Talented Genius

Chapter 1334: Who goes to hell?

Seeing the distorted facial features of the wounded, Ye Tianlong understood how the nurses could be frightened.

The guy in front of him was really terrifying, his burned muscles had a huge impact, so he would be transported to the crematorium, roasted and then dragged out.

Outside Jiao and Lin Nian, Ye Tianlong can only describe it this way. The only thing that is different from the corpse in the crematorium is that the wounded is still alive.

When Ye Tianlong held on to the shaking Zhao Yaoyao, Tianmo quickly stepped forward to put the mask back on the opponent, and then took over the mobile hospital bed.

Ye Tianlong knew that the nurse and Zhao Yaoyao were frightened, so after asking the nurse to guide where the ward was, he asked Tianmo to push the patient over to recuperate.

Then, Ye Tianlong called a few people from the Dragon Club and asked them to **** Zhao Yaoyao back to rest first, and then transferred four members of the Phoenix Team.

Ye Tianlong gave them full authority to deal with the car accident and let them use their relationship to settle the traffic police and find their families.

He has been busy until three o'clock in the afternoon before he has time to rest.

"How is Miao Tiannu?"

At three ten ten, Ye Tianlong sat at the door of the wounded intensive care unit, picked up a large bottle of soda and poured it in, and then asked Tianmo:

"Is the coefficient still normal?"

He doesn't know what the other party's name is, so he can only use the words on the notepad to call him so as not to replace it with an anonymous person.

Tian Mo held an egg sandwich, nibbling it, and responded: "Everything is normal, there are two senior care workers staring at it."

Although Miao Tiannu's burns were very scary, as long as the simulation mask was worn firmly, the scariness would be reduced by two points.

Moreover, Ye Tianlong gave out a thousand-day salary, and the nurses who signed up to take care of Miao Tiannu swarmed in an instant, and Tianmo picked two of them to take care of the patients.

Ye Tianlong opened the door of the room and glanced at it. He found that the instrument index was normal and the two nurses were also reliable. He breathed a sigh of relief again, rubbing his head and said:

"It's fine. I hope he can wake up early and make a handover with his family at that time. We don't have to toss like this."

If Miao Tiannu's family showed up to take care of her, Ye Tianlong would rather pay a little more money to settle the matter, lest Zhao Yaoyao is always thinking about it.

"Although this man has burnt skin and flesh, his face is terrible, but I can feel that there is a lightness in him."

After Ye Tianlong drank half a bottle of soda, Tianmo hesitated and said, "He has a somewhat similar temperament to Di Kuangtian."

Ye Tianlong squinted his eyes when he heard the words: "Really?" Then he nodded: "If you burn it like this, you can live tenaciously. It's really not easy."

"But we don't need to explore him too much. Sometimes our gossip is curious, and it may be an injury to Miao Tiannu."

Tian Mo nodded: "Understood." He took out a sandwich to Ye Tianlong: "Have some?"

"You eat, toss for half a noon, the appetite is gone."

Ye Tianlong stretched his waist and got up and walked to the floor exit: "I'll buy a few carrots to be shocked, and the doctor will check it later before going back."

He quickly walked to the elevator and just pressed the elevator on the right. The elevator on the left opened. Seven or eight men and women in Chinese clothes walked out and approached the left ward.

Ye Tianlong was about to enter the elevator, but he saw a familiar figure, Miao Boguang.

Miao Boguang swept away his gray dress in the morning, and hung a long gown that resembled a white coat. There were prayer beads on his wrists, all carved from precious medicinal materials.

He was followed by three apprentices with brightly dressed collars, each carrying a medicine box in red, white, and black.

Miao Boguang walked peacefully, and his expression was more than calm. When he met people in the aisle, he gave way. At first glance, he was a very reliable doctor.

Then, Ye Tianlong caught the crowd surrounding Miao Boguang, including Han Jing's agent and assistants, each with a solemn and respectful expression:

"Mr. Miao, please here, Miss Han is here."

Miao Boguang couldn't see the madness on his face, he just nodded slightly, and then followed Han Jing's agent into the eighty-eight ward.

"Unexpectedly, Han Jing is here."

There was a trace of astonishment across Ye Tianlong's face, his mind flashed over Han Jing's pretty face, and then he walked out of the elevator, and the ghost leaned over.

He saw someone guarding the ward, so he got into a utility room, got out of the skylight and climbed to the west window of the eighty eight.

Opposite the eighty-eight is a new inpatient department that has been completed but has not yet been officially used, so no one noticed Ye Tianlong sticking to the window like a spider.

