Talented Genius

Chapter 1194: problem occurs

On the night when the Dark Demon died, Ye Tianlong did two things. First, he called the police, and second, he sent a live video to Wuhuamen.

As a result of the police, hundreds of people in the warehouse were all arrested by the police, and the incident was investigated in depth.

As a result of posting the video, the temporary principal of Wuhuamen brought more than 200 people to the Dongjia Garden to ask the dark demon for justice.

However, on their way there, they were attacked by a group of well-marked Dong's elites. They attacked fiercely and with sophisticated weapons. Two hundred people were wiped out.

Then, the three hundred reinforcements called by the temporary principal were hit by a container truck on a bridge, and dozens of people were killed and injured, and morale fell again.

At the same time, the Wuhuamen headquarters was attacked. After the two lines of defense were breached by tankers, the Wuhuamen children without a leader gave up resistance and ran away.

The entrance of the hall where 1,500 people gathered was breached in less than an hour, and more than 300 people fell. So far, Wuhuamen has no strength to fight.

White Shark also stabilized the record for the first time, claiming that 60% of the Wuhuamen site would be divided among the big gangs in the deep city, and everyone would advance and retreat together.

Seeing that the white shark is so acquainted, and seeing that the five-flower gate is gone, the big gangs have changed from a hostile posture to a friendly attitude, and laughed at the filial piety of the white shark.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the six little gangs belonging to the Dai family took the opportunity to declare their attachment and gave Longmen, who had just gained popularity, a boost.

Moreover, their participation has changed the Longmen Deep City Branch from five hundred elites to three thousand children. At dawn, gangs joined and the staff expanded again.

When the deep city branch hall was vigorous, the Guangcheng branch hall was not idle. With the assistance of Han Qinhu and the others, the black tiger defeated the remnants of the two thousand red knife gang.

Master Tiger also used the intelligence held by Sister Feng and the Dai family to behead more than 30 Red Knife Gang backbones, so that the Red Knife Gang could no longer gain a foothold in Guangcheng.

Several gangs under the Dai family have attached themselves successively, and the Longmen Guangcheng branch has also increased its manpower, adding 4,000 children overnight.

Longmen shines in the south!

"Boom boom boom!"

At dawn, at Shenzhen University for Nationalities, on the basketball court, Ye Tianlong was playing basketball alone.

He originally came to Zhehua for breakfast, and by the way, to see if his mental state was better, but when he came, he was told that he was out for a morning jog.

Zhehua decided to be Yunduo's basketball coach, so she prepared to let her exercise and run first. Yunduo did not want to run in the morning on campus, so she went to the seaside plank road.

That is the seaside passage outside the school, with lush green grass on one side and waves of the sea on the other. It is indeed much more interesting than the school morning run.

After Ye Tianlong scolded him over his friends, he borrowed a basketball to play, and waited for Zhehua and the others to come back for a chat.

He felt that the one thousand intermediary fee was less.


When Ye Tianlong was warming up for more than ten minutes, the phone rang suddenly, he turned on the Bluetooth headset, and soon came the sweet voice of Shangguan Xiaozhi:

"Ye Shao, good morning, are you holding beautiful women or being held by beautiful women?"

Ye Tianlong patted basketball and laughed loudly and said, "Although I like beautiful women, it is impossible to sink in Gentle Township. I play basketball on campus."

Shangguan Xiaozhi laughed lightly: "So interested? I thought you were celebrating with the white sharks."

Ye Tianlong shot towards the basket: "The White Shark is too busy to eat. Where can I have time to celebrate? By the way, what is the situation?"

"The situation is great!"

Shangguan Xiaozhi informed Ye Tianlong of what he had learned: "Not only did Shencheng defeat Wuhuamen, but Longmen stabilized its position, and Guangcheng had the same success."

"In addition to the fact that the people on both sides were disintegrated and unable to condense, the backbone was almost beheaded, and the two gangs could not be reorganized and fought again."

She faintly smiled: "Unless Zhao Wuji drops a group of people by air, otherwise it will not be organized within three to five months."

"It's just that the blood shadow is dead, and the dark demon is also dead. Now that the two strongholds have been swept away again, Zhao Wuji will not easily send manpower."

"And I sent a team of people to assassinate Zhao Wuji. Although it was not successful, it was enough to make him turn his attention from the two cities to the base camp."

Shangguan Xiaozhi calmly told him what he had done: "So Guangcheng and Shencheng are taken, and I will add more manpower today to establish victory."

Ye Tianlong was a little surprised that Shangguan Xiaozhi attacked Zhao Wuji, but when he thought about it, he was relieved that this woman always likes to use offense instead of defense.

"It's fine if you have a plan, I can save a lot of things, and I can sing and pick up girls well."

Ye Tianlong smiled and threw a sentence, then picked up the basketball and shot it out: "You don't know, I'm almost exhausted these two days."

"Ye Shao's activities are also good, at least it can keep the blood boiling."

Shangguan Xiaozhi said the real purpose of this call: "By the way, let me tell you one thing."

"This time the incident did not expand. The official watched indifferently. In addition to our connections, Zhao Ditian said a word."

She whispered: "He talked about quacks and quacks. As long as stability is not involved, the hands should not be too long, otherwise the more you care, the more chaos."

Ye Tianlong complained: "Hey, my eldest brother is naughty again. He asked him to raise flowers and walk the birds, so why bother about these things again."

Shangguan Xiaozhi was speechless, and then gave a wry smile: "I'm telling you, it's not your elder brother who said this this time, I'm afraid we are in a lot of trouble."

"Zhao Wuji seems to be determined to win Shencheng and Guangcheng, and he will operate immediately after hearing the incident last night."

"You know how many people in the capital have received his cash, so it is not difficult for him to use official hands to get rid of the white sharks and black tigers."

"Shencheng and Guangcheng police have all set off, preparing to kill two halls under the black cover."

She sighed faintly, "Fortunately, your eldest brother suppressed it with a word."

Ye Tianlong expressed a hint of approval: "My elder brother performed well, next time you see him, you must praise him well."

Shangguan Xiaozhi was speechless again, feeling unable to communicate with Ye Tianlong. After a long time, her conversation changed: "I heard that you also knocked on the Dong family?"

She asked: "Should we ask the white sharks to clean them up?"

For her, the eventful autumn is also an opportunity to do a lot of things in the chaos.

"No, it's not convenient."

Ye Tianlong took the topic softly: "Although Dong Zandan is not a good person, but what he does on the bright side is welcomed by the rich and powerful. It is troublesome to clean up directly."

"Furthermore, I gave him a generous gift of Dark Demon last night. We don't need to act at all. Zhao Wuji will make him exhausted."

Ye Tianlong also thought of Qin Ziyi's contribution: "This person, take your time."

Shangguan Xiaozhi nodded slightly: "Okay, listen to Ye Shao."


At this time, another call came in. Zhehua and Ye Tianlong asked Shangguan Xiaozhi to wait for a while, and then called Zhehua and smiled: "Back to school?"

"Ye Tianlong, Ye Tianlong, it's not good."

Ye Tianlong's ears heard a cloud shouting: "Zhehua was attacked, he asked me to call you..."

"Tianlong, come and save him, come and save him."

"Don't grab my phone--"



The panicked screams, the fear of clouds, and the movement of the phone being trampled to pieces all poured into Ye Tianlong's ears almost at the same time.

Ye Tianlong shouted again and again: "Hey, hello, Yunduo? What's wrong? What's wrong?"

There was no response, and then the signal was interrupted!

problem occurs!

Ye Tianlong's eyelids jumped, and then he threw a basketball and ran towards the seaside plank road...

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