Talented Genius

Chapter 1359: Cut off children

"The antidote to me—"

Tai Shuqin tore Miao Boguang to an antidote, her face was deformed invisibly, and she looked surprised and frightened.

While resisting Tai Shuqin's attack, Miao Boguang straightened his face and shouted, "This is a tonic, 30 million tonic, not poison."

Tai Shuqin didn't care: "Hurry up and give me the antidote, I want the antidote."

Tai Shuqin and Miao Boguang mingle together.

Everyone is a smart person. After a brief stunned situation, he quickly realized something. Uncle Taijia and the top three brothers turned black on the spot.


Feeling the atmosphere began to change, Miao Boguang's eyelids jumped, knowing that this place shouldn't stay for long, so he knocked down Taishuqin, and then shouted:

"This woman is crazy, and the uncle's family is also crazy. Go, go, let's go!"

He cut Ye Tianlong a thousand swords in his heart, but knew that this was not the time for revenge, and staying would only make himself into trouble.

Ye Tianlong gave him a fatal knife. This knife didn't see through his core-pulling method, nor was it the glutinous rice water that made Taishu rejuvenate the country.

Instead, he fed the precious potion to Tai Shuqin, a teammate who lost his mind and looked like a pig.

Thinking of this, Miao Boguang led the three apprentices to speed up and rush towards the door.

The uncle's family and the bodyguard were at a loss and didn't know what to do.

Tai Shuqin scrambled and rushed up: "Stop them! Stop them! Can't let them go! No cure for me yet."

In Ye Tianlong's tilted head, a few of Tai Shuqin's cronies rushed to block, Miao Boguang tilted his head, and the three apprentices suddenly violently kicked out their right foot.

Three of Tai Shuqin's cronies fell to the ground with a grumble expression on their faces. Then, the three apprentices waved their left hands and knocked over two bodyguards in the way.

They changed Yaotong's obedience, showed indifference and fangs, and shot a **** path with their hands up and down.

Miao Boguang took the opportunity to walk out the door.

Uncle Sanjia yelled: "Miao Boguang, I haven't figured it out yet, where should I go?"

He chased out like a whirlwind, and Tai Shuqin's bodyguards also surrounded him, and Tai Shuqin stumbled out of the door, his face becoming more frightened.

Most of the others also followed out, trying to find out what happened.

The room was deserted, and only the uncle Taijia, Ye Tianlong and Han Jing were left.

Ye Tianlong saw the old man's mouth dry, so he poured a glass of warm water and waited for Tai Shu Xingguo to drink it.

Tai Shu Xingguo, who drank a glass of water, nodded to Ye Tianlong gratefully: "Little genius doctor, thank you for saving me."

Uncle Taijia also politely got up and bowed: "Mr. Ye, thank you, you have been offended just now, and I would like to ask you a lot of adults, forgive me."

"It's nothing, just a simple effort."

Ye Tianlong chuckled softly: "Besides, Third Young Master is my friend. If his family has something to do, I can help, so naturally."

Tai Shu Xingguo and the others nodded together, admiring Ye Tianlong a little more.

Han Jing looked at Ye Tianlong's gaze, with a hint of interest. This **** was really hidden, and at the same time completely believed that he had saved himself.

At this time, there was another shouting and fighting outside the window.

Tai Shu Xingguo looked at the noisy door, with a daze in his eyes: "What is going on?"

Uncle Taijia lowered his head slightly: "Father, I don't know yet, but don't worry, the third brother will figure it out."

Ye Tianlong smiled and walked down, and stretched out his hand to give Taishu Xingguo's pulse: "What's the matter, it's not difficult to guess."

"That is Mr. Tai's illness. Miao Boguang not only failed to treat it with all his heart, but also treated you as a cash withdrawal machine, allowing you to get sick from time to time to make money."

"And in order to highlight the effect, he also used urging techniques to treat the old man, allowing you to overdraw your future life and burn a few days in advance, and the effect is obvious."

