Talented Genius

Chapter 1299: A person


A villa on Lantau Island, a villa from the 1970s, the building is dilapidated, the vegetation is deep, the cold wind and rain blow, it feels like a haunted house.

In the room on the west side of the villa, Lin Shaoqing was waking up in a daze, trying to move, unable to move, wanting to shout, her mouth was sealed with tape.


In the dimly battered room, facing the fierce kidnapper alone, a nightmare that no one can erase for a lifetime.

In the morning she took advantage of her mother to take a shower and took her mobile phone to find Ye Tianlong, but it was a pity that she was blocked when she was halfway through.

Seeing a group of people wearing Ye Tianlong masks, Lin Shaoqing was slightly startled at the time, thinking that Ye Tianlong was joking with him, and got out of the car very cooperatively.

But she soon realized that the other party was not Ye Tianlong, but the gangster who wanted to kidnap herself. She was struggling instinctively but it was too late, and she was knocked out.

When he woke up, it was this gloomy room. Lin Shaoqing widened her eyes, first checked her clothes and breathed a sigh of relief when she found that she had not been violated.

Then she looked around.

With an old-fashioned wall lamp, Lin Shaoqing discovered that this was a deserted villa, which was left by the owner who ran to Nanyang for development.

However, although the building is a bit mottled and old, the basic water and electricity can still be used, which makes the villa disperse two points of gloom.

It was just that Lin Shaoqing had difficulty holding back in the face of a kidnapping he had never experienced before, frowning slightly.


At this moment, the door of the room was suddenly kicked open, and the dazzling beam of light from the hall outside covered Lin Shaoqing's head and face, causing her to instinctively squint her eyes.

Then, a young man wearing an Armani walked in with a cigar in his mouth, followed by four or five men and women wearing Ye Tianlong masks.

The young man's ears were bandaged with gauze, although it was still tight, but some blood stains were faintly visible, making his image even more terrifying.

"Miss Lin, good afternoon."

The young man swaggered over, kicked her slender legs, and smiled: "I've dealt with it twice, shouldn't I need to introduce myself?"

Lin Shaoqing stared at that mouth and face for a full minute. She quickly recognized the sacredness of the other party, and then gritted her teeth slightly:

"Qi Ji, what do you want to do?"

The Armani youth was just Qi Ji. Hearing that, he burst into a joke, his eyes wandering back and forth on Lin Shaoqing: "What do you say I want to do?"

Lin Shaoqing heard the sound of Qi Ji swallowing saliva. The slight movement contained the dirtiest and nasty thoughts of a man, and her heart suddenly rose to her throat.

She was suppressed and full of fear and sadness: "Didn't you sign an agreement with us and stop hurting us?"

"Tsk? Agreement?"

Qi Ji laughed loudly, "Miss Lin, your stubborn mother never taught you, is the agreement signed to tear it?"

"Furthermore, my challenge this time is not the Hong Kong city circle, but the personal grievances between the Qi family and your mother."

Lin Shaoqing bit her lip and shouted: "Excuses! Excuses! All excuses! What kind of grudges can my mother have with you? You are looking for faults on purpose."

In her opinion, Qi Ji must have failed the hateful negotiation and cut his ears, so he kidnapped himself to retaliate, and used personal grievances as a guise.

Qi Ji smiled and said without a smile: "Do you think I need to find a mess of excuses if I want to kill someone?"

"If you want to **** you, if you want to kill your mother, you just start it right away. Going around is a brain disease."

He squatted down and looked at Lin Shaoqing with a smile: "Rough and arrogant are my styles."

Lin Shaoqing yelled: "What on earth do you want to do? Do you know the consequences? You and your father will not have a foothold in Hong Kong City."

"Your father's reputation as a good person will also be lost because of what you did today."

Lin Shaoqing plucked up all his courage: "Qi Ji, don't play with fire, you have to rein in front of the cliff, you still have time..."

Qi Ji smiled evilly: "Tsk, it's a bit out of my surprise. I thought you were scared to death, but I didn't expect your thinking to be so clear."

"You deserve to be a talented girl from Hong Kong City, and a rare horse."

"My biggest hobby is to ride a fierce horse. Don't worry, when I settle down with your mother, I will definitely ride your horse."

Lin Shaoqing trembled and felt Qi Ji's desire for a man deep in her heart, but even more panicked to calm her mother's sentence, her eyelids jumped and shouted:

"What are you doing to my mother?"

She smelled a bad breath: "Don't hurt my mother, or the Lin family won't let you go."

"Don't worry, I won't hurt your mother."

Qi Ji's smile was very playful: "I just want your mother to have a chat, communicate with each other, and let her marry you to me as a concubine."

"Our two changed into one."

"In this way, you are mine, your things are mine, and the Lin family's things are also Qi's things, hahaha."

Qi Ji stared at Lin Shaoqing with a tall chest and smiled: "Mrs. Future, do you feel very happy?"

Lin Shaoqing screamed: "I won't marry you, and my mother won't let you go."

Qi Ji clicked the cigar in his mouth, his fingers wanted to touch Lin Shaoqing but his eyes were condensed, and then he smiled into anger, "Really?"

"You are so confident, I hope, your mother will not let you down later."

His smile is very strange.

"Don't hurt my mother!"

Faced with such a frenzied fellow, Lin Shaoqing didn't know what she would do, so she could only hold on and yelled: "The Lin family has money."

"If something happens to my mother or I, the Lin family will definitely kill you with money, and will offer high-priced rewards for your heads at any time."

Lin Shaoqing's chest rises and falls: "If you have the ability, the corpse will be destroyed, so that our Lin family will never find it out, otherwise, you will undoubtedly die!"

"I'm so scared! Scared me to death!

Qi Ji laughed arrogantly after hearing her words, the latter was not moved by the threatening words at all:

"The Lin family is a wealthy family and they have a lot of money, but there are only a handful of killers who can pick up my head list, and the bodyguards of the Lin family are even more useless."

Qi Ji said leisurely: "On the contrary, it is your mother's maiden energy...you can let me weigh it."

Lin Shaoqing bit her lip tightly, did not speak any more, just stared at Qi Ji fiercely, and put her tongue on her teeth.

Once Qi Ji touched her, Lin Shaoqing would bite off her tongue on the spot.

"Do you know why I haven't trampled you? In addition to worrying about your mother seeing you lose your mind so badly and smashing with me... There is also..."

Qi Ji Yinyin smiled: "I know your mother will marry you to me, so I am not in a hurry to get on you for a while."

"Trust me, tonight, we will have a bridal chamber."

He said frivolously: "At that time, I will develop you well and help you complete the transition from a girl to a young woman."

Lin Shaoqing looked at Qi Ji who was full of confidence, and her heart trembled inexplicably, feeling that the other party was not self-confident, but she still shouted:


At this time, a masked man ran in and reported respectfully: "Shao Qi, Zhuang Mingyan is here."

Qi Ji smiled and asked: "How many people?"

"A person!"

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