than 800 people."

"It can be said that the old buildings in the entire deep city, whether they are houses or villas, or even the former residences of meritorious service, were demolished by the Dong family in Qicheng."

Bailihua told Ye Tianlong: "The best time was to shovel a certain general's former residence written in the book of Huaxia, and finally retired."

"Dong Zadan has a famous saying that there are no buildings in the deep city that he can't demolish, which shows how black and white he can eat."

"It can be said that there are many rich second generations in Shencheng who are richer than him, but very few rich second generations are better than him."

She sighed faintly: "It can't be done, Dong Zhadan is a local celebrity and a guarantee for smooth demolition."

Ye Tianlong squinted his eyes: "It's really a bit of origin."

"He also has an identity, he is the king of drug spin-offs in the deep city."

Bailihua turned around and gave even more exciting news: "He is one of the agents of Monster Slaughter. He scattered half of the goods along the coast."

"He often interacts with gangsters such as Dongyang and Nanhan, and he separates and distributes goods between each other."

Bailihua made a summary: "Dong Zandan can be said to be making money every day for the demolition of developers when he is busy, and the transportation of drugs in time."

Ye Tianlong was slightly surprised: "Is he still a drug agent?"

Bailihua nodded, "The gang of drug traffickers who were arrested a few days ago has a close relationship with Dong Zadan."

"It's just that there is no actual evidence, so the official can't help him. In fact, you can ask Qin Ziyi, maybe she will have the information."

She reminded: "Qin Ziyi performed well in Jiangcheng World War I and has been recruited by Interpol as a new team member."

Ye Tianlong touched his head, thinking of the Overlord Flower, and the corners of his mouth curled up invisibly: "I hope she will become the boss soon, so that she will be busier."

When Qin Ziyi is busy, he will have less trouble with Ye Tianlong, and he won't have to worry about Qin Ziyi's "fire fight" with Yaoji.

Bailihua turned back to the topic: "Dong's information has been sent to your mailbox, roughly as I just said."

"Although it has never played the banner of a gangster, it is still one of the ten best companies in the deep city, but it does nothing but shame."

She whispered: "Don't be careless, be careful in everything."

Ye Tianlong nodded: "Understand, I have a sense of measure."

"By the way, Dong Geqiu will get married tomorrow night."

Bailihua remembered something: "The marriage partner is the flower like rain. No, her real name is Hua Rongyue, and the wedding banquet is in the Four Seasons Hotel."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback: "Four Seasons Hotel?"

He remembered that Hua Ruyu's cousin got married, and it was also at Shennan Hotel tomorrow night. Ye Tianlong frowned: Isn't the world so coincidental?

After thinking about turning around, the business car came to a restaurant under the Dai family. Ye Tianlong got out of the car door and took Tianmo straight to the west wing on the second floor.

He ordered more than a dozen snacks in one breath, then ordered a pot of good tea, and sat down to drink and taste slowly.

Tian Mo sat in the corner with his eyes closed and rested, but he was facing the entrance, and once a powerful enemy broke in, he would take a shot without mercy.

Halfway through Ye Tianlong's tea, the next room was pushed aside by a group of people. When it was noisy, the middle wooden boards of the two wing rooms were removed.

The white shark wrapped in a few pieces of gauze entered the room where Ye Tianlong was from the next door.

The design of Jiangcheng's teahouse made Ye Tianlong feel that this is a popular way of meeting and is safe enough.

"Ye Shao!"

Seeing Ye Tianlong and Tianmo, the white shark was full of joy, and walked a few steps quickly and shouted: "It's nice to see you again."

As soon as the voice fell, the white shark could not stop coughing.

This cough looked very ear-piercing and shocking, not only made the white shark sway, but also reached out to support the chair to support the impact of the cough.

He was curled up like a big shrimp, his pale face instantly rose to grayish-purple, and his face showed an expression of uncontrollable pain.

Ye Tianlong's eyes narrowed: "White Shark, what's wrong with you?"

It took a full minute for the white shark to stop coughing, then wiped the corners of his mouth with a tissue, and smiled: "It's okay, I just felt the cold."

"You know, the south is too stuffy and humid, and the water and soil are not suitable, so I got a little sick. The doctor saw it and it didn't matter. This is a hot cough."

The white shark squeezed out a smile: "I can hold it."

"Don't talk nonsense, let me take the pulse."

Ye Tianlong felt that there was a problem when he heard the coughing sound of the white shark, but did not dare to confirm it for a while, so he let the white shark sit down and stretched out his hand to get his pulse.

In the white shark's daze, Ye Tianlong looked at several injuries on his body again, and finally rolled his eyelids, with a solemn expression on his judgment:

"White shark, are you poisoned?"

The white shark leaned forward and stood up straight, with a shocked face: "What? I was poisoned? When was it poisoned? Why don't I know?"

Ye Tianlong took a pen and paper and wrote a prescription: "You are a chronic poison. He will not kill you immediately, but it will prompt your cough."

"It not only makes you coughing and groggy, but also makes your internal organs slowly infected, and eventually your body functions wither and die."

He sighed: "As short as seven days, as long as one month, you will die!"

The white shark slapped the table angrily: "Damn! It must have been poisoned by the doctor."

"I originally had a fever, and my cough was very small. After being seen by him, the fever went away, but the cough became serious."

He was very angry: "My limbs that coughed in the past two days seemed to be stabbed by needles. I thought it was unacceptable, grandma's, hacked him to death."

Ye Tianlong chuckled softly: "Don't get excited, it's inevitable that there will be negligence in the melee now, just be more vigilant in the future."

"Thank you Shao Ye, I won't let the enemy calculate again."

The white shark nodded and then frowned: "It's just that I don't understand. If the murderer can poison me, why did he poison me?"

"Isn't it better to come directly with a violent poison to kill me?"

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "It is estimated that there are two considerations. First, immediately poison you to death, and he may not survive. After all, he is going to your hall to see a doctor."

"He doesn't want to hug and die together, or in his opinion, your value is not enough for him to bury him."

"Second, directly poisoning you is not the greatest effect, because when you die, the value is very different."

"You die at the entrance of the hall. As long as your subordinates are okay and the entrance remains intact, Longmen can send someone to preside over the overall situation at any time. Your death will have little effect on the situation."

"But when you gather your strength and fight to the death with the remnants of the Thirteen League, you suddenly hang up on the scene. What disaster do you say?"

Ye Tianlong poured a cup of tea for the white shark.

The white shark was first taken aback when he heard the words, then his body was shaken, and his face solemnly replied:

"If I died on the spot in a decisive battle, not only would my courageous strength be lost, but my cousin would also be demoralized and even lose the will to fight."

"In this way, the enemy will be able to kill all the brothers in the decisive battle in one go, and even kill the whole house."

He slapped his thigh and cursed: "Damn! It's so poisonous, it's almost wiped out."

"I'm going to call the doctor and hack to death with a stab of ill will."

The white shark was indignant and stood up: "It's really deep to play tricks."

"Don't get excited."

Ye Tianlong smiled and stretched out his hand to hold the white shark: "He wants to play, then play with him. This doctor is probably a dark demon."

"White Shark, you can declare to the outside world tonight—"

"Critically ill."

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