Talented Genius

Chapter 1286: Cold


When a Kong’s car was blasted into a pile of fragments, another rocket pierced the gloomy sky and crashed into Confucius’ special car that was overturned in the vegetation.

The roaring rockets sprayed orange tail flames, like meteors flying in the sky.

In the two Kong's cars that were stopped, the seven people in the car watched this scene stiffly. Compared to the shock of the companion car being bombarded, it was colder now.

Only the comrades who died just now were the masters who died. Confucius was dead. Even if the seven were killed, they could not bear the consequences of ineffective protection.

It was a miracle that Confucius' special car had escaped the first blow just now, and now it is certainly no longer able to avoid the second re-locking.

Seeing the rockets rushing towards the rollover car, Kong's elite almost all shouted: "No--"


When the seven Kong's bodyguards were about to close their eyes to endure the pain, they saw a long spear sticking out of the car window, and then the gun body shook and a bullet was shot out.


The sniper bullet burst out of the air, and hit the rocket hitting it hard, collided in mid-air, and exploded instantly, and countless fragments and flames fell one after another.

The sky seemed to be a stream of fire, and it was very beautiful. The car also fell into a lot of burning ashes, which burned the paint.

A lot of vegetation around was ignited and began to burn, crackling, so that the line of sight became clear, and it also made the car a little more dangerous.


When the seven Kong elites watched this scene in disbelief, the hill made another crisp sound and another rocket fired at low altitude.


The sniper rifle that fired the bullet just now missed again, and another bullet shot out, blasting the rocket into a hundred meters away like a rainbow.

This time, because of the distance, the burning ashes fell on the road, which also made the situation of the hill two points clear.

The seven Kong clan elites all opened their mouths. It was unbelievable, and they sighed Ye Tianlong's supernatural skills. This kind of marksmanship is rare in the world.


When the sea breeze blew the flames and weakened, Ye Tianlong had already taken advantage of the gap of the opponent's shock and daze, kicked through the car window and got out.

A piece of flame was blown by the sea breeze, Ye Tianlong instinctively got down on his body, turned over with a sniper rifle, and quickly hid under a tree.

Despite this, there was still hot ashes hitting him, causing a sharp pain, but Ye Tianlong didn't care, and he looked forward with his gun.

At the same time he shouted: "Kong Shao, how are you?"

Confucius did not respond, and there was no movement at all, but the Kong driver groaned a few times.

Seeing that Confucius didn't respond, Ye Tianlong's heart trembled. Could something be wrong with Confucius? It's just that this **** rolls down sideways, and there is not much impact.

And Confucius is as strong as an ox, and the car may not die if it rushes into the sea. How can there be trouble with this collision?

"come out!"

Just thinking about it, Ye Tianlong still had a touch of dignity. He picked up a stone and smashed the window of the car to let Kong's driver climb out of it.

After that, Ye Tianlong picked up the stone again and smashed the glass at the place where Confucius was. He didn't forget to shout: "Kong Shao, Kong Shao!"

Still no response, Ye Tianlong instinctively leaned forward to check, but as soon as he moved, he retracted back.

"Pump pound!"

Ye Tianlong almost retracted, three bullets crossed and hit the ground, two muffled, more shocking bullet holes.

Ye Tianlong didn't waste the opportunity. He shot two shots at the sniper's position, and two bullets exploded into the hill.

The snipers didn't seem to expect Ye Tianlong to react so quickly. When they were shocked, the bullet had penetrated their heads and rolled down the hill.

"Look at Shao Kong soon—"

The Kong driver who Ye Tianlong wanted to climb out yelled, but before he finished speaking, he saw the driver shake his body and fell to the ground covered in blood.

He was badly injured and passed out into a coma.

This made Ye Tianlong a little more worried about Confucius, and he shouted again: "Kong, you wake up, wake up."

"Shao Kong!"

"Shao Kong!"

"Boom boom!"

The seven Kong elites had already reacted at this moment, and while violently pulling the trigger against the hill, they rushed towards Kong Zixiong to find out.

Everyone was worried.

"Don't come! Don't come!"

Ye Tianlong blasted to the seven, and raised his sniper rifle at the hill, but his warning was delayed for a while, and dozens of bullets had been fired in the night sky.

The seven Kong elites who bent over and approached Ye Tianlong, their bodies shook, splashed with blood, and then fell to the ground, all of them hit by bullets.

Two other people did not die immediately, they struggled and crawled twice, but fell back again...

"Pump pound!"

Hearing dozens of bullets fired by the opponent's sniper, Ye Tianlong knew that he could not save the seven Kong elites because he only had six bullets left in his hand.

He could only use the opponent to shoot Kong's elite gaps, and deduct three bullets at the hill in one breath.

After the gunfire, the three rolled down the hill.

This cruelty caused the attacker to be deeply jealous and quickly changed his position to avoid being shot by Ye Tianlong.

"Shao Kong!"

Ye Tianlong moved his knees and quickly got close to the car, tearing the car window to catch Confucius' figure. He quickly bottomed out that Confucius was holding the gun and shrank in the seat, unconscious.

There are still a lot of blood stains on Confucius's face, Ye Tianlong guessed that it was almost fainted.

"Shao Kong!"

Ye Tianlong whispered again, then pulled him out forcefully, and grabbed the last two grenades. The submachine gun was stuck in the seat, and he could only give up.

Confucius seemed insecure, holding a short gun in his hand.

"Boom boom!"

Almost just after Confucius came out, there were five more sniping sounds from the hills, five bullets took Ye Tianlong's position, and one shot at the car.

Ye Tianlong dragged Confucius to tumbling again and again, before shooting four bullets to avoid it, and then he shot another bullet, killing a sniper.


Among the hills and vegetation, someone rolled down, apparently being hit by Ye Tianlong.


Then, the overturned car exploded, making an earth-shattering sound, and countless fragments flew to the sides, accompanied by a burst of flame.

Ye Tianlong dodged with all his strength, but was still hit by the explosion fragments. Fortunately, he was not disfigured by turning sideways in time.

A car door fell on his feet in the heat.

After the shot, the hills were quiet again, only the rustling sea breeze and the crackling burning sound.

Ye Tianlong instinctively killed four people in one breath, but only three bullets were left. Out of deterrence and life-saving needs, he could only let go of the other two.

"Shao Kong!"

Ye Tianlong dragged Confucius to a hidden place, first confirmed that he was alive by taking the pulse, and then helped him clean up the debris on his face, and then pressed his heart.

Confucius didn't wake up just how he pressed it, as if he had actively entered a dormant state. Ye Tianlong couldn't help but took out a pill.

He stuffed the pill into Confucius' mouth, hoping to give him some energy.

"Swish swish!"

At this time, there were many masked figures in the hills ahead, and the opponent seemed to judge that Ye Tianlong didn't have many bullets, so he attacked directly from far and near.

Ye Tianlong frowned. He put Confucius behind him and covered him with the car door to let him survive.

Then, he took out a grenade, clenched the sniper rifle in his hand, and prepared for a fierce battle with the enemy.


At this moment, there was a thunder in the sky, and lightning hunted.

Almost with the sound, Confucius opened his eyes, cold, ruthless, and cruel, like a cold robot.

Afterwards, he raised the gun in his hand and faced Ye Tianlong's head...

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