Talented Genius

Chapter 1252: What are you talking about?

Chapter 1252 What Are You Talking About?

Ye Tianlong wanted to go back until noon after staying at Gangcheng University, but Lin Shaoqing refused to let him leave so early.

She must take Ye Tianlong to dinner, apologize and thank.

Ye Tianlong couldn't leave her alone, so he could only follow her to a club, ready to deal with the meal and then go back, lest Lin Shaoqing always miss her affection.

At twelve o'clock, Ye Tianlong came to the top of Taiping Mountain and appeared in a Yaochi clubhouse. Lin Shaoqing told that the steak and desserts here were very good.

"Shaoqing, are you here too? We are just about to call you."

Just as Lin Shaoqing and Ye Tianlong stepped into the luxurious hall, a young man holding a phone caught a glimpse of the two and ran over with joy.

It was the lean man who was called Yun Shao.

When Ye Tianlong cried out that this world is really young, Yun Shao spoke to Lin Shaoqing with a gun:

"Guo Shao and the others happened to be here today. When they heard that Huo Ziguang became ill and harassing you again, they wanted to call you and let you come here to have fun."

"Draining boredom, but also shocked."

Shao Yun bloomed with a playful smile: "You and Shao Guo are really in good spirits."

"No, you just showed up when Guo Shao asked me to call you. We are still the same place, the Red Garden."

Lin Shaoqing was also taken aback when seeing the lean man. She didn't seem to expect to meet him here. She instinctively refused to want a candlelight lunch for two people:

"Shao Yun, sorry, I have friends today..."


Yun Shao, who only looked at Lin Shaoqing's body, was startled first, and after scanning Ye Tianlong, he was shocked: "It's you?"

Why is this **** here? Come with Lin Shaoqing? Didn't Guo Shao say a shield? How can such a private club appear?

Yun Shao was thinking about a bunch of questions, and he was very puzzled that Ye Tianlong was walking with Lin Shaoqing.

Lin Shaoqing asked curiously at this time: "Do you know each other?"

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "I saw it last night."

Yun Shao wanted to scold Ye Tianlong, but he quickly closed the subject, knowing that he was driving away Lin Shaoqing at this moment, so he immediately raised a smile and said:

"Isn't this the rumored boyfriend you were looking for? We met last night and we made a little misunderstanding, but we don't know each other."

He smiled and hid the knife in his mouth: "Brother, what happened last night, we are sorry for you, I don't know you are Shaoqing's friend."

"Give me a little face today, have a meal together, have a glass of wine, so that Shao Guo and I can apologize, how?"

Ye Tianlong said with a noncommittal smile: "Shao Yun is polite."

Yun Shao hurriedly smiled and looked at Lin Shaoqing: "Shaoqing, everyone knows him, so let's play together. It's not enough for you to hide your rumored boyfriend."

"Besides, you always have to take him to get to know everyone. Now is a good opportunity, go, go, Red Garden."

He slapped his chest and shouted, "I will pay for what I eat and drink today."

Lin Shaoqing looked at Ye Tianlong with a dilemma: "This—"

"Shao Yun treats you? This is a good thing. I like eating and drinking for nothing, Shaoqing, let's go, let's save you a lot of money."

Ye Tianlong smiled and grabbed Lin Shaoqing: "Moreover, I want to get closer to Shao Yun and Shao Guo, lest there be any misunderstandings in the future."

Seeing Ye Tianlong holding Lin Shaoqing's hand, Yun Shao couldn't wait to chop Ye Tianlong's arm with the Dragon Sword, but still kept a smile on his face:

"Please inside, please inside."

The clubhouse is very large and there is an artificial lake. On the west side stands a small courtyard, surrounded by greenery, with a wine bar, books, and telescopes.

The attic, which used to be occupied by big men daily, is now wrapped up by a group of dudes.

In front of the small courtyard stretched out an exquisite pergola full of creepers. A group of Chinese-clothed men and women were holding the bar to chat, cheering and laughing.

When Lin Shaoqing led Ye Tianlong to the small courtyard, Yun Shao opened his throat and shouted: "Shaoqing, they are here."

As soon as these words came out, everyone stopped talking, and then looked over, Guo Taiming was even more ecstatic, and the first one stood up and shouted:

"Shaoqing! Here you are!"

