Talented Genius

Chapter 1297: Steal a Symbol to Save Zhao

On the second day after Ye Tianlong and Zheng Hongniang met, Hong Kong City was still bitterly windy, with the chill of the typhoon everywhere.

In order to avoid choosing to go to Ding's Garden or Ning Hongzhuang to settle in the hotel, Ye Tianlong had moved into the seaside villa given by Confucius overnight.

He also let Liang Zikuan and the others live in, not only as a foothold, but also as a guard.

Ning Hongzhuang and Ding Liuyue were equally angry. They each chose a room to declare sovereignty. Ye Tianlong had no choice but to let the two toss about.

The environment here is quite good, not only is it quiet everywhere, but also overlooking the sea, the air is ten times cleaner than the city.

It's just that the wind is too strong, the sea breeze blows, the whole villa screams, and the windows vibrate from time to time, making people feel that nature is inviolable.

Ye Tianlong couldn't sleep when there was a lot of movement, so he got up early to wash and practice, and then ran to the hall to eat breakfast and watch the news.

Ye Tianlong frowned: "Tongyang fell sharply?"

The screen is showing financial news. The Nikkei Index plummeted by nine points, triggering the fuse mechanism, and trading in Toyo stock futures was suspended for ten minutes.

In further detailed reports, the Toyo Stock Market went very spirited in the morning because of the news that a royal princess was about to get married.

Three dots were once red!

But when the stock rose by more than three points, the stock market suddenly resembled a tired, brawny man, and it plummeted in an instant. Many stocks were so green that they couldn't recognize them!

Many stocks and the Oriental masses who are chasing highs have suffered serious losses due to this impact.

According to the statistics of the Toyo Economic Management Authority, the stock market crash caused Toyo to lose 20 billion in stocks, and this loss is still going on...

Ye Tianlong thoughtfully.

The next day, Ye Tianlong paid special attention to the news.

After the Dongyang stock market fell nine points the day before, it continues to fall sharply today, with a drop of as much as eight points, making countless investors want to cry.

In two days, Toyo's market value evaporated by more than US$300 billion.

The officials subsequently held a press conference, claiming that there was a huge influx of foreign capital, and joined several securities company executives to hedge against a large number of short stock index futures.

Toyo claims that it has started an investigation and will definitely give the majority of investors an explanation...

"Really interesting."

Ye Tianlong looked at the sorrowful Toyo Stock Market, and ate two eggs to express his congratulations. Then he wondered who gave the Toyo Stock Market such a knife?

And which group has this huge financial strength to play with the Oriental stock market?

Just when Ye Tianlong was thinking about it, suddenly, there was a roar of cars outside, humming, and they could be heard clearly far away.

Also accompanied by roars and disputes, Ye Tianlong could still hear guns pulling bolts and knives and arrows out of their sheaths, frowning: What happened?

"Ye Shao, Lin Jiazhuang Mingyan will bring someone here."

Just when Ye Tianlong was about to go out, Ding Jiaxiu ran in quickly, with a trace of anxiety on his face:

"Ye Shao, I don't know what's going on, Zhuang Mingyan led more than fifty bodyguards into the garden, and Liang Shao is leading people to stop them from entering."

Ye Tianlong's eyes narrowed slightly: "What? The Lin family attacked us? I don't have much conflict with Zhuang Mingyan."

After that, he took the lead and walked to the door: "Go, go out and see, what is the woman crazy about to make trouble."

When Ye Tianlong and Ding Jiaxiu walked to the door, the entire garden door had fallen into chaos.

The two sides fisted fistfully. The Lin family bodyguard didn't know what medicine he had taken wrong, and screamed to charge inside.

Zhuang Mingyan is obviously also a bit skilled, leading the charge ahead, her pretty face gloomy like a dark cloud.

"Block them! Block them!"

Liang Zikuan led the Longmen brothers to death. If both sides didn’t have a bottom line, I was afraid that they would have pulled out their weapons and started hacking.

Rao is so, people keep falling to the ground

At this time, Zhuang Mingyan had lost her former sanity, and she turned the three Longmen brothers to the ground with a bow left and right.

Upon seeing this, Liang Zikuan rushed up in anger, and said bitterly, "Bitch, cruel my brother?"

Before she finished speaking, Zhuang Mingyan gave Liang Zi a wide whip leg and retreated four or five steps back and forth.


Afterwards, she leaped high, her fist wrapped violently and hit the unstable Liang Zikuan. If this punch was hit hard, Liang Zikuan would lie down for a few days.

However, Liang Zikuan’s left leg was weak and unable to dodge flexibly.

