Talented Genius

Chapter 1227: Roast whole lamb (five shifts)

Sun Sizhu lost his wife and broke down.

She originally wanted to set up a situation to control Ye Tianlong's crimes, and then use his knife to deal with the shark gang, so as to achieve her goal of eradicating evil.

Who knows, not only did it fail to achieve the goal, but Ye Tianlong also put a glass of 2.88 million red wine into the ICAC.

Sun Sizhu also tried to use drug cough water as a bargaining chip to reverse the situation, but the test results shocked her, and Ye Tianlong did not take the thing at all.

She clearly remembered that she put it in the cup, and Ye Tianlong also drank half of it. How could it not? It's just the fact that gave her a heavy blow.

In the afternoon, the police, the Independent Commission Against Corruption, and Ye Tianlong negotiated.

In the end, Sun Sizhu was criticized by the higher education, and Ye Tianlong took away 5 million yuan and left the police station on bail.

Looking at Ye Tianlong who swaggered out and got into the babysitter's car, Ding Liuyue, who already knew what happened, looked at Ye Tianlong like a monster.

She has consulted many people about the disability of the tiger shark. Although the tiger sharks deceived too much, Ye Tianlong is still suspected of being accused of excessive defense.

The five fingers were cut off, and the intention was more intentional. The best result is to stay for forty-eight hours, and then release 10 million on bail.

Who knows, in less than half a day, Ye Tianlong not only released one yuan on bail, but also took away the police's five million yuan in compensation. How could she not feel ridiculous?

Ding Liuyue was originally angry about Sun Sizhu's unscrupulous work. She sat and watched the Shark Gang and Ding's dispute several times, but now she sympathizes with the jade face Rakshasa.

The ruthless police flower was beaten all over by Ye Tianlong to find teeth before even the previous methods were displayed, which is really embarrassing.

"Leader Sun, goodbye."

When the nanny car started slowly, Ye Tianlong still dropped the window and blew a kiss to Sun Sizhu: "Thank you for this lunch."

Sun Sizhu couldn't help it, and he directly fought the garbage can and wanted to smash it. Fortunately, Wang Guoqiang and Song Xiaohui held them tightly:

"Group leader, don't smash it, it's estimated to be several million."

"Yeah, Captain, that kid is too insidious, we can't play with him."

"The director paid five million and almost choked us to death. If there is any accident, it is estimated that we will all be fired."

"And that kid has a conscience. It didn't come out that we framed him for taking drugs, otherwise we would be sentenced."

After being advised by his subordinates in this way, Sun Sizhu was not only unable to calm down, but was even more annoyed. He threw away the trash can and kicked it hard before returning to the hall.

The name Ye Tianlong was carved into her heart. She vowed to find evidence of Ye Tianlong's crime and send her to jail.

Ding Liuyue glanced back at the police station building in the nanny car moving forward, and then whispered to the man next to him:

"You have taken advantage of it, so why provoke her in the end?"

Ye Tianlong hugged Ding Liuyue, feeling the soft and fragrant body, and then chuckled against her ear:

"In order to punish criminals, it's okay to play with little tricks, but you can't do it without scrutiny, let alone force people to make choices at every turn."

"If I didn't have two things, now I will either become a knife in her hand and use it as cannon fodder, or be framed by her as a drug addict and go to jail for half a year."

"I don't like her style of playing with other people's destiny, so I used her own way to treat her and gave her a lesson."

"And I have accepted mercy. Not only did I not kill her and ask for bribes, but I didn't reveal that she was framed, otherwise she would go to jail."

Ye Tianlong slid her fingers across the woman's cheeks: "I have left a retreat for Sun Sizhu today. I hope she will not stare at me deliberately in the future."

"Otherwise I will make her suffer again."

Today, when Sun Sizhu was let go, Ye Tianlong discovered that she was not a shark helping chess pieces, but was really jealous, but the method was a bit extreme.

Ding Liuyue nodded softly when he heard the words: "It seems that you are still a bit human."

"Tsk, how do you talk? I'm speaking like a mean and shameless?"

Ye Tianlong stretched into Ding Liuyue's slippery waist and squeezed it fiercely: "To belittle his own man and to put it in ancient times is to serve him with whipping."

"People like you who provoke Husbands must beat at least 800."

Ding Liuyue grabbed Ye Tianlong's hand angrily: "What kind of unconventional history do you see? In ancient times, how can a man teach his wives and concubines with caning?"

