Talented Genius

Chapter 1217: play off

The Yangtze River Building in Hong Kong City is a building from the 1980s. It is very dilapidated, the elevators are also very old, and there are mixed people.

People from Manchuria, Hengguo, and Africans can be seen everywhere here. The rent in this building is cheap, so many people at the bottom live.

This is a slum,

It is also because of the huge flow of people here that no one pays attention to strange faces, so the Feng Group rented three connected units as a base.

After offending the Shark Gang, Liang Zikuan was unable to return to the hall, so he brought Dafei Sangou and the others to heal their wounds, while the rest were temporarily hidden.

However, although the environment here is bad, the Feng team kept it clean. The balconies of the three units are still open, making it easier for people to come and go.

When Ye Tianlong walked in here, Liang Zikuan and the others were lying on the sofa, letting Earth Kuangtian treat their wounds.

There was no pain on the faces of the five or six people, but they were worried, they seemed to worry about Ye Tianlong's safety, and they seemed to be confused about their future.

"How is the injury?"

Ye Tianlong walked to Liang Zikuan and the others, raised a slight smile and asked, "Should I send it to the hospital?"

Di Kuangtian clapped his hands and stood up: "The skin is wounded. I have wrapped it with herbal medicine and it has seen results in three days."

Liang Zikuan also nodded again and again: "Master, don't worry, this little injury is not in the way. We can handle it. By the way, what happened to Hui Shao and the others?"

Ye Tianlong sat down on a sofa, "I don't know what happened, but they should be in a miserable situation."

Liang Zikuan was taken aback: "Master, didn't you just knock them over?"

Zhen handed Ye Tianlong a bottle of soda.

Ye Tianlong smiled very warmly: "More than 300 people, how can I knock them down? Even if I can defeat them, I won't be stupid."

"After a fierce battle, I am tired even if I am not dead, not to mention that this summer, I sweat all over when I move."

He took the soda: "I didn't fight them."

Liang Zikuan was taken aback: "The 300th person? There is no battle? Then how do you come out?"

Ye Tianlong smiled, "I'm a human too."

Liang Zikuan touched his head: "You are also called a human? Do we have many brothers in Hong Kong?"

In his impression, there are not many people in Longmen in Gangcheng.

After he came here, he took 20 million and Brother No. 50 to open a hall, and it took a lot of effort to make the members reach hundreds.

But in less than two months, they all ran away, and the original brothers also looked for another development, and only the number 20 remained at the entrance.

Because of the small number of people, Liang Zikuan has been bullied by bald youths and has to hand over the street where the food stalls are, forcing him to collect some protection fees in advance.

The Dragon Division and Feng Group are also very few, so Liang Zikuan is a little surprised. Who is Ye Tianlong called?

Ye Tianlong patted him on the shoulder and smiled: "The person I called is not Brother Longmen, but the anti-terrorist team."

"Now is the time when the global counter-terrorism is in full swing. The Sharks gathered hundreds of people with machetes, not much different from the crowd in the stadium."

He laughed and said: "I detonated a few gas cylinders, and then shouted a few slogans in Middle Eastern languages. What do you think the counter-terrorism pioneers would react?"

Liang Zikuan was taken aback when he heard the words, and then took the topic: "They will only instinctively treat these people as dangerous."

"Although the number of people is a little larger, but for safety reasons, they will all be taken."

Several subordinates also nodded their heads, exploding, machete, and slogans. The characteristics were obvious, and the officials would burn a lot of incense if they were not dead.

Ye Tianlong nodded: "That's right, when I left, I cried and shouted, and gunshots sounded. It is estimated that the scene is a mess."

"Ye Shao, just received the news that the Shark Gang's children gathered at the food stall were taken down by more than 200 people, and 60 of them were injured."

At this time, Ding Jiaxiu walked in: "Tang Shenghui, also known as Hui Shao, was dying of eight bullets in his body and was being sent to the hospital for rescue."

Hearing the news from Ding Jiaxiu, all the more than ten people in the room were quiet, looking at Ye Tianlong in disbelief.

Unexpectedly, he not only resolved the 300-person attack, but also caused heavy losses to the Shark Gang, and even Hui Shao's life was hanging by a thread.