Ye Tianlong glanced cautiously from the gap between the curtains and saw Han Jing lying on the hospital bed.

Black eyebrows, pale cheeks, eyes closed, they look as weird as a paper-struck...


At this time, there were seven or eight people around the hospital bed. Miao Boguang was sitting on a chair, poking out his fingers to get Han Jing's pulse.

Sometimes he frowned, sometimes stretched out, sometimes solemn, and sometimes relaxed, pulling the hearts of Han Jing's agent and assistant.

Their faces were tense, and they even held their breath, for fear of disturbing Miao Boguang's diagnosis and treatment, but the corners of their mouths were still moving, and they wanted to ask questions.

Han Jing is their food and clothing parents and the company's cash cow. The agents and assistants naturally don't want Han Jing to have trouble.

"Okay, the diagnosis is over."

Five minutes later, Miao Boguang loosened his fingers, and then came to wash his hands with a basin of cold water: "Miss Han is very sick."

The female agent with a shaved head was tight: "Mr. Miao, what is Miss Han's disease? Why can't the hospital find out at all?"

"A disease that the hospital can detect, do I still need to go out?"

Miao Boguang's eyes revealed a joking: "The world is so big, not all diseases can be solved by cold testing machines."

The agent nodded again and again: "The genius doctor is right, I offended him."

Miao Boguang waved his hand generously: "It's okay, if you care about it, it's messy. It's understandable that you said the wrong thing."

The agent looked admired, and then he said: "Genius doctor, what's wrong with Miss Han?"

"A disease that even the hospital can't find out, I said, you don't understand, you just need to know that her condition is very serious."

Miao Boguang looked at the agent and said faintly: "She has up to three days to save. After three days, she will sleep forever."

"Furthermore, her body will constantly resist the input of nutrient solution, which means that she can only live for a month at most after being completely unconscious."

He calmly added: "At that time, it will be difficult for the Immortal Daluo to save her."

The agents and assistants were shocked and surprised: "What? Can only live for one month?"

"Yes, if you don't believe me, you can ask the doctor."

Miao Boguang has reason and evidence: "Look at their detection coefficient, is it as I said, resist liquid medicine."

The agent subconsciously grabbed Miao Boguang and shouted: "Genius doctor, can you save Miss Han?"

"I am Miao Boguang, I am the genius doctor of Tiandu, of course I can save Miss Han."

Miao Boguang looked approachable: "It's just that the cost is very expensive."

When Ye Tianlong pricked his ears to listen, the beautiful assistant hurriedly asked: "How much is it?"

"I need to treat her for eight hours, my outpatient fee is 1 million, the hourly treatment fee is 300,000, and the cost of medicinal materials is 10 million."

Miao Boguang gave a number in a flat tone: "Add two hundred thousand red envelopes for each of my three apprentices, for a total of 14 million."

"As long as 14 million arrives, I can wake Miss Han immediately."

The agent and assistant Qi Qi fell silent in surprise: "What? Fourteen million?"

This is too expensive, too expensive, right? Today's one million medical expenses, they all feel scared, but they did not expect that the cost of saving lives will cost 14 million.

The beautiful assistant said with difficulty: "Genius doctor, is this cost a bit higher?"

"Is this much money?"

Miao Boguang snorted noncommitantly, "I diagnosed Mr. Tai at noon, and the cost of the medical visit alone was 10 million."

"If it weren't for your uncle and the second young master, let me come and see Ms. Han, I don't want to come to see this pulse."

He stood up: "Okay, I'm done with the diagnosis, remember to transfer one million to my account, whether to continue medical treatment later, you slowly consider."

"Just remember that there are only three days. After these three days, you don't want to find me again. No matter how much money, I won't be able to heal."

After speaking, Miao Boguang turned around and left the ward with three apprentices.

"Xiaowen, you should hurry up to follow the genius doctor, say something soft, and apologize to make the genius doctor feel better, so as not to be tempted."

The agent took out his mobile phone and pulled the assistant out: "I'll call the company and see what the general manager means."

She doesn't have Han Jing's account, and she doesn't know Han Jing's family, and she can't spend 14 million on her own, so she can only let the company handle the matter.

The agent and several assistants went out quickly, rushing to work on the matter. The ward became quiet again, leaving only Han Jing lying quietly.

"The old guy has such a big appetite."

After confirming that the people in the ward were clean, Ye Tianlong stepped in through the window, rolled on the floor like a civet, and then stood up silently.

He walked to Han Jing's bed and looked at the pretty face and whispered: "The Buddha said, I don't go to hell, who will go to hell?"

Then, he bowed his head and kissed the cold red lips...

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