Talented Genius

Chapter 1198: Golden hoop

At 6:35, Ye Tianlong and Hua Ruyu appeared at the Four Seasons Hotel.

Hua Ruyu is wearing a white dress tonight, her eyebrows are delicate, her hair is carefully rolled up, her skin can be broken, her figure is undulating and dazzling.

Although she still has a hint of immaturity in her experience, she has begun to reveal the temperament of Yujie, and Ye Tianlong vaguely caught Lin Chenxue's shadow.

On the way, Hua Ruyu also answered more than a dozen calls. Except for one urging from his parents, the rest were all warm greetings from customers.

Tianlong Beauty Company's "Red Makeup No. 1" has started to test the water and sent a few samples to many pharmaceutical companies for trial use, and the results were well received.

Many companies have found business opportunities and judged that it will bring huge profits, so they all issue orders or provincial and municipal agency requests after the praise.

Some companies are even willing to give money in advance.

Chen Linger and the others strictly screened according to the requirements of Ye Tianlong and Ning Hongzhuang. In order to become collaborators, many companies have pleased the three women.

No, although Hua Ruyu came to the deep city quietly, there were still drug companies in the deep city that caught the trail, and many people called to invite her to dinner.

State-owned enterprises such as Shenyao No.6 Factory, Liujiu Pharmaceutical and Shencheng Yangsen also called to ask if they were free and wanted to make the best of their landlords.

Hua Ruyu changed the little woman's temper and politely declined, but after hanging up the phone, he asked Ye Tianlong to remember to give her money.

"Welcome chairman Gao, welcome manager Zhao, welcome factory manager waiting!"

When Ye Tianlong and Hua Ruyu appeared in the lobby on the first floor, she was seeing Hua Rongyue and a group of people taking three extraordinary middle-aged men into the elevator.

Hua Ruyu saw the three of them subconsciously sideways, and pulled Ye Tianlong to cover them, as if they didn't want to be recognized by the three middle-aged men.

Ye Tianlong was taken aback: "Who?"

Hua Ruyu whispered: "Customer..."

Then she said annoyed: "I didn't expect them to come to the wedding too. What if they are recognized later? They will definitely invite me to dinner."

Ye Tianlong smiled softly: "It's okay, so many people may not recognize you."

He pulled a bit of Hua Ruyu's hair and put on a pair of light-colored glasses: "Look, this dress is a little different?"

Hua Ruyu looked at the glass in the hall, and it was indeed different from the previous image. Although it felt unreliable, it could only be so.

She can't turn around and leave the wedding reception.

It's just that when Hua Ruyu turned and walked towards the welcome desk, a bald man in the elevator still looked around, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

At this moment, Hua Rongyue is welcoming guests from all over the world, with a strong smile and a warm attitude.

She changed her bar to be invincible, courteous, showing her stability and maturity, and striving to do her best to win the praise of distinguished guests.

It was just that Dong Geqiu was not seen at the scene. From the other party and familiar guests, he knew that Dong Geqiu had an uncomfortable stomach and went to the bathroom temporarily.


When Hua Ruyu raised a bright smile and took out a red envelope and walked towards Hua Rongyue, Ye Tianlong looked depressed. This world is really small.

He prayed all the way on the way to the hotel, hoping that Huaruyu’s cousin was not Huaru Yue, but God still shattered his expectations.

Ye Tianlong was about to follow Huaruyu, but he heard the phone vibrate a few times, and found that it was Bailihua's call, so he hid aside to answer.

He let the flowers go in like rain.

Seeing Hua Ruyu appearing, Hua Rongyue was not too overjoyed, but she didn't say anything too salty and said: "Oh, cousin, are you here?"

"I should have arrived long ago, and there was a delay on the way, but fortunately I was not late."

Hua Ruyu handed over a swollen red envelope: "Cousin, happy wedding."

Hua Rongyue responded lightly: "Thank you.!"

Just as Hua Ruyu was about to introduce Ye Tianlong to his cousin, a shrill and familiar voice came from behind the bridesmaid, breaking the fairly harmonious scene:

"Ruyu, when your cousin gets married, you give me two thousand dollars. Isn't it too shabby? Or you didn't pay attention to the cousin at all?"

Lin Yuanyuan stood up, looking at Hua Ruyu with a hint of resentment in his eyes: "Buying my underwear for five million, giving his cousin a red envelope is only two thousand."

"It's really weak family affection."

Lin Yuanyuan fanned the flames: "Rong Yue, this sister doesn't have to do it."

For Lin Yuanyuan, Ye Tianlong's behavior that morning was not only to slap her face, but to rob her of her money.

If the underwear sales of more than 5 million yuan were put in her underwear shop, Lin Yuanyuan could buy a mid-range car with the commission earned.

In the end, Ye Tianlong went to buy the rival Victoria's Secret underwear, which made him happy for two days, and made Lin Yuanyuan a joke for many shopping guides.

She subconsciously regarded the commission of five million underwear as she deserved, so she felt sorry for it slipping away from her hands, and hated the flower like rain.

