Talented Genius

Chapter 1192: Anesthetic

Hearing Ye Tianlong's words, Doctor White Beard stiffened, and then stared at Ye Tianlong like a poisonous snake: "Who are you?"

Ye Tianlong leaned on the door frame and looked at the dark demon surrounded by a smile: "I am Zhong Kui's son, who specializes in subduing demons and demons."

"I heard you do evil here, so I came over to meet you."

Ye Tianlong's smile was still bright, and his finger touched the blood on the opponent's face: "Forgot to tell you, the thing on your face is a tightening agent."

"It will make your skin firmer and firmer, and slowly wrinkle your facial features into a ball. Have you played with 502 glue? It feels the same."

"It's just that this locking agent is ten times as effective as 502 glue, except that the reducing agent in my hand can break it, you can't do anything about it."

A spray flashed out of Ye Tianlong's hand: "You can still see things clearly now, but in a while, you will be cross-eyed."

Ye Tianlong originally wanted the blood to be more domineering, but considering the safety of the white shark, he had reservations, otherwise the dark demon had been thrown to the ground at the moment.

"By the way, let me tell you one thing by the way. The four cronies you brought were also turned over by me with an electric baton."

Ye Tianlong smiled very gently: "They are now being tied to a pillar to show the public."

The dark demon roared: "Despicable! Shameless!"

He was very angry. What kind of poison or drug he changed to, he still had antidote buffer or cracking, but this thing really couldn't be done for a while.

He stared at the spray in Ye Tianlong's hand, thinking about taking it over and resolving it, otherwise he might not be able to go out tonight.

"Despicable and shameless?"

The white shark had already used Ye Tianlong's spray to clear his mouth and lips, and then grabbed an axe and stared at the dark demon with a sneer:

"When you **** poisoned me, why didn't you say it was despicable and shameless? If it weren't for Ye Shao to find out in time, I might be pinched to death by you at any time."

The corner of the dark demon's mouth moved, then stared at Ye Tianlong and shouted: "Who are you? What is the relationship with Longmen?"

Ye Tianlong took back the spray from the white shark, and put a smile in his pocket: "These are meaningless, tell you something interesting."

"The blood shadow of one of the eight heavenly kings of the 13th League is also dead in our hands."

The dark demon shook his body, then moved his steps and rushed towards Ye Tianlong. On the way, an army assassin flashed out, killing intently: "Boy, you are dead."

Seeing the dark demon rushing towards Ye Tianlong, the white shark didn't talk nonsense, and waved his hand: "Position!"

With the pronunciation of these two characters, eighteen Longmen generals immediately stepped forward to block the attack.


A team of six attacked from the left and right sides and in the middle.

The long swords in the hands of the six people on the left were raised for a long time, turning into three dazzling sparks, slashing towards the dark demon's neck.

The six people on the right were also shaking their long swords again and again, like three poisonous snakes spitting out letters.

The six people in the middle are even more motivated and vigorous, and seem to be able to attack any part of the dark demon. The eighteen people complement each other and their power has increased tenfold.

Murderous intent, the Dark Demon narrowed his eyes slightly, no change was visible on his face, but his figure shook a few times.

The six Longmen children in the middle stopped slightly, their eyes revealed incredible expressions, and their confidence suddenly weakened.

It turned out that every time the Dark Demon swayed, it just dodges their attacks, letting them know that this sword will not have any effect.

When this kind of frustration was soaring, the Dark Demon ignored the twelve knives on both sides, bullied himself forward, and his army thorns turned into thousands of swords.

The six who attacked straight ahead.



The sound of six knives missed and the sound of blocking sounded superimposed, and the dark demon's army stabbed fiercely at the front of the six blades.


The six were in pain in their mouths, and before they could stabilize their positions, the dark demon stabs another stab against them, and the six have blood spattered on their chests, and they backed away to save half their lives.

Ye Tianlong played with the spray: "Dark Demon, you really have two shots, but it's a pity that you got the trick, and you can only use half of your skills."

He didn't let the White Shark and Earth Kuangtian take action. The dark demon without a hit may be terrible, but the dark demon at this time is the end of the force.