Ye Tianlong evaded the seriousness and made the slightest: "Today, the old man fell ill again, and his life was hanging by a thread. Miao Boguang was unable to recover, so he resorted to the last resort."

"Use the core-pulling method and special medicine to fish the last 30 million, and at the same time declare that the old gentleman has reached the end, so that he can retreat with his whole body."

"The injection of water, if I think it is good, is the same as the core-pulling acupuncture, it is also a medicine at the expense of overdrawing future life."

When Tai Shu Xingguo and the others listened, Ye Tianlong added: "It seems to have a great effect, but it actually consumes lives."

"Second Miss knows the pros and cons of this medicine in a certain way, so I was confused when I took it just now."

"Think about it, that medicine can burn even the old man's body for three days. When used on a normal person, it is ‘burning the body with desire.’"

When Han Jing gave Ye Tianlong a glance, Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "It will make the second lady's body rotate at high speed."

Ye Tianlong remained calm and calm: "The second lady doesn't ask Miao Boguang for the cure, I'm afraid that most of the body's functions will be depleted."

In Ye Tianlong's heart, he could feel a deeper conspiracy, but he did not tell Taishu Xingguo that he was worried that he would be anxious and worsen his condition.

In that way, I can't bear the ‘Black Leaf Saint Cicada Pill’ I used for miraculous effects.

Tai Shu Xingguo was furious upon hearing this: "Miao Boguang is hateful! Tai Shuqin is worse than a beast!"

"I'm her father. She wants his father's life? What does she want to do?"

Tai Shu Xingguo was furious: "I now suspect that my repeated illness was caused by her collusion with Miao Boguang."

Although he is old, he is not confused, so he can easily see through many things.

The corner of the uncle Taijia's mouth moved a bit: "Old man calm down, we must figure out this."

"Whoever is sorry for you, we are sorry for whoever."

There was a sense of firmness in the eyes of Taishu Taijia.


At this moment, a few screams suddenly came from outside, Ye Tianlong stood up and walked to the window, looking out, just to see a scene in the garden.

More than a dozen bodyguards of the uncle fell in the park, all of them were bloodied, and they seemed to be seriously injured. Three of Miao Boguang's apprentices were also knocked to the ground.

Tai Shuqin fell in the corner, holding her hair with both hands, looking very painful.

At the moment, the first three of the uncles were pushing towards Miao Boguang, and roared murderously: "Let's lie to us with money, let's not talk about it, and want our father's life?"

Miao Boguang's eyelids jumped sharply, and said, "Three young masters, don't listen to the slander of the villain, I am worthy of the conscience of the world to the uncle's family."


The thunder in the sky shocked Miao Boguang.

The third wife laughed loudly when he heard the words: "Thunder has struck you, what you have done, I know in my heart, today, I want to seek justice for the old man."

Miao Boguang screamed: "Dare you move me?"

Uncle Sanjia twisted his neck and approached, his fists gradually tightening.

"go to hell!"

The desperate Miao Boguang suddenly roared, raised his left foot and shot two small knives, and then rotated his right foot to point to the chest of Uncle's top three.


Uncle Sanjia avoided two small knives, then grabbed Miao Boguang's right leg and sneered: "The shoe hides the knife? It looks like a villain."

Miao Boguang repeatedly yelled: "Let go of me, let me go--"


Uncle Sanjia suddenly lifted Miao Boguang's leg, and then severely knocked on the corner stone.


With a crisp sound, Miao Boguang's knees instantly shattered, and then there was a screaming scream...

Not long after, Miao Boguang abruptly resisted the pain, and a spiteful voice came like a ghost:

"Tai Shu Xingguo, Tai Shu is the top three, you will definitely regret it!"

"My Miao Boguang swears that you will be severely ill, tortured, and die in pain one by one."

"I will let you... cut off children and grandchildren... wipe out families..."

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