Then his body shook again, staring at Ye Tianlong, gritted his teeth: "It's you!"

The girl named Xiaoxiao also cast her gaze on Ye Tianlong's face, her eyebrows couldn't be stopped, and she shouted:

"Shaoqing, why did you bring him here too? This bastard, I played with Guo Shao and them last night."

She disliked Ye Tianlong's posture very much: "Furthermore, in our non-rich and noble circle, it is not good to let an outsider come to blend in?"

Ye Tianlong pretended not to hear, and greeted politely: "Guo Shao, Xiaoxiao, good afternoon, let's meet again."

Guo Taiming and the others hummed, but did not respond.

"Miss Lin!"

"Shao Qing."

When the two entered the pergola, more than a dozen Chinese-clothed men and women stood up to greet Lin Shaoqing, but they all ignored Ye Tianlong.

Lin Shaoqing frowned slightly when she saw it, and wanted to turn around and take Ye Tianlong away, but Ye Tianlong smiled and shook her head to stop it.

These people will eventually be Lin Shaoqing's contacts in the future. Ye Tianlong didn't want to let the two sides fall out because of himself. He was more willing to bear the fire or counterattack by himself.

Lin Shaoqing seemed to know what Ye Tianlong meant, a touch of helplessness was drawn across her face, and then smiled again to Xiaoxiao and the others:

"No outsider is outsider. Everyone gathers to relax. As long as you are happy, what does anyone mean?"

She also tilted her head to the smiling enthusiastic brothers: "And there are also several strange faces here."

Xiaoxiao pursed her lips: "They are my good friends with Ye Tianlong."

Lin Shaoqing also turned his head to Ye Tianlong: "He is also a good friend of mine.

"I was attacked by Huo Ziguang in the morning, and Tianlong saved me, otherwise I am afraid that I will be disfigured by Huo Ziguang."

She added: "So Ye Tianlong is my forever friend."

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "Shaoqing has seen you outside."

Guo Taiming jumped out: "Huo Ziguang is a beast, not only doesn't he miss his previous feelings, but he dares to deal with you maliciously. He is really a beast."

"Shaoqing, don't be afraid. I asked my father to call Huo's family too, so that they can look after the crazy dog ​​and don't run out to bite you."

He looked righteous and awe-inspiring: "Today you may be murdered, and tomorrow you may be murdered against other people."

Shao Yun also beaten his blood: "Yes, Huo Ziguang, that bastard, absolutely can't let it out again."

When a group of girls and brother brothers examined Ye Tianlong closely, Guo Taiming pulled Lin Shaoqing aside and said in a low voice:

"Shaoqing, what are you doing? How did you bring him to the party? He and us are completely from two worlds, which would really discourage everyone."

"You use him as a shield to lure Huo Ziguang into action, and then ask the police to catch Huo Ziguang. I understand, but you don't need to bring it here."

He reminded Lin Shaoqing carefully: "Here are all people who know the roots and the bottom, you don't need to act anymore."

There is no doubt that Guo Taiming believes that Ye Tianlong is Lin Shaoqing's fake boyfriend, and his purpose is to stimulate Huo Ziguang's lunatic and let the police arrest him.

Moreover, the information he commissioned to investigate also showed that Ye Tianlong had only arrived in Hong Kong for the first time a few days ago, and it was impossible for Ye Tianlong to have a relationship with Lin Shaoqing.

The wallet and VIP ticket are just a coincidence.

Guo Taiming said again: "It is not convenient for you to tell him to go, I will come."

Lin Shaoqing was very calm: "He is not my rumored boyfriend, but he is my friend."

"If you want to drive him, then I will go too."

After speaking, she walked towards Ye Tianlong not far away.

At this moment, Xiaoxiao was staring at Ye Tianlong fiercely, and then sneered: "Boy, can you be a little self-aware?"

"Want to come here to catch Bai Fumei and to reach the pinnacle of life? Dream."

She snorted: "Get out of here, this is not for you."

"Don't worry, I really want to find Bai Fumei and will not find you."

Ye Tianlong looked at the hostile Xiaoxiao and smiled: "Are you satisfied with the three men last night?"


Xiaoxiao's body shook, and almost shouted: How do you know?

Afterwards, she reacted extremely quickly and screamed: "What nonsense are you talking about!"

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