Talented Genius

Chapter 1231: Give gifts

The next morning, Sun Sizhu shook his dizzy head and woke up looking at the white ceiling, his brain short-circuited briefly.

"Team Leader Sun is awake, Team Leader Sun is awake!"

"Great, Team Leader Sun finally woke up."

Wang Guoqiang and Song Xiaohui leaned over, yelling verbally, with surprise on their faces: "Group leader, you are fine."

Sun Sizhu couldn't remember where she was, let alone what happened. It wasn't until those familiar faces were reflected that she was shocked.

She is performing a task, she is waiting for Ye Tianlong and the megalodon to kill each other, she wants to take advantage of the fisherman's profit to eradicate the two big cancers.

"Have ten minutes passed?"

Sun Sizhu turned over, rolled off the bed, and shouted: "Quick, quick, hands, you must take down the megalodon and Ye Tianlong."

"Don't let those scumbags run away."

She also subconsciously wiped her waist, only to find that the gun was missing, and she seemed to be wearing a medical suit, and she was slightly startled, "Where is my gun?"

Later, she shouted to Wang Guoqiang and Song Xiaohui, "Where did my gun go? Why are you still not doing it? What should I do if people run away?"

No one moved, Wang Guoqiang and the others looked at each other awkwardly, and then lowered their heads.

"Why stand still? Where is this?"

Sun Sizhu regained his sense of reason again: "Aren't we in Seafood Street? How did we get to Maria Hospital? What is going on?"

Wang Guoqiang hesitated for a moment, and then squeezed out: "Leader Sun, it's the next day, and we are all in Maria Hospital."

"Not only you, we, and dozens of standby brothers who were all unconscious and sent here last night."

There was a pain on his face: "We woke up two hours ago, and you are only regaining consciousness now because you have a lot of smoke."

Sun Sizhu was surprised and lost his voice: "What? Unconscious? We are all unconscious?"

"How is this possible? Why are we unconscious?"

Sun Sizhu's eyes opened widest: "Where is Ye Tianlong?"

Wang Guoqiang bit his lip and replied: "I don't know the specific situation, but it is estimated that he has run away."

"In the first battle last night, after listening to reports from colleagues who dealt with at the scene, we were not only in a coma, but more than 300 children of the Shark Gang were poisoned and fell.

Song Xiaohui was even more crying: "Their hamstrings have all been broken, and they are still suffering from irreversible injuries. They have to walk on crutches all their lives."

"More than 300 people, including eight pit bulls, none of them survived. They were all killed and blood shed half a street."

She began to thank Ye Tianlong for not picking up her hamstrings: "We are able to come back intact, because the second brother Guan appeared to bless us."

"Bad! Despicable! Shameless! Sinister"

Sun Sizhu woke up and thumped the table angrily: "No wonder we roasted the whole lamb. It turned out to be using heavy smoke to harm people and also put us down."

Unconcealed anger burst into her eyes. This move not only made all her deployments invalid, but also lost her official face again.

"Go, go downstairs and look for megalodon!"

Sun Sizhu wanted to regain a bit of money: "Although there is no direct evidence, as long as he is willing to testify against Ye Tianlong, he can still get half a year."

Wang Guoqiang coughed: "Team leader, megalodon...dead!"

Sun Sizhu struck another spirit: "What? The megalodon is dead? Ye Tianlong killed it?"

Wang Guoqiang responded hesitantly: "It should be..."

"That's even better. If people die, it will be better to operate."

Sun Sizhu gave birth to hope: "Many people can witness the megalodon conflict with Ye Tianlong. Now that he is dead, Ye Tianlong can't escape the blame."

"Xiaohui, let the authentication department step on it again, look for Ye Tianlong's weapon to kill the megalodon, and find the murder weapon. Ye Tianlong will be even more troublesome."

She also specifically hinted: "If you can't find a murder weapon, then try to make one. Anyway, our water glass has Ye Tianlong's fingerprints."

Song Xiaohui smiled bitterly: "Team leader, the megalodon was shot headshot by three shots."

"The bullet comes from your police gun. That's why you changed your clothes."

She told the story: "The forensic department took your clothes for testing, to see if someone robbed you of your gun, or if you shot it impulsively."

Sun Sizhu's eyes were cold: "What? My gun?"

Wang Guoqiang nodded: "Yes, the bullet that exploded the megalodon is your gun, and you are next to the megalodon with the gun in your hand."

"Now there are rumors everywhere..."

"Say you are eager for quick success and quick gain, and you hate megalodons, but you have never been able to find a chance to convict him, so this time you saw him fall to the ground and ran up and shot him.

He added the last sentence: "You fired three shots, but you tried to get away but became toxic, and eventually fell beside the megalodon.

"I believe you are innocent, team leader, but because there are no witnesses on the spot, you are now on the list of suspects."


Sun Sizhu angrily said: "I really want to kill the megalodon, how can I use my gun? Isn't this directly ruining myself?"

Song Xiaohui said softly: "They said that you were poisoned and in a trance, so I didn't think about the details, just fished and killed people in troubled waters."

Sun Sizhu couldn't help clenching his fists: "Who the **** said this?"

Wang Guoqiang sighed: "The rumors on the Internet have noses and eyes, and many details are true. Now many people believe..."

"Our superiors also began to question, and because the impact was too bad, our team was suspended before the matter was investigated."

The corner of his mouth moved: "Group leader, that kid is too overcast, we can't play with him."

"Ye Tianlong, you wait!"

Sun Sizhu roared, punched out, and clicked on the corner of the table: "I will seek justice sooner or later."

"Leader Sun, are you okay?"

At this moment, Sun Sizhu's door was pushed open, and then he found a bright smiling face: "I heard that something happened to you, I will come to see you."

When Wang Guoqiang and Song Xiaohui saw the incoming people, they were all stunned at the same place, unbelievable, and then yelled and surrounded them with a hula:

"Ye Tianlong!"

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Ye Tianlong was holding the fruit basket, and harmless people and animals shouted to Song Xiaohui and the others: "Are you going to hit someone? You move me, I can call the police."

Wang Guoqiang and the others were almost about to punch.

This **** killed the whole group, and even dared to come forward to provoke him. It was simply too deceitful. Uncle can bear it, but Aunt can not bear it either.


Sun Sizhu reacted in a daze, waved to stop Wang Guoqiang and the others from doing it, and then watched Ye Tianlong say coldly:

"What are you doing? Watch my jokes or show off your victory? I tell you, you make me very angry, and I will crucify you."

"For the rest of my life, I don't do anything, just do one thing, stare at you, and fight you."

Ye Tianlong pushed away the blocking person, walked close to Sun Sizhu, and then smiled softly: "Don't be like this, we can be friends."

Sun Sizhu sneered: "It's still the enemy that excites a little bit." Then the conversation changed: "Say, what are you doing here?"

Ye Tianlong smiled leisurely: "I'm here to give you a gift."

Sun Sizhu snorted: "Gift? What gift can you give? Three million red wine?"

"A great gift!"

Ye Tianlong picked up a cantaloupe and broke it in two with a click: "The destruction of the Shark Gang, Tang Jiajun's life imprisonment."

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