Talented Genius

Chapter 1352: I want to bet another round

The audience was shocked.

This is not only shocking the butcher who has won seven consecutive seven wins and falling into the ring, but also shocking the **** and brutal battle that should have ended so absurdly!

The two of them didn't even touch their hands, they just walked a few laps in the ring, and then the butcher fell off and ended, which was simply absurd.

And Ye Tianlong's so-called move made everyone unable to even shout the word ‘grass’.

Your uncle! Make a movie, beat people in the air, or even Pegasus Meteor Boxing?

The pipe girl felt that Ye Tianlong had insulted everyone's IQ, but the butcher fell out of the ring and fell into a coma, which caused them doubts.

The water is a bit deep.

When Han Jing and his uncle Sanjia also opened their mouths in a trance, Ye Tianlong was raising his hands and stiffening his body four times in a row, happily indicating to the audience:

"Thank you for watching, thank you for your support, Denon won the battle today."

Then, Ye Tianlong said again in English: "Thank—you—to—come—here……"

The audience was in a trance again. For the first time, they discovered that the boxing field, which has always been known for its blood, could be so funny.

"The butcher was just used by me with a unique secret, and injured his abdomen and chest."

At this time, Ye Tianlong pointed to the middle-aged woman and shouted: "You must take thirty hard boiled eggs and apply heat to remove the bruises I made."

"You quickly send him down for treatment, otherwise he will fall to the root of the disease and can no longer fight boxing matches."

"Our uncle Tai's boxing field is people-oriented. Whether it is one's own or an opponent, he can help."

Ye Tianlong waved to his uncle's cronies: "Quickly, quickly, lift it down."

Tai Shu San Jia was also a smart man. Although he didn't know what was going on, he winked at his subordinates and carried the butcher out neatly.

Before the pipe girl and the 13th League stopped, Ye Tianlong took the microphone and shouted, "Thank you for coming tonight."

"I decided to give you 100 million points out of the 2 billion in the 13 Leagues, and one of them will count as one to show my congratulations."

Ye Tianlong shouted: "Everyone, OK?"

Although many people did not understand what was going on in the battle just now, they heard Ye Tianlong put out 100 million evenly, and naturally roared like chicken blood:

"Good, good, good!"

"Long live the Three Young Masters! Long live the Three Young Masters!"

There were no more than a hundred people, 100 million divided equally, and more than one million per capita. Although the spectators were not short of money, no one would refuse to send one million to the door.

Seeing the cheers of the audience, the top three brothers gave themselves support, and couldn't help but glance at Ye Tianlong, secretly saying that this kid's mind is really not simple.

He had figured out now that Ye Tianlong had something to do with the butcher in the first battle, but Ye Tianlong didn't give the Thirteen League a chance at all, and directly involved the stakes.

And in order to put pressure on the Thirteen Leagues, it also threw a hundred million yuan to buy people's hearts.

The Thirteen League is now in a dilemma, surrendering, in addition to unwillingness, but also out of 2 billion, not to admit defeat, it is tantamount to opposing the audience.

Because everyone's one million is gone.

At this moment, Ye Tianlong took the microphone and shouted out: "Is it beautiful to win?"

Nearly a hundred spectators shouted in unison: "Beautiful! Beautiful!"

Uncle Sanjia smiled bitterly again, this is the brainwashing of spectators and laid the fruit of victory.

Han Jing's cold face also rarely showed a touch of tenderness: "Living treasure."

Ye Tianlong shouted happily again: "Would you like me to sing a song for everyone? Then everyone brushes a'Rocket' or something?"

Nearly a hundred spectators responded at the same time: "Don't..."

"To shut up!"

At this moment, the pipe-smoking woman who had fully reacted quickly turned out from the sofa with a scream, and then turned into the ring after a few ups and downs:

"This round is not counted! This round is tricky!"

The pipe woman's face was very ugly. After deterring the audience to be quiet, the pipe pointed at Ye Tianlong and shouted: "I want to rematch with you!"

Ye Tianlong jumped two steps, staring at each other with wide eyes: "This eldest sister, don't be ashamed, okay?"

"In the game just now, everyone saw the butcher fall out of the ring and lost his fighting power in a coma. It wasn't me who won. Could it be that you won?"

The pipe-smoking woman yelled, "The butcher is afraid of colluding with you."

Ye Tianlong's anger couldn't be denounced: "Any collusion?"

"Sister, can you use your brain? The butcher has colluded with our Taishu in the boxing field. Will we let you win seven games and seven wins?"

"Should we let the butcher beat the third young to almost crippled?"

He stepped forward, aggressively: "You will collude with your opponent to hurt yourself? Please, don't insult everyone's IQ, OK?"

The woman with the pipe was instantly speechless. This was indeed a flaw. The butcher was really an uncle's person. He would not win nearly a billion in seven games and seven victories.

In addition, in each match, the butcher severely wounded the Taishu fighter, and on two occasions he had to stop it by himself, otherwise the butcher would kill his opponent.

Just now in a fight with the uncle's top three, but the butcher was also fluent, and that revolving kick was definitely a serious injury.

So the butcher colluded with Taishu in the boxing field. This is really unreasonable, but if there was no collusion, how could there be an absurd scene just now?

The pipe-smoking woman wanted to pull the butcher up to ask, but it was a pity that the butcher was carried down by the boxing ring staff for treatment.

"The butcher is yours, and the bet is also yours. If you win, you collect money from the boxing ring. If you lose, you don't count, and you slander and collude."

Ye Tianlong was righteous and awe-inspiring: "Will your Thirteen Leagues be so shameless? Just say it if you can't afford to lose. I look down on you because of this."

The uncle Sanjia also coughed: "Qiu Feihua, the butcher won us one billion. If you don't collude with us, if you lose, you say it is ours."

"How can you come out to walk the rivers and lakes like this? How can you still be one of the double flowers of the 13th League?"

Uncle Sanjia reminded: "Beijing Feng Jiutian, Chang'an Qiu Feihua, you are far from Feng Jiutian."

The audience was also booed.

When Qiu Feihua heard Feng Jiutian, the hand holding the pipe tightened, and then let go.

Ye Tianlong breathed out a long breath and looked at Qiu Feihua, who had an ugly expression, "Today's two billion, I think you'd better give it."

"Of course, you can also shame. After all, the 13 Leagues are powerful, and the uncle family can't help you."

"But I want to tell you that I will publish all the videos to the world and let all the bigwigs comment on it."

"Let's see if there is any contact with you in the future, and if anyone accepts your gambling."

Ye Tianlong chuckled, "I think it’s a cost-effective thing to exchange 2 billion for the reputation of the 13 leagues for many years."

People from the 13th League camp frowned slightly and looked at each other. Although they were unwilling, it was clear that Ye Tianlong said nothing wrong.

At this time, the uncle yelled out: "Can't afford to lose! Can't afford to lose!"

Then, all the spectators shouted: "Can't afford to lose! Can't afford to lose!"

"To shut up!"

Qiu Feihua knew that he was at a loss and knew that the money had to be given, so he shouted, "I will give up in this round."

"But I want to bet with you myself."

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