Talented Genius

Chapter 1302: Sinister (five shifts)

Seeing Ye Tianlong's appearance, both Qi Ji and Zhuang Mingyan were stunned.

No one thought that he would come here and show up at this critical moment. The most speechless thing was his mischievous smile.

However, this smile fell in Zhuang Mingyan's eyes at this moment, but there was no disgust in the club, Zhuang Mingyan's complex expression wrapped back into her clothes.

In her ears, she could also vaguely hear the screams outside, and it was probably Ye Tianlong's help.

"Ye Tianlong, let me **** you uncle!"

Compared with Zhuang Mingyan's surprise, Qi Ji was extremely angry. He was already ready to go, his pants were all taken off, and he was shocked with a bang.

Ye Tianlong's beating of gongs and drums not only caused Qi Ji to dissipate his **** instantly, but also made him worry about being inhumane after he was born.

"Shao Qi, I am doing well for you."

Ye Tianlong was holding two pot lids with a bright smile: "Safety comes first, isn't it?"

Qi Ji sneered and put on his pants: "Safe your uncle."

Ye Tianlong played with the two pot lids in his hands: "Tsk, Qi Shao, pay attention to quality! Stop playing? Would you like me to knock on the gong to cheer you up."


Qi Ji turned around and smiled at Ye Tianlong. The next second, he slammed forward, swept his left foot, and all the silver needles, blades, and soft swords on the ground exploded.

At the same time, he moved forward and rushed forward with a punch, ready to kill the **** Ye Tianlong.


Ye Tianlong had already prepared, and when Qi Ji moved, he waved the one-meter-diameter pot lid with both hands and shot all the hidden weapons that came to the ground.

As soon as the hidden weapon landed, Qi Ji's fist blasted over, and Ye Tianlong's pot lid was directly blocked, only to hear a loud bang.

Qi Ji blasted a hole through the lid on the left, and there were many cracks around it, but before he took out his hand, Ye Tianlong waved his right hand.


The pot lid smashed on Qi Ji's head, and the force sank, and the iron sheet had a cavity in an instant. Ye Tianlong was surprised: "Rely? Iron head skill?"


Before Qi Ji could react, Ye Tianlong smashed seven times in one breath. When he smashed the lid of the pot, he almost knocked Qi Ji to the ground.


After that, Ye Tianlong smashed the lid of the pot for the last time. The lid broke into a dozen pieces and fell on the ground one after another. Qi Ji also swept his left leg, thunderous.

Ye Tianlong hurriedly threw the lid of the pot and jumped out, only to hear a bang. A chair by the door was kicked by Qi Ji, and then it broke into a pile of wood.

Ye Tianlong gave a thumbs up and praised: "Qi Shao is really mighty, admire, admire."

Qi Ji retracted the kicked leg and wiped the blood on his head with a grim expression: "Ye Tianlong, you are really a character."

Ye Tianlong retreated to Zhuang Mingyan's side and said with a smile: "Mrs. Lin, how about? Can you still walk?"

At this moment, even though Zhuang Mingyan was still untidy and happy, Ye Tianlong did not appreciate it as he did in the past, and his eyes were indescribably peaceful.

"I suffered a bit of internal injury and was hit in the joints of my arms. I don't have much fighting ability, but I can still walk."

Zhuang Mingyan tidyed up her clothes, stood up, enduring the pain, and forced the blood in her mouth back, and then whispered, "Thank you."

Ye Tianlong was very calm: "You're welcome."

He only came to Lin Shaoqing. He had to leave after saving her. But Lin Shaoqing said that Zhuang Mingyan was in danger, and Ye Tianlong had to come and take a look.

Zhuang Mingyan suddenly stood up: "Where is Shaoqing, where is Shaoqing? She will be fine, right?"

Ye Tianlong said softly and relieved: "Don't worry, someone has rescued her, she is fine."

