Talented Genius

Chapter 1229: Reap the benefits of fishermen

The megalodon's face didn't change its color: "If you don't agree, you can call someone and call one thousand and ten thousand. We are all three hundred brothers."

"I'll add one more person, and I will be your grandson."

He smiled with a hint of joking: "Would you like to give you five minutes?"

The strong men around him also echoed: "Yes, you can be a man if you have the ability."

"A thousand people, 10,000 people, or more people will be carried by our 300 people."

While they talked, they were waving heavy smoke and dancing, just like the midnight monster.

Ye Tianlong sighed, "I am unfamiliar with Hong Kong City. How can I call a thousand people?"

The megalodon laughed loudly, "Then there is no way. I gave you a chance. If you don't have the strength, then you can't blame me."

"Furthermore, Tiger Shark said that you are very good at playing, like a dozen or thirty."

He took out a swing stick: "I admire it very much, so today I took three hundred people to accompany you for a good ten times."

"Don't use the food stall set against us."

Megalodon showed a triumphant look: "No, we are all sticks tonight, not even a nail clipper, the official is very relieved of us."

"Moreover, I have already assured the official that the action tonight has nothing to do with violence and terrorism, and that the anti-terrorist vanguard team will no longer be fooled by you."

Ye Tianlong nodded gently: "Come here prepared."

"Of course."

The megalodon also waved a big hand: "Come on, show you our guy."

A group of brawny men in black came forward, and the two of them were holding a net in their hands. The net was not an ordinary rope weave, it was made of tough steel wire, and the sword could not break the rhythm.

Then, another group of strong men in black rushed up, holding nail guns, this kind of scary stuff like electric drills, and the nails shot were quite domineering.

Finally, there were eight people leading a group of bulldogs wearing masks, all aggressive and bloodthirsty pit bulls, spraying heat, which made people scared.

"What? This formation? A barbed wire fence, a nail gun shot, struggling out, eight pit dogs pounced, crashing into fragments, afraid?"

Megalodon showed its own methods like cats and mice, triumphantly: "You better surrender, don't struggle."

"As long as you surrender obediently, break ten fingers, and go back with me to see Mr. Tang, I can guarantee that you will spare your life."

"Otherwise, you will not only die than live tonight, but you will lose your life in the end."

He still didn't forget to look at Ding Liuyue: "Even President Ding has to pay a heavy price. Don't doubt what Megalodon said."

"The formation is really good, but it's a bit naive to want to win me like this."

There was no fear on Ye Tianlong's face, and he smiled and said, "And I believe that the person lying on the ground tonight will not be me."

"Boy, you are too arrogant."

The megalodon's arms slammed forward: "We can't talk anymore, we can only see the real chapter under our hands!"

With his gestures, the 300th person immediately compressed the encirclement, and the steel pipes held high up flashed coldly in the smoke.

Tian Mo and the others also reacted, and the three of them dispersed, forming an arc to protect Ye Tianlong and Ding Liuyue.

The war is about to start.

At a corner of more than 50 meters from the seafood street, there are a dozen ordinary taxis parked. The car is turned off, but there are people in the car.

Sun Sizhu sat in the middle car and looked at the center of the incident with a high-definition night vision goggles. Although he could not see Ye Tianlong's face, he could capture the progress of the incident.

Beside her, Song Xiaohui was using a device to pick up the sound, her eyes flashing with excitement.

In the passenger seat, Wang Guoqiang was holding the computer, cutting into the surveillance one by one, hoping to find an undamaged camera live.

"Organization, they are going to fight."

When Sun Sizhu was thinking, Song Xiaohui put down the instrument in his hand and suppressed the excitement: "Shall we do it?"

Wang Guoqiang also took the walkie-talkie and turned around and added: "I have seconded three groups of people according to your instructions, and the bus is on standby at the back."

"The marine police also said hello. With your order, they will block the sea and block the retreat of Ye Tianlong and the megalodon."

Song Xiaohui's breathing became thicker: "Team leader, give an order to take down these two black sheep."

"Take it? What is the significance of winning now?"

Sun Sizhu put down the high-definition glasses in his hand and looked at the two cronies without comment: "What are you telling them? Occupy the road and drive away the diners?"

"Or is the smoke from grilling too much? Or is there too much roasting the whole lamb, which is too much waste?"

Wang Guoqiang and Song Xiaohui were taken aback, then frowned and replied: "With so many people, there are so many words and deeds that they can't run away from gathering people to make trouble."

"How many days can it be kept for a crowd to make trouble? And with Ye Tianlong's cunning, he can't even be charged for this crime, and he will pretend to be innocent."

Sun Sizhu had a bitter hatred against Ye Tianlong: "Even using us as guns against megalodons."

Song Xiaohui whispered: "Then how to arrange it now?"


Sun Sizhu shot a cold light in his eyes, then took out a box of chewing gum from the car, and threw two gums into his mouth to give instructions:

"When they die, we will reappear. Whether it is Megalodon or Ye Tianlong, it will be a real social cancer."

"Which one dies is a great fortune for the taxpayer."

"The official has been unable to deal with them. This time there is an opportunity to reap the benefits of the fishermen. Let's not miss it."

Sun Sizhu made a decision: "Tell my brothers, all turn your heads, close your eyes and rest, stay in place, and wait for my instructions before going out."

"If we are to blame for our negligence, I will carry it down alone."

"From now on, except for the informant who provided the necessary information, within ten minutes, you and me, all brothers, can no longer look at right and wrong."

She also specifically added: "We will try our best to know nothing in these ten minutes, you know?"

Song Xiaohui and Wang Guoqiang nodded together: "Understand."

After following Sun Sizhu for many years, I have already been familiar with her style. I used to feel that it did not conform to the rules and regulations. After doing more, I felt at ease.

Moreover, they believe that it is better to use some means to get the bad guys punished than to let them continue to harm others.

When Song Xiaohui and Wang Guoqiang were going to make arrangements, Sun Sizhu picked up the binoculars again and watched the scene of rattling swords. The corners of his mouth raised a touch of joke:

"Ye Tianlong, no matter how much Monkey Sun can jump, he can't jump out of the Five Finger Mountain of Tathagata Buddha."

She also clumped her fist violently, dropped the binoculars, and stopped looking at the scene, lest there be any loopholes in her testimony in the future, and then took a deep breath.

She felt the joy of sitting and harvesting fishermen, and also felt the cumin and pepper in the night breeze...


Almost when Sun Sizhu slowly rolled up the car window and closed his eyes to rest his mind, a roar erupted from the restaurant terrace.

The megalodon saw that Ye Tianlong was still under his powerful pressure, and still refused to surrender like a stubborn stone.

Official attack.


The 30-odd strong man in the front immediately waved his steel pipe, and rushed toward the high platform like a rainbow.

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