Ye Tianlong wants White Shark and Earth Kuangtian to save their strength. This battle tonight is just beginning.

Hearing Ye Tianlong's ridicule, the Dark Demon roared: "Enough."

After the voice fell, the Dark Demon turned and faced the opponent who had attacked together behind him.

The right-handed army stab swung again and again, blocking the long knife that was about to be cut on his body. With two loud noises, the Dark Demon and the six Longmen children retreated three steps each.

When the white shark was surprised that the dark demon's combat power was too abnormal, the dark demon's eyes also flashed a touch of solemnity.

He began to feel that there were many phantoms, people were a little unclear, his strength was even more unsustainable, and even his head was a little groggy.

It seems that the **** arrow has not only tightening agents, but also neurological drugs such as drugs.

The physical discomfort gradually dissipated, the heartbeat increased, and the breathing was rapid. The dark demon couldn't stop backing against the wall, condensing the spirit to force out the toxin.

But Ye Tianlong did not give him a chance to breathe.

"He's dying, come on!"

In Ye Tianlong's hand, the twelve men raised their long knives diagonally and slashed straight down, but although they shot in no particular order, they sealed the dark demon from all directions.

The dark demon roared, and rolled towards the opponent with all his remaining power, and the army thorn flashed like a ghost.

Only a few loud noises were heard, and the dark demon shook a few times, and the twelve men's long swords continued to fail, but they quickly staggered and changed positions, and the dark demon was surrounded by the circle again.

The sword light came back again, this time the twelve people used their swords in order, and even cut them out, without stopping under their feet, they had already turned to the side of the dark demon in a flash.

The companion behind did not stop, his arms were full of strength, and the swords were smashed in cycles.


It was just a blink of an eye, and the light of the sword rolled like snowflakes, and it attacked continuously.

The dark demon is already powerless to attack, and can only use a sword to protect him.

Only the sound of "Dangdangdang" can be heard endlessly, and the dark magic field is shaking in the middle and west, and it is constantly retreating, seeming to fall at any time.

The Longmen children who shot all felt that the resistance was getting weaker and weaker, knowing that the Dark Demon was already at the end of the battle, and the fighting power was negligible.

They all thought that even if they did not turn over and fall down, they would be exhausted and leaned against the wall.

I didn't expect dozens of knives to cut out, and the scene was still in a stalemate and unbeaten!

The Dark Demon is like a cockroach, tough and tenacious.


Unable to attack, the formation of the Longmen children became chaotic, and Qi Qi stepped forward and chopped down with the sword, hoping to hack the Dark Demon to death.

It's just that when they swarmed forward, the dark demon that had been struggling to support suddenly flicked, and the whole person was resurrected with blood.

He swung dozens of knives at his opponent who was in a mess.


These dozens of swords are shaking the earth, like a galaxy falling down, meteors are annihilated, and magnificent is as tragic as destruction.

The dozens of people who attacked became hot in their chests, and then quickly stepped back, clutching their wounds, losing their fighting ability.

In the next second, the Dark Demon shot a backhand, another dazzling light, and the six people fell to the ground with a groan.

The dominance of the dark demon is clearly visible.


The dark demon succeeded in continuous attacks, and rushed towards Ye Tianlong with a roar, like a madman.

"Mom! So amazing?"

Ye Tianlong shuddered and retreated a few meters under the protection of Earth Kuangtian. He seemed very scared, and the spray fell from his body with a bang.

The dark demon kicked the two Dragon Gate children, and the white shark was about to step forward, but he was also forced to retreat by the machete, and then swept his left foot, and the weapons on the ground flew around.

The Longmen child swung his knife and cut down, and Ye Tianlong also stepped back two meters.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Dark Demon tumbled and picked up the spray, and sprayed it on his facial features without saying a word.

He hoped that he could remove the tightening agent from his face, so that his head would not be drowsy, and he would recover a bit of combat effectiveness.


The spray hit the face, it was cool, very comfortable, and it also had a breath of alcohol, which also refreshed the dark magic.


It was just a refreshing spirit, and soon languished again. The Dark Demon didn't even rise in joy. After shaking his body twice, he slowly fell to the ground.


This is the last word of grief and anger from the Dark Demon.

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