Just when Zhuang Mingyan was about to hit her hand, a palm suddenly flashed, enclosing her delicate but domineering jade fist, and then a gentle word rang out:

"Master Lin, I don't know where I offended you and asked you to beat my brother like this?"

Ye Tianlong looked at Zhuang Mingyan and smiled: "If something is clear, I'm wrong, come at me, you are wrong, apologize and compensate."

The fist was wrapped tightly, unable to break free, Zhuang Mingyan could only scream: "Ye Tianlong, don't pretend to be crazy and stupid."

"I tell you, I will hand over my daughter immediately. If you don't release my daughter, I will smash you today."

Zhuang Mingyan screamed: "Let my daughter go!"

Ye Tianlong was taken aback: "Lin Shaoqing?"

"Ye Tianlong, if the club humiliates you and you are upset, you can rush to me. You have the ability to cut me a thousand times."

Zhuang Mingyan is like a crazy lioness: "But you can't use Lin Shaoqing's love for you and hurt her against me, absolutely not."

"Hurt her?"

Ye Tianlong frowned slightly, then waved to make everyone back: "Mrs. Lin, I don't understand what you mean."

"You understand in your heart."

Zhuang Mingyan almost touched Ye Tianlong, the rain wet all her body, showing a proud curve, her eyes were very angry:

"Ye Tianlong, I am very disappointed in you."

She stared at Ye Tianlong fiercely: "You are not a man, you dare not recognize it, Shaoqing is really blind, so she will like you, a beast."

"Dare you dare not recognize it?"

Ye Tianlong frowned instantly, then asked in a low voice: "Mrs. Lin, what's wrong with Shaoqing?"

Then he didn't wait for Zhuang Mingyan's answer to throw out his innocence:

"Mrs. Lin, I don't care what misunderstanding you have with me, but I have to tell you that I definitely did not attack Shaoqing, nor did I hurt her!"

Ye Tianlong wanted to get things clear as soon as possible: "Madam, I don't want you to believe me, but I just hope you don't waste time on me."

"Don't pretend to be crazy."

Zhuang Mingyan was full of grief and indignation: "In the morning, Shaoqing took the advantage of me to take a bath and stole the phone to look for you. Just halfway through the bodyguard, she was blocked by two cars and robbed."

"The bodyguard ran after him and was knocked over by your car again. Don't be fooling around. The six kidnappers all wear masks that have the same facial features as yours."

"Then no one answered whatever I called her, and the signal was located near your house."

Zhuang Mingyan clenched her fists: "Ye Tianlong, dare you say this is a coincidence? You didn't do it?"

"you're so dumb."

Ye Tianlong said: "I really did it. Why do the kidnappers wear my fake mask? The kidnapping is so high-profile, my brain is flooded?"

"And you all said that Lin Shaoqing came to me, she actually came to me, I risked to kidnap her while I was full?"

Ye Tianlong stared at Zhuang Mingyan and shouted, "Aren't you afraid of getting a headshot by the police?"

Hearing what Ye Tianlong said, Zhuang Mingyan was taken aback for a while, then recovered a bit of calmness, and found that she was indeed a little concerned and confused.

Ye Tianlong can make her daughter moths into the fire with a single text message. Why kidnap them in public in this environment?

She maintained a strong shout: "You really didn't do it?"

Ye Tianlong nodded: "No, if you don't believe me, I can allow you to go in and search for it--"

"Not afraid of you, but worried about Shaoqing's safety."

Ye Tianlong cast a wink at Ding Jiaxiu and asked her to quickly follow up Lin Shaoqing's disappearance.


At this moment, a Lin family bodyguard holding an umbrella, holding a mobile phone ran to Zhuang Mingyan: "Madam, call, the other party claims to be a kidnapper!"

Zhuang Mingyan's body shook, she picked it up and put it in her ears and shouted: "Who are you? Where is my daughter? Do you dare to move her and I will kill your family."

A strange laugh came from Zhuang Mingyan's ear: "Tsk, Zhuang Mingyan, you really disappoint me, I thought you would kill Ye Tianlong with one shot."

"Unexpectedly, it's a little troublemaker Xingshi asking crime."

"Come on, you love your daughter sincerely, can you show some sincerity?"

"Crazy for women, crazy for women, killing all over the world for women without regret."

Yinyin smiled, "I'll give you another chance, okay to kill Ye Tianlong?"

Zhuang Mingyan yelled: "Let my daughter go!"

"Well, I won't play low-level games with you anymore. Let's get back to business. Lin Shaoqing was indeed **** by me. It is safe for the time being, but I don't know it at night."

The other party was filled with a strange yin and yang: "If you want to save your daughter, there is only one way, you learn from your ancestors, stealing symbols to save Zhao..."

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