Talented Genius

Chapter 1215: Great momentum

Ten minutes?

Hearing what the bald youth said, a smile appeared on Ye Tianlong's face. He waved to stop Zhen and the others from taking action: "Okay, wait for you for ten minutes."

The bald youth wiped blood on his face, gritted his teeth to stabilize his swaying body, and gave Ye Tianlong a thumbs up in praise: "Boy, there is a kind."

The fat boss and them all revealed accidents. They didn't expect that Ye Tianlong really dared to stay and wait. They all shook their heads, feeling that Ye Tianlong did not live or die.

"Young Shao Liang and the others are injured, you first take them to the hospital for treatment."

Ye Tianlong issued instructions to Di Kuangtian and the others: "I'll just wait for the people of Hui Shao here."

Liang Zikuan subconsciously shouted, "Ye Shao, they are the shark gang——"

Zhen's pretty face is also a bit dignified, a little bit unable to see Ye Tianlong's thoughts, the opponent is fighting at home, who knows how many people can be called?

Tianmo and Di Kuangtian knew Ye Tianlong's temperament, and they threw Liang Zikuan's men into the car without saying anything, and then shoved Liang Zikuan in again.

Zhen wanted to say something, but she saw Ye Tianlong shook her head slightly: "Don't worry, I'll go back to you after seeing Shao Hui's greatness."

Zhen hesitated for a while, and finally nodded and got into the car and left.

Seeing Zhen running away with the van, the bald young man was very unwilling to see her. How could such a delicate lady be worthy of life if she was tortured so many times?

It's just that Ye Tianlong was still standing in front of him, and he didn't dare to say anything. Before the reinforcements arrived, he still had nothing but to be raged by Ye Tianlong.

Later, he thought that as long as Ye Tianlong was beaten to death, Zhen would still become his plaything, and Liang Zikuan would not be able to run.

"Boss, have a dry pot chicken."

After the van disappeared, Ye Tianlong pulled a table across the street and took two freshly cooked dishes directly from the gas stove.

Ye Tianlong asked the boss for a dry pot chicken. There was a middle pot on the top with chicken in the pot, and an iron rack and a gas canister underneath.

The fat boss turned on the fire, and a blue flame rose, heating the already-cooked native chicken, quickly, the aroma overflowed, and the appetite was greatly increased.

Ye Tianlong waved to the bald youth, greeted like an old friend:

"Shao Hui, ten minutes is neither long nor short, plus traffic jams, it is estimated that your people will take 20 minutes to arrive, come, drink a few sips of wine and eat some food."

"Push your stomach, and then you will have the strength to watch the show."

He shouted to the boss again: "Boss, two more beers. By the way, I will get a few more gas tanks. It is estimated that this meal will last a long time."

The fat boss personally took half a dozen beer and six gas cylinders and sent them there. He couldn't understand what was in front of him, so he obeyed all orders.

Shao Hui, who fell half-dead on the ground, was also at a loss with Ye Tianlong's actions.

Ye Tianlong asked the boss for a business card, then put six gas cylinders by his feet, and finally opened two bottles of beer:

"Young Master Hui, come here, eat, don't worry, I won't move you, if I want to move you, I have done it a long time ago."

Hearing Ye Tianlong inviting him to drink, the bald young man was startled at first, then smiled and didn't tweak, and sat down with the pain.

"Boy, you are really kind. This temperament is the same as when I was eighteen years old, bohemian and self-righteous. I kind of admire you."

He pointed to himself: "It's a pity that you provoke someone you shouldn't provoke tonight, my shame, my brother's blood debt, I must collect it back."

Ye Tianlong nodded again and again: "Understand, understand, people of the quagmire, it's face, I slap you like this, how can you not ask for it?"

"Come on, Shao Hui, take a chicken drumstick and make up for it, so that your body has more energy."

He tore off a chicken leg and handed it to the bald young man: "Just eat less seafood, it's not good for the wound."

The bald young man took the chicken leg, bitten two bites hard, the juice splashed all over, he wanted to see what tricks Ye Tianlong did.

At the same time, he turned his head to look at the street, hoping that reinforcements would arrive soon. Only when the large troops arrived, he could reverse Ye Tianlong's face.

"Shao Hui always looks at the streets, it seems that a lot of reinforcements will come."

Ye Tianlong smiled, and then took out the phone: "I can't be careless, I also called a group of people over."

The bald young man snapped off the chicken bones with a click, then spit out to the floor, noncommittal: "You can call, let go."

"Let me see, in the end it is you who have more people or mine."

"Boy, although you are very kind, you are really wrong. The Shark Gang is not the little gang you imagined."

He stretched out his left hand and swept it to the side: "Looking at Hong Kong City, 80% of the world belongs to the Shark Gang, and the Shark Gang is the'Nanbo Bay' in Hong Kong."

"Do you know how many of us are?"

The bald young man looked at the foreigner in front of him and shouted with a hatred of iron and steel, "One hundred thousand, brother! How are you fighting with me?"

Ye Tianlong sent a text message and gave a thumbs up: "Awesome, awesome."

The bald young man is very depressed, why is this kid shouting so badly, but he doesn't show any fear on his face?

As the thoughts turned, he picked up the cold beer again, drank it clean in one sip, then put it back on the table with a choking sound, and shouted with a breath of alcohol:

"Boy, you can carry it today, I will call you father from now on."

Ye Tianlong smiled and nodded: "Okay, it's settled, come, drink, drink, and toast to the "Nanbo Bay" of the Shark Gang."

The bald young man looked at Ye Tianlong like an idiot, but he still drank a few times.


At this moment, thirty vans drove into the street roaring, murderously parked opposite the food stall, the door opened, and more than 300 people got out.

Seeing this, the owner of a dozen food stalls quickly closed their doors and hid them, and the diners also completely took care of the birds and beasts.

The fat boss also ran in with the waiter, so nervous that the fire on the stove was not turned off, and the flames were fierce and roaring.

It's just that no one dared to call the police, everyone was worried about getting angry.

The streets under the curtain of night began to become solemn.

Seeing the reinforcements rushing over, Shao Hui and the others were all happy, their sad faces reappeared, and finally it was time to exhale.

The more than 300 people who got off the van were all dressed in shark-marked costumes. There were gangsters, brawny men, and a few little sisters.

They yelled greetings to each other, their voices one after another, giving people a huge momentum, and the waste paper or leaves on the ground rolled and leaped.

"Boom boom!"

Then, a dozen men carried two big duffel bags in both hands, put them in front of the crowd, opened the zipper, and various weapons.

Mace, machete, water pipe, iron rod, everything, the more than 300 people each chose a hand weapon, and then they approached Ye Tianlong.

The weapons in their hands were all drooping, deliberately dragged on the hard ground, and the tip of the weapon drew from the floor, which was very ear-piercing.

As they moved forward, they shouted one by one:

"Shao Hui!"

"Shao Hui!"

Great momentum.

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