"Furthermore, where is there any whip for sale now? You whip me 800, but you come out with a whip."

Ye Tianlong replied seriously: "I have, if I don't believe it, I will go back later, I will show you..."

Ding Liuyue suddenly remembered something, her pretty face instantly turned red, and she bit Ye Tianlong hard: "Rogue--"

Her black and shiny hair was pulled up high, and her ears were softly attached to the side of her soft ears, and the white and mature face with light makeup was swept away.

The waves of the eyes and the soft lips are red, making Ye Tianlong pleasing to the eyes, and he can't wait to rectify the law.

"There is a car following!"

While the two were flirting, Tian Mo, who was driving the car, suddenly said: "I will follow you when I get out of the police station."

"I originally thought it was on the same road, but after identifying the license plates several times, I confirmed that they were coming for us and were confident."

Hearing what Tianmo said, Ding Liuyue looked startled, and subconsciously turned her head to look. Ye Tianlong pinched her chin and said softly:

"Don't go and see, it's not necessary, you won't be hurt with me."

Ding Liuyue's red lips slightly opened: "I am worried that something is wrong with you."

"Don't worry, it's okay."

Ye Tianlong hugged the woman and smiled lightly, then glanced through the rearview mirror. As Tianmo said, five commercial cars followed closely.

"Call the police, catch me, and wait at the door. It's good for the police to nail me to death. It doesn't matter if I am nailed to death. You can retaliate afterwards."

Ye Tianlong bloomed with a cold smile: "It seems that the Shark Gang is not all waste."

Tian Mo whispered: "Do you want to get rid of them?"

"The city of Hong Kong is just this big. Sharks help hundreds of thousands of children, and they can't get rid of them for a while."

Ye Tianlong squeezed Ding Liuyue's palm firmly: "Besides, they know where the Ding's Garden is. It doesn't make much sense to get rid of them."

"Don't worry about me and Xiao Qiao, our identities are on our side and we dare not hurt them by drastic means."

Ding Liuyue gently shook her head: "They dare not enter the Ding's Garden. It is a wealthy area. There are all wealthy families. Vicious incidents will not be allowed."

"This still treats the symptoms but not the root cause."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Besides, you are an outsider, and you are involved in a terrorist account. The local giants may not protect you."

When Ding Liuyue was subconsciously silent, Tianmo's eyes lit up slightly: "Then find a remote place and kill these people directly?"

Then he glanced at the back: "But there are more and more people on the other side."

"In the beginning there were only two cars. When you saw them just now, there were five cars. Now there are eight cars."

Tianmo added: "Would you like to send President Ding back first?"

"Call Zhen and Di Kuangtian and tell them that I haven't eaten dinner yet."

Ye Tianlong's face raised a hint of playfulness: "I'm hungry, I have to eat something quick."

Tian Mo was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, "Understood."

Ding Liuyue looked at Ye Tianlong confusedly: "The crisis has not been resolved, are you going to eat?"

Ye Tianlong hugged the woman and smiled: "I just don't know how to get rid of it, so I'm going to eat a meal first before thinking about it."

Ding Liuyue frowned slightly, feeling that things were not that simple...

Fifteen minutes later, Wang Guoqiang and Song Xiaohui knocked on the door of Sun Sizhu's office, walked in and spoke to the haggard group leader:

"Leader Sun, we have received news that the megalodon of the Shark Gang's four warlords has targeted Ye Tianlong and gathered the No. 300 people in the hall to besiege."

Sun Sizhu struck a spirit: "The Shark Gang is going to besiege Ye Tianlong?"

She knew that there would be this drama, but did not expect it to come so soon.

Wang Guoqiang nodded: "Yes, the Shark Gang children have been guarding the gate. When Ye Tianlong left, they followed and called their accomplices."

Sun Sizhu frowned: "With Ye Tianlong's strength, he should be able to spot them and get rid of them. How could he be locked in?"

"Where is Ye Tianlong now?"

She grabbed the gun bag and coat: "Is he going back to the den of the same party, ready to fight the megalodon?"

Sun Sizhu's tone was faintly excited, this is the best time for one pot.

Wang Guoqiang hurriedly replied: "He took Ding Liuyue to the seafood street for barbecue."

Song Xiaohui also nodded: "The colleague we were staring at responded that he made a roasted whole lamb."

Sun Sizhu was taken aback: "Roast whole lamb?"

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