Several subordinates were very excited and felt that there was hope in the future.

Liang Zikuan coughed and looked at Ye Tianlong admiringly: "Master, please take my knees."

"Your knees are free, let's talk about it, what does the shark help?"

Ye Tianlong asked softly: "How did you tie up with them?"

He already remembered that Boge and Wang Pingping, who were in conflict, seemed to be a shark gang, so he was somewhat interested in this higher frequency master.

Hearing Ye Tianlong's question, Liang Zikuan exhaled: "In response to Ye Shao, the Shark Gang is the largest society in Hong Kong."

"It has 20,000 elites and more than 100,000 peripheral children. The principal is Tang Jiajun, and Tang Shenghui is his son."

"The relationship between black and white is good, especially the Hong Kong city official, who thinks that good law and order is due to him, and they almost regard him as a justice of the peace."

Ye Tianlong squinted his eyes and asked, "It turned out to be the young master of the Shark Gang. No wonder the arrogance is so arrogant. He waited ten minutes."

Liang Zikuan was very ashamed: "I'm useless, he has been bullied by him, and he wants me to hand over the street where the food stalls are, or I will break my leg."

"I can't help but let him. I just want to make more money before I withdraw, so I collect some protection fees in advance."

Ye Tianlong said faintly: "Can't blame you, your strength is too small."

At this time, Ding Jiaxiu's phone vibrated, and she put on earplugs and went to the side to answer the call.

It didn't take long before she folded back and took Ye Tianlong to the balcony.

"Ye Shao, according to our news, Tang Jiajun is still closely related to Qi Ba, and the two sides have unusually frequent trade exchanges."

She whispered: "The last time the news came to light, Xinguo transferred undeclared armored vehicles in Hong Kong. This is a gift from Qiba to the new government."

"And the middleman who contributed to this batch of business is Tang Jiajun, so the relationship between the two parties is definitely connected."

Ye Tianlong squinted his eyes: "I don't think these two people have a leg."

"Ye Shao, there is another news."

Ding Jiaxiu gathered her hair: "The accused account of Ding Liuyue is related to the bad guy. It is a fund outflow from the foundation to a Middle Eastern account."

"And this account bought a batch of arms."

"Ding Liuyue said that the money was actually donated by Tang Jiajun to the foundation, but the next day he said that he was drunk and donated too much, so that the foundation should return part of it."

She looked at Ye Tianlong and said, "Ding Liuyue was depressed during that time, so she didn't strictly control her, so she signed the secretary to return part of the donation."

"It's just that she meant to return to the original donation account, but I don't know why Finance has called that Middle East account."

"When the police came up, Ding Liuyue looked for a financial confrontation."

She told Ye Tianlong what she found: "It's just an instruction from the foundation's financial affairs. It is indeed Ding Liuyue's autograph and transfer to the Middle East account."

"Ding Liuyue said he had calculated it for the secretary and Tang Jiajun, but the secretary could no longer find a trace, so Ding Liuyue had to take responsibility."

Ye Tianlong hummed: "This Tang Jiajun is really capable, there is his shadow everywhere."

"Just bullying my confidant like this, how can I make him feel better?"

Ye Tianlong said faintly: "Jiaxiu, you tell Bailihua to use the relationship to make a big deal tonight's food stall incident."

"Accused that the official quality of Hong Kong City is too low, shooting indiscriminately and hurting too many Shark Gang children."

"I didn't directly kill three hundred people tonight, just to cause conflicts between the Shark Gang and the official."

A cold light flashed in his eyes: "In this matter, in any case, the official will not admit that it is wrong, and will only think that the shark gang has acted excessively.

"But the official knows the nature of the shark gang, and many people still receive benefits, and they will not deliberately suppress it.

"So we have to add fire, stand on the position of the shark gang, and hold the authorities accountable. It is best for the whole world to know."

"As far as I have said, the Hong Kong city officials will inevitably be annoyed, and they will inevitably bring out a few crimes committed by the shark gang to reverse the crusade against them by public opinion."

Ye Tianlong jumped with a killing intent: "In this way, it will be much easier for me to clean up this shark."

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