Talented Genius

Chapter 1205: Our stuff

Perhaps it is a coastal city. Although it is already summer, there is still a hint of coolness in the wind.

This night is destined to be an extra Xiao kill. Although there are still many people coming and going in the hotel opposite the parking lot, they seem to be completely invisible in Tian Mo's eyes.

He stared at the prairie man from beginning to end.

The prairie man is 1.85 meters tall and his clothes cover his muscles, but he can't contain his murderous aura.

When he felt Tian Mo staring at him, he took a step forward and said: "Take out the blood and tear stone beads, this is not your thing, don't force it to stay."

Tian Mo did not respond directly, but looked at the other person coldly: "Who are you?"

"My name is Hu Jianfeng. I'm here to take away the blood and tear stone beads. This belongs to my ancestors."

The man on the grassland still maintained a calm tone: "I don't want to hurt people, so leave it behind."

Tian Mo responded indifferently: "There is only one person who can let me keep it, but unfortunately that person is not you."

The prairie man's voice sank: "A toast or fine wine?"

At this moment, the light of the sword roared up from the side that Tianmo most unexpectedly, and two men in black appeared behind the two cars without warning.

Raise your hand, wave the knife, the time is just right.

Tian Mo didn't even have time to see his face clearly, and he saw a sharp slash on his chest.


In the shadowy lights, two knives flashed with a bloodthirsty breath.

Tian Mo propped on the front cover of a car with one hand, flipped two knives in a posture that is hard for ordinary people to imagine, and then swept the two chins severely.


The two black-clothed men fell to the ground with a snort, their teeth dropped and blood came out.

Tian Mo felt the bloodthirsty pleasure again, listening to the scream full of unwillingness and despair, he felt a sincere appreciation.

The two attackers were also considered tough, and within two seconds of falling to the ground, they turned over again, and the two blade lights staggered towards Tianmo's neck.


Tian Mo, who had stood firm, took a half step away. When the two swords were only three inches away from his body, Tian Mo was snapped by the wind like a branch of a willow.

His whole body fell backwards extremely miraculously, and then he drew a semicircle with his heel as the axis.

After a while, the whole person drifted behind him like a wind, and he slapped both palms on the back of the two.

It seems a simple action, but what Tianmo uses is extremely subtle.


The backs of the two of them were spotted like a meteor from the sky, and they became sore and weak, and their bodies immediately became weak and weak.

Before he had time to retreat and turn around, Tianmo rushed forward again like a cheetah, and his left foot pierced the void and hit their chests.


The two black-clothed players were suddenly kicked out and dragged on the ground for several meters before they stopped rolling.


When the two fell to the ground and lost their combat effectiveness, Tian Mo suddenly made a sharp weapon breaking sound without warning.

too fast! It's so fast!

Although Tianmo wounded the two men in black, he always kept his attention on Hu Jianfeng, but he still felt that he underestimated the opponent's strength.

When Tian Mo smelled the murderous aura behind him, a sharp light appeared behind him like lightning.

This process is incredibly fast like a meteor. This prairie man is really not so strong!

A thought flashed in Tian Mo's mind, but instead of looking back, he rushed forward.

After pulling away the sharp distance that took his own life, Tian Mo drew a black knife and slashed with his backhand.


The prairie guy also felt that he had encountered a monster.

After a full blow, any person has to undergo a brief adjustment to return his breath before he can make the next offensive or defensive action.

Even the martial arts master can only shorten the adjustment time, and his shot is to grasp the gap after Tianmo's full blow.

What made Hu Jianfeng never expected was that Tian Mo didn't seem to need to adjust his breath. After dashing forward and avoiding the kill, he was able to counterattack with a sword.

A sword flower, like a whistling white light dragon, before the light of the sword, he saw Tian Mo leaping up and slashing at him in mid-air.

The knife is as light as a horse.

In the dazzling light of the knife, Hu Jianfeng not only saw his own thunder attack, shattered and exploded in the light of the knife, but also saw Tian Mo flying towards him.

Tianmo looked murderous, he had to go all out to block the attack.


There was a metal collision, and both of them withdrew a few steps back from each other.

Tian Mo turned around and stood with his sword. Not far away, the man on the grassland had his chest undulating.

Appreciation, provocation, flashing in the eyes of two people!

Su Jianfeng drew a circle with his right hand. When Tianmo's eyes were phosphorescent, he let out a roar in a low voice, and then speeded up his steps toward Tianmo.

He looked very strange when he was running, his stature was low, his limbs were stretched out and he was as fast as the wind, like a giant wolf galloping in the wild.

The scimitar that shone with cold light was his fierce fangs.

The corner of Tianmo's mouth moved twice, and then another black knife rushed towards the opponent.

As the two approached, the ground was dusty, and the two quickly fought together.




The fighting between the two caused the parking lot to be hummed, and the sharp points and the light of lightning crisscrossed, and dazzling sparks burst from time to time.


Hu Jianfeng kept roaring like a wolf, and every roar added a battle intent, and his strength also increased.

At the same time, his right arm danced like autumn leaves in the wind.

He is the number one warrior in Mongolia. He has his own dignity and his own splendor, and he must not lose to the young man in front of him.

Tian Mo also had a hot expression on his face, blocking all his killer moves back. He didn't expect to meet such a master, and he underestimated it.


The movements of both sides are getting faster and faster, and it is hard to separate the figures.


With a dull sound, there was a violent collision between the weapons of the two sides, and Tianmo withdrew back and forth, and there were three blood scars on his body.

And Su Jianfeng was also very embarrassed and rolled out more than ten steps away, his chest was unspeakably unbearable, his face was flushed, and he was about to spurt blood at any time.


Tian Mo held the black sword in both hands, and rushed towards the opponent again. Suddenly Jianfeng roared and rushed towards him with his sword!

The two sides collided again and decided the winner in the most primitive way.


On the same day, when Mo hit the scimitar with strength, Hu Jianfeng's whole body shook and his arms softened, and the scimitar snapped into two pieces with a click.

He no longer had the strength to fight against the second sword that Tian Mo followed closely, his eyes were bitter and hopeless, waiting for Tian Mo to split himself in half.


At this time, Tianmo's black knife had already shaved off a strand of his hair, and his hair fluttered with the sword air and danced like weeds endlessly.

When the black sword was about to slash at Hu Jianfeng's neck, Tian Mo suddenly stopped all his movements, and a ray of blood flowed down Hu Jianfeng's neck.

But it did not cause fatal injuries.

"you lose!"

Tian Mo glanced at a pattern on Hu Jianfeng's left hand, and then squeezed out the killing intent: "Let's go."

Hu Jianfeng's face brightened and dimmed under the swaying light of the sword. He looked at Tian Mo in surprise: What on earth is this kid playing?

Let yourself go like this?

It's just that he didn't ask much, dropped his hand and interrupted the knife and turned and walked towards the night, but his faint voice still came from the night sky:

"I lost, you don't kill me, I owe you a favor."

"But, the blood and tears stone beads, I must take them away!"

"This is our thing!"

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