Talented Genius

Chapter 1212: The brake is broken

While talking, the tourist bus drove to a remote street, then turned and entered to the end, where there was a large jade shop.

In the parking lot opposite the Jade Store, three buses have been parked, and there are a dozen gangsters with cigarettes and glue sticks standing around them.

Several tour guides got together to chat, and from time to time looked at the jade shop where the gate of the iron gate was dropped, and watched the tourists through the floor-to-ceiling glass.

Several tourists who wanted to come out with their things were inspected by the tour guide and pushed back roughly, and some roars came from time to time:

"If you don't have enough share, roll back and buy it again!"

"If you don't buy enough quota, all the people in the car will stay here, no breakfast, no hotels, and no attractions."

At this time, the coquettish tour guide was doing final brainwashing to Ye Tianlong and the others: "Remember, get off the bus later, everyone has to spend it hard."

"Take the thousands of yuan subsidized by the Hong Kong City Government and consume them happily. This is a gift from Hong Kong City. The gift is light and affectionate."

"I am happy to consume. If you are grateful for the generous gift from Hong Kong City, you can just say a few more good things when you go back."

She moved quickly to send a number to everyone, so as to facilitate the statistics of consumption amount: "Don't you think that I earn your commission."

"I tell you, if you buy ten thousand yuan, I will also reward ten yuan. I really don't have any commission."

Ye Tianlong took out forty yuan: "Miss Wang, you have worked hard. I'll give you these forty yuan. We bought forty thousand yuan."

Wang Pingping's face was somber as a cloud: "I don't want you for forty yuan, I want you to consume, consume, understand?"

"Miss Wang, can you eat first?"

"Miss Wang, do you have any gifts at the Jade Store?"

"Miss Wang, at the beginning of the year, two tourists did not shop and were beaten to death in the jewelry store. Will this jade store also beat people?"

In an uproar in the audience, Wang Pingping shouted: "Shut up!"

"Miss Wang, I want to quit."

At this time, Ye Tianlong raised his hand and shouted: "This gift is so precious and you have worked so hard. I want to leave it to you and your family."

Zhen and Tianmo and Di Kuangtian also raised their hands to withdraw.

"Bad son, don't shut up, I'll hack you to death!"

Wang Pingping suddenly went crazy: "You can participate if you want to participate, and withdraw if you want to withdraw. What do you think of us?"

"Also, the free air and the bright sun, you have enjoyed it, how can you quit."

She also pointed a finger at Ye Tianlong, and her words were very domineering: "When you get out of the car later, you have to spend at least five thousand, otherwise you won't have breakfast."

"You have to participate! Who dares not to try!"

"I tell you, the entire Hong Kong City is my site, and here is my final say! This is a special area, understand?"

"No police or travel agency is useful! I am the biggest here!"

"You can do it whatever I want!"

"I have the status of a gangster, the eldest sister of the Shark Gang, and the jade shop belongs to our Shark Gang..."

"Who doesn't support my work, let people cut you off every minute."

"Big deal, my tour guide will stop doing it!"

Wang Pingping walked up to Ye Tianlong, aggressively: "I lost a job, you lost a life, think about it for yourself."

After speaking, she made a phone call to go out, and then asked the driver to open the door to let the tourists go to the jade shop for consumption.

The dozens of people got out of the bus and stood around a bit hesitating. Ye Tianlong and the four also got off, and Wang Pingping came up from behind: "Go in."

At this time, five or six people in black clothes with cigarettes in their mouths surrounded them with glue sticks.

Dozens of people looked at each other, and finally got into the jade shop...

Ye Tianlong stretched and said, "Guide, it's useless for you to kill me because I have no money."

"The foreigner wants to be mad! Shameless! Beat him!"

With Wang Pingping's shout, five or six gangsters rushed up, and the glue sticks were raised one by one.

There was no need for Ye Tianlong to do anything. He had already rushed up with an angry madness, kicking the first bastard.

The opponent's fairly burly body flew up instantly, fell seven or eight meters and hit another bus before stopping, wailing bursts of pain showing his pain.

The black-clothed **** under siege was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect that the old man, Di Kuangtian, was so powerful, it was simply a movie special effect.


Without waiting for Wang Pingping and the others to react, Earth Kuangtian rushed into the crowd again, and after hitting one person straight, his hands were wrong, and they flew away again...

"Ah, it's kicking, it's kicking, come on."

When Wang Pingping yelled in panic and Earth Kuangtian vented his anger, Ye Tianlong wandered back to the bus and picked up the sandwich that the tour guide hadn't moved.

While tearing open the package and gnawing on the sandwich, he sat in the driver's seat, started a few tricks, and then slowly drove to the jade shop.


"What are you doing? What are you doing?"

Wang Pingping was shocked that the old man Kuangtian slaughtered all quarters, but also found that Ye Tianlong started the car and slapped the door in a panic:

"What are you doing? What are you doing? Come down, come down."

Ye Tianlong yelled: "It's not good, it's not good, the brakes of the car are broken, and the brakes can't stop. Run, everyone."

Wang Pingping was so angry that he said, "Your uncle!"


Ye Tianlong stepped on the gas pedal, the car made a loud noise, and also emitted a large amount of black smoke. Wang Pingping was frightened and sat on the ground.

At the same time, the bus whizzed around again, throwing out the rear of the car like a mad cow, and all the five or six slapped gangsters fell into flight, each with their noses and faces swollen.

Then, Ye Tianlong opened the door to let Di Kuangtian and the others come in, but did not stop, and pursued more than 20 thugs who had arrived from a distance.

The car sometimes rushed forward, sometimes swept its tail, sometimes roared, and it was full of tricks.

More than 20 murderous gangsters were tossed by the bus, and they were thrown around like rabbits.

Many people scrambled and cried, crying and crying, and the bus also rubbed a dozen marks.

Wang Pingping wanted to cry without tears: "My car!"


Ye Tianlong ignored Wang Pingping and their yelling at all, and controlled the speed of the car to slowly crash into the thick iron gate.

With a ‘click’, the iron gate broke, revealing the people in the hall.

Nearly two hundred people were stunned on the spot, completely unresponsive, not knowing how to get out of a bus.

Seeing everyone staying where they were, Ye Tianlong stepped on the brakes, then poked his head out and shouted, "The brakes are broken, run!"


Hearing that the brakes were broken, the two hundred people ran out in less than a minute.

"The brakes are broken!"


A counter was knocked over.

"The brakes are broken!"


A group of sofas were run over.

"The brakes are broken!"


A fish tank was smashed!

In less than three minutes, the Jade Store was hit by a car with a ‘broken brake’.

Ye Tianlong was very satisfied with this effect, and then stepped on the accelerator, the bus went straight through the hall and rushed out the back door of the Jade Store.

When I went out, a cabinet was hit and flew, a pile of papers flew out, and a lot of them floated into the car window.

Di Kuangtian stretched out his hand, caught one, and looked down: Hong Kong City free coupons for three days and two nights...

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