In Lin Yuanyuan's view, if Huaruyujian insisted on letting Ye Tianlong buy it in her store regardless of the previous complaints, she would have made a profit now.

So she did not forget to put eye drops on Huarurain at this time.

Ye Tianlong, who was listening to the phone, wanted to step forward, but he thought about it for a while, so as not to cause a bigger disturbance, then he took out his sunglasses and pressed his face.

He hoped that Hua Rongyue would not recognize him so that he could finish the meal quietly.

"Five million underwear?"

As Lin Yuanyuan expected, Hua Rongyue opened her eyes wide when she heard this, staring at Huaruyu and asked coldly: "Cousin, you really bought more than five million underwear?"

Hua Ruyu's mouth moved a little: "Cousin, tonight is your wedding banquet, you are the protagonist."

Under the gaze of many people, Lin Yuanyuan chased him: "Cousin, I will ask you, is what Yuanyuan said is true?"

Hua Ruyu squeezed out a sentence: "It was from my boyfriend."

She glanced sideways at Ye Tianlong, and found that the latter was not only not angry, but also gave a thumbs up, which was a lot of relief.

The corner of Hua Rongyue’s mouth moved: "You have money, cousin, congratulations, I caught a big local tyrant with more than five million underwear. I'm an eye-opener."

"You are also very cruel to yourself, in order to live a rich life like me, next to a bad old man, admire, admire."

She imagined the appearance of her boyfriend who was like a rain of flowers, and at the same time told everyone that the price of five million yuan was the result of being with the old man for enduring nausea.

Lin Yuanyuan didn't point to the appearance of Po Ye Tianlong, and laughed with everyone.

"It's just that you are a local tyrant girlfriend. Should the red envelope be bigger? Not two million, two hundred thousand should be fine, right?"

Huarong Yuemian looked at the flowers like rain, and said, "Or Yuanyuan said, you really don't have my cousin in your eyes?"

Hua Rongyue's attitude toward Huaruyu has changed from plain and insensible to acrimonious.

One is that his cousin is angry that she has caught a gold master with her life, and the other is that she spends 5 million in underwear. The bride feels provoking her.

This seems to tell everyone that the man Hua Ruyu is looking for has more money than Hua Rongyue.

Hua Ruyu frowned upon hearing the words: "Cousin, why do you say that? I always said that my boyfriend gave it to me, and it's not that I have money."

"Besides, even if I am really rich, why should I give you two hundred thousand red envelopes?"

Hua Ruyu is very annoyed by the fallacy of giving more money if you have money: "Is more money a sin?"

"Tsk, cousin, I'm making a joke, don't be angry."

Hua Rongyue kept a delicate smile, and looked at Hua Ruyu with a playful look, and said, "I'm having fun with Yuanyuan."

"Why would I let you give 200,000 yuan? Let's not say that I have this money, even if I don't have a rich net worth, I can't make it out of Hua Rongyue."

She concealed the needle in Mianli and said with a smile: "How do you say we are also sisters, you have worked so hard to make some money, and you have to play various games with the old man all day."

"How can I bear to ask for your money."

Hua Rongyue returned the red envelope of Huaruyu: "No, you can keep it for yourself, the suffering days are long."

"Tianlong is not an old man!"

Hua Ruyu instantly dissipated the two polite smiles on his face, regardless of whether the guests were present or not and shouted to Hua Rongyue:

"Cousin, don't say such things, or I will be angry."

Before Hua Rongyue could respond, Lin Yuanyuan, who was next to him, took a step forward, her little mouth curled up with blame: "Ruyu, what are you doing?"

"Rong Yue is just making a joke, why are you so excited? It seems like Rong Yue will rob you of a man, she doesn't drop the price that much."

Several bridesmaids also stood beside Hua Rongyue, echoing Lin Yuanyuan's smile and said:

"Yes, Ruyu, didn't I say you, a little thing, as for blowing a beard and staring at you?"

"Everyone is sisters, are you so arrogant?"

The women ignored the expressions of Huaruyu, and scolded Huaruyu: "You are a treasure, and you may not be appreciated by others."

"Okay, don't talk about my cousin like that. My cousin is just a tendon, but in fact, her mind is not bad."

Hua Rongyue put on a peacemaker's posture, but her words were bitter and mean: "However, cousin, you really should change your son."

"Although you are a famous university student, there is still a long way to go. Don't be too self-righteous, otherwise you will run into walls everywhere."

"Look at you, I have been in business since I graduated, and my monthly salary is less than ten thousand yuan. I have to rely on men to stand up. This explains the problem."

The elders of Hua Rongyue reprimanded Hua Ruyu: "This is very bad."

"Miss Hua, no, Mr. Flower! Mr. Flower!"

At this moment, the elevator opened with a tink again, and then six men and women in Chinese clothes walked out. They looked eagerly, with sharp eyes, looking at the flowers like rain.

When Hua Ruyu subconsciously lowered his head to avoid the other's eyes, the men and women in Chinese clothes who came out were already happy, confirming that they were the person they were looking for.

They laughed and shouted around Huaruyu: "Hua, hello, hello."

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