Talented Genius

Chapter 1305: Hush fee

At 6 o'clock the next morning, a cordon was pulled up around the villa, and a large number of police officers stationed to maintain the scene.

Not only did the villa explode and collapsed three houses, but it was also burned beyond recognition. Dozens of bodies were unrecognizable like coke.

Qi Ji was dead, and was bombed into a pile of shreds on the spot. Of course, this matter had nothing to do with Ye Tianlong, and Zhuang Mingyan carried it down.

Zhuang Mingyan let people deal with the traces of Qi Ji, and killed all Qi Ji's men, making him look like he has evaporated.

She also used the Lin family's official relationship to declare that this was a gas explosion accident, and the specific identity of the deceased needs further examination.

She also arranged the best ward for Ye Tianlong, but it was not adjacent to Lin Shaoqing, who was also admitted to the hospital, but one east and one west.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Zhuang Mingyan, who seemed to never get tired, pushed aside Ye Tianlong's ward, put a delicate food box in front of him and smiled:

"Tianlong, this is the meal I let someone buy you. It is the craftsmanship of the master. You can taste it while it is hot."

Zhuang Mingyan has red lips and a pleasant fragrance on her body. Her black professional suit shows her tall and plump figure.

She put out eight kinds of appetizing desserts and a bottle of warm milk. She enthusiastically picked up a piece of pastry and delivered it to Ye Tianlong's mouth:

"Come, have a taste."

At this moment, Zhuang Mingyan no longer stood high above the clubhouse, and did not have the fierceness of attacking the Red Moon Villa. There was a touch of feminine softness on her face.

"Thank auntie...no, Mrs. Lin."

When Ye Tianlong saw the food on his lips, he was slightly startled at first, not used to Zhuang Mingyan's change, then he ate the cakes on his lips and said, "I will do it myself."

"I just hit a little bit of internal injury. There is nothing serious about my hands and feet. If you feed me like this, people who don't know think I am disabled."

He also glanced at Zhuang Mingyan uncontrollably. The black underwear could be clearly seen in the gap between the buttons of the tightly held white shirt.

Zhuang Mingyan didn't insist anymore, and smiled and put the fork into Ye Tianlong's hand: "You should call me auntie, calling Mrs. Lin too much."

Ye Tianlong's eyelids twitched, thinking of the cloth strip torn off last night, lacking confidence: "Okay, listen to Auntie."

"Ye Tianlong, I despised you before and despised you. I sincerely say sorry for the wrong things I did for myself."

Zhuang Mingyan said softly: "I hope you can forgive me."

"Auntie, I am not angry with you or blame you. Although you are a bit domineering, I know you are doing it for Shaoqing's good."

Ye Tianlong forked up a piece of red bean cake: "If I have a daughter like this, I will keep her away from dangerous people like me."

He knew more or less Zhuang Mingyan's thoughts at this moment. She was a quack and knew the sinisterness of quack, so she hoped that her daughter would stay away from this kind of quack.

Especially those who like to make trouble everywhere.

"These words of you really make me ashamed."

Zhuang Mingyan sighed softly: "I treat you like that, you not only have a misfortune, you also risk going to the villa to rescue us."

"I'm really grateful, and thank you, if it were not for your help, Shaoqing and I would not survive now."

"For myself, for Shaoqing, and for the Lin family, thank you."

She bowed to Ye Tianlong, and a touch of white greasy appeared on her chest, which was very attractive in the field of vision.

"Auntie, don't do this, don't do this, it will hurt me!"

Ye Tianlong waved his hand hurriedly when he saw it, "You are welcome, let alone Shaoqing and I are good friends."

"Although I know the apology and thanks are too meager, I always need to do something, otherwise I feel uneasy."

Zhuang Mingyan held down Ye Tianlong who was about to support herself, then took the handbag and opened it, and took out a stack of documents and put it in front of Ye Tianlong with a smile:

"Tianlong, this is 10% of the shares given to me by the Lin Group, with a market value of more than 20 billion, and it may be longer in the future."

She looked at Ye Tianlong and said astonishing: "In order to thank you for rescuing my mother and daughter, I want to give you half of it."

If you divide it into half, that's five percent, and there are more than 10 billion. Ye Tianlong's face is surprised: "You give me the Lin Family shares?"

"In the future, as long as I have it, I will give you half. I hope you don't reject the aunt's wishes."

Zhuang Mingyan bloomed with a bright smile: "Don't worry, the Lin family and Shaoqing know that they all think you should accept this share."

Ye Tianlong opened his mouth. Although he likes money, it is somewhat embarrassing to receive 10 billion from others, but three to five billion is fine.

Only when he wanted to refuse, he remembered something, smiled, and then took up his signature pen and said:

"Auntie loves me so much, it is better for me to respect my life. I have accepted this share."

After scanning the documents, Ye Tianlong wrote his name quickly: "Thank you, Auntie."

Zhuang Mingyan's eyes flashed lightly, and then she signed her name and nodded with a smile: "Tianlong, I should say thank you."

She left an agreement to Ye Tianlong.

"Auntie, don't be polite, by the way, you seem to cover up Qi Ji's death by reading the news?"

Ye Tianlong asked softly: "This seems meaningless, Qi Ba will definitely find out."

"I know he will find out, and I know he will retaliate, but I need some time."

Zhuang Mingyan responded softly: "Without this buffer, I would die without a dead body. With this time, the outcome will be undivided.

There was a sense of confidence in her face.

Ye Tianlong was startled slightly, then smiled and nodded: "Understood."

"As long as you know."

Zhuang Mingyan paused, then raised her eyes to look at him one by one: "Okay, I have breakfast, the agreement is signed, and everything I came here is finished."

"You should take a good rest and recover from your injury."

Zhuang Mingyan stretched out her hand and raised her hair: "When your injury is healed, I invite you to eat at home. Auntie will not interfere with Shaoqing's affairs."

"In the past, beating the Mandarin Duck to stop you was because you were worried that you did not have the ability to protect her and that you would incur a series of risks for her."

"After this series of disturbances, I found that your ability to protect her is stronger than mine. She is with you, so auntie can rest assured."

She also stretched out her hand to adjust Ye Tianlong's collar: "It's just that you have to treat her well."

His soft fingers accidentally touched his chest, and then moved away like an electric shock.

Ye Tianlong wanted to say that he and Lin Shaoqing were just friends, but he didn't know how to speak, so he could only sigh, "Thank you, Auntie."

"rest well."

Zhuang Mingyan smiled faintly: "See you tomorrow."

Then she left the room, leaving only a faint fragrance.

Fifteen minutes later, Ding Liuyue walked into the room with breakfast, sniffed lightly, and curiously asked Ye Tianlong:

"A woman has been here? Still using this seductive perfume? Who came to seduce you again?"

She clearly remembered that Ning Hongzhuang went to talk about a project today, so it is impossible for Ning Hongzhuang to come to the room.

"Zhuang Mingyan, come here to apologize and thank you."

Ye Tianlong, who was lying on the hospital bed, smiled and picked up the remote control to turn on the TV news: "Do you think she will seduce me?"

"It's hard to say, the age of a wolf like a tiger... and I heard that Lin Rudao is not humane."

Ding Liuyue walked to Ye Tianlong's side with a cold face. After spreading out the breakfast, she saw the agreement next to her, picked it up and glanced at it and asked:

"What's this from?"

Ye Tianlong looked up at the contract, his tone was flat: "Hush money, a hush money for a car accident."

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