Hearing this sentence, Zhuang Mingyan breathed a sigh of relief, and then gathered strength and prepared to leave this place of right and wrong.

Ye Tianlong looked at Qi Ji who pricked his ears to listen to the movement outside: "Shao Qi, don't listen. I brought a team of people, enough to kill you."

"I didn't want to kill you, but you are too unkind. If you have something to say, why kidnap Shaoqing?"

There was a reproach in his eyes: "Didn't I warn you? Don't move her, you don't understand?"

"I kidnap or not, it's up to you? No one can stop what I have to do."

Qi Ji carried his hands on his back and proudly faced Ye Tianlong and said, "Ye Tianlong, the water tonight is very deep, you are interested, it is best not to come in. "

"I'll give you a chance now. The people who brought you, and Lin Shaoqing, get out of here."

Qi Ji Luoluo said generously: "I promise not to chase you, and I won't trouble you in the future, how about? One more friend is more than one enemy."

Although it was windy and rainy outside, the fighting and screams could still be recognized, which also meant that the police would arrive soon.

Qi Ji must control Zhuang Mingyan's important chess piece.

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "Shao Qi is so kind, let us leave safely?"

"A few women, it's not worthy of life and death for you and me, you can let me go, but you have to leave this woman to me."

Qi Ji instinctively touched his waist, very depressed, and found that the gun had fallen in the drawer: "I haven't enjoyed her yet, I can't let her go."

Zhuang Mingyan's face was cold: "Qi Ji, keep your mouth clean."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Qi Shao has a good condition, but it doesn't appeal to me at all."

"Today, whether it is Lin Shaoqing or Zhuang Mingyan, I will take it away. I promised Shaoqing that I must bring her mother back safely."

Qi Ji sneered: "Ye Tianlong, would you overestimate yourself?"

Ye Tianlong did not respond, but looked at Zhuang Mingyan who was about to struggle to go out: "Madam, care is chaotic, believe me, Lin Shaoqing is fine."

"You are injured, don't go out of this room, there are a lot of Qiji's men here, you just need to follow me."

Zhuang Mingyan was startled slightly, and finally withdrew her urgent gaze. Standing behind Ye Tianlong, she decided not to be a drag, and at the same time she whispered to Ye Tianlong:

"Ye Tianlong, be careful, Qi Ji is very perverted, hard work, invulnerable."

Ye Tianlong's face bloomed with a deep smile: "Really? That's better. I like to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, but I don't like others to pretend to be a fork."

Qi Ji sneered upon hearing the words: "Ye Tianlong, are you really going to wade in the muddy water? Then you will end up miserably, life is better than death."

Ye Tianlong raised a smile: "Then let go."

"Before I shoot, I will tell you one more thing."

Qi Ji smiled very sinisterly, and pointed his finger at Zhuang Mingyan: "She planned the car accident in the Lin family. Two deaths and one injury were made. The purpose is to control the Lin family."

Zhuang Mingyan's pretty face was instantly pale, killing intent, extremely angry, but helpless.

When Ye Tianlong was slightly startled, Qi Ji laughed again: "Ye Tianlong, if you know this news, you must be careful of her."

"Because she is likely to stab you behind the back and kill you to protect her interests."

"You can't be tight-lipped. In that case, how can you be worthy of Lin Shaoqing?"

Qi Ji smiled: "What's more, for Zhuang Mingyan, the dead can be tight-lipped."

Zhuang Mingyan was very angry: "You--"

yin! poison! ruthless!

Ye Tianlong secretly called Qi Ji more shameless than himself.


Qi Ji suddenly roared, with a loud voice, like a drum in the morning and evening, powerful, causing Zhuang Mingyan's body to tremble and her spirit instinctively trance.

Dozens of silver needles shot on the walls and tables and chairs fell to the ground.

Ye Tianlong narrowed his eyes: Strong!

It was in this gap, Qi Ji moved his footsteps and shot Ye Tianlong out: "Kill!"

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