Talented Genius

Chapter 1366: Yongquan Report


Han Jing kicked Ma Gang directly, and several people who pulled the side frame were almost kicked by her.

It's the first time someone has prescribed medicine to her since her debut for so many years, and she is still the famous Ma Gang. How could Han Jing not be disappointed, how could he not be angry?

"Babe, stop fighting, this is a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding!"

The fat bald man was a peacemaker with a few women, holding Han Jing with all his hands, to calm her down and stop fighting, and shouted that this was a misunderstanding:

"Director Ma is drunk and he is talking drunk, don't be angry."

The fat bald man glanced at Ma Gang who was embarrassed and said, "Give me a little face, and this matter will be reduced to a small one, and a small matter to be nothing."

"Misunderstanding? How could this be a misunderstanding?"

Han Jing didn't show any face to the bald fat people, and she snorted with a cold face, "He admitted the medicine, you are deaf, don't you hear it?"

"I give you face, when I was forced to drink just now, who of you gave me face?"

She even stunned the bald fat guys. If they hadn't called Ye Tianlong over tonight, her eight achievements would have been contaminated by these beasts.

The bald fat guys looked very ugly, but at this time, facing Han Jing's anger, they didn't dare to say much, lest they would be beaten.

Moreover, Ye Tianlong's situation is unclear. In case it is really a fatal incident, his troubles will bring a lot of trouble.

"Ma Gang, I will never forget what happened today. I won't let it go. I will send a lawyer's letter to your company."

Han Jing pointed to Ma Gangjiao and shouted: "Your company doesn't give me fairness, so I will sue the court to discredit you."

At this moment, Ye Tianlong, who was lying on the table and vomiting blood, got up, pulling on Han Jing's sleeves and speaking solemnly: "I want him to compensate."

"Isn't he a lot of money? Three hundred and five hundred million is like playing, let his company pay 500 million."

Ye Tianlong made suggestions to Han Jing.

Seeing Ye Tianlong's lively life, Ma Gang, who had been patient, was taken aback, and then they all became angry: "Aren't you poisoned?"

They instantly understood that they were being teased.

Ye Tianlong slapped his head, he forgot to continue pretending to be dead, but he quickly raised a smile and said:

"I'm actually a driver. I just acted. I made the scene of poisoning. I want you to comment. How is my acting?"

Ye Tianlong looked at Ma Gang and the others with fierce eyes: "Director Ma, can I enter the entertainment industry? Man, the third man should be fine, right?"

"The movie "Shanhaiguan Fighting Monsters", can you let me stand in the front row?"

Ma Gang and the others were almost vomiting blood with anger. They were all scared to death just now. The blood, the movements, and the pain were exactly the same.

"Battle! Play with me?"

Ma Gang found the vent gap, grabbed a wine bottle and screamed, but before he rushed to Ye Tianlong, he saw Han Jing kick out again.


Ma Gang snorted again, falling out like a broken kite, hitting the wall and sliding down, painful, and the wine bottle in his hand fell open.

Han Jing took a step forward and pointed at Ma Gang and shouted, "I have scorned and blamed others for acting? Director Ma, you are really a beast."

"I will sue you."

Han Jing was very angry at Ma Gang, who did not admit his mistakes: "You can dare to use drugs, such as three kinds of abuse, by a big director. It's a beast!"

Seeing Ma Gang fell to the ground again, the fat bald gang rushed over and helped him up with all their hands, each caring for him:

"Director Horse! How are you?"

"Director Ma! May I call a doctor for you?"

The bald fat man looked at Han Jing very angry: "Director Ma, let me call the police and catch her."

"Go away!"

Ma Gang pushed away the bald fat man who was supporting them, clutching his painful abdomen and stepping forward, shaking her fingers and touching Han Jing:

"What are you accusing me of? Drugs? Who do I drug? Who do I hurt? Is there a victim? Is there evidence? Is there any physical evidence?"

"I didn't do anything. What I just said was drinking talk. On the contrary, I want to sue you. You hurt me."

"I want to check the injury! I want you to compensate!"

Ma Gang slashed and threatened, "Babe, let me tell you, you have caused trouble, a big trouble."

Han Jing sneered: "Beasts!"

Ye Tianlong echoed: "Animal!"

"And you!"

Ma Gang looked at Ye Tianlong murderously: "Ignorant boy, do you know who I am? Do you dare to scare me with a **** like Han Jing? Poisoned?"

"I'm telling you, I remember you, don't leave Tiandu if you have the ability, and see if I tell people to break your legs."

He assumed the posture of the superior: "You two provoke me, let me wait for the disaster to end."

The bald fat guys also agreed aggressively: "Babe, you're done, it's done..."


As soon as the voice fell, Ye Tianlong let out another ouch, and his body shook suddenly. The wine he had just drunk spouted out like sharp arrows.

It happens to spray on Ma Gang's face, nose, eyes, and mouth.

"Oh, I was frightened, and the wine spit out...Oh, the poison has gone out, it's gone."

Ye Tianlong swayed and pulled Han Jing: "Babe, take me to the hospital quickly."

"Son of a bitch!"

Ma Gang screamed when the drink hit his face. First he hurriedly wiped the drink on his face, and then shuddered as if he realized something.

He retched on the spot, as if he was about to spit out all the wine, but it was too late, and a lot of wine had already flowed into his throat.



The bald fat man rushed to care again: "What's wrong with you? Do you want to call a doctor?"


Ma Gang ignored them, just continued to retching, but soon stopped vomiting again, his body shook, he turned around with a grinning grin.

His eyes were red, his face was hot, his smile was evil, and his breathing was rapid.


In the next second, Ma Gang hugged a beautiful woman, smiled wildly and kissed her on the mouth, and frantically tore at her stockings and skirt with his right hand.


In a few crisp sounds, the beautiful woman's clothes were torn, revealing her fair and tender skin.

The beautiful woman screamed in panic: "Director Ma, Director Ma-what are you doing?"

"Director Ma, this is my woman."

The bald fat man hit a joke, and hurriedly stepped forward to pull the crazy Ma Gang, but just touched his hand, he was kicked away by the horse guide.

Then, Director Ma pushed down the beautiful woman again, like a beast, gnawing fiercely and kissing her right hand directly into the clothes.


The bald fat man quickly reddened his eyes and rushed up with a wine bottle...

The scene soon became chaotic, screaming and messy.


Ye Tianlong took out his mobile phone and took a dozen photos in a neat manner. Then, before the security personnel rushed over, he quickly pulled Han Jing out of the wing.

On the way, Ye Tianlong did not forget to shout: "Everyone, don't go to 2008, Director Ma didn't take off his pants in public..."

Many people in the club originally just heard the movement, but didn't know what happened, let alone where the incident was.

Hearing Ye Tianlong's call, he immediately rushed towards the 20th and wanted to see what happened to Director Ma...

Three minutes later, Han Jing, who got into Ye Tianlong's car, glanced at the noisy clubhouse, looked at Ye Tianlong and hummed, "Lack of virtue."

"what do you mean?"

Ye Tianlong took out a bottle of soda, rinsed his mouth vigorously, and then glared at Han Jing: "Not to save you."

"I knew you were so heartless, I was watching a good show outside the door."

Ye Tianlong hummed endlessly: "Or wait for you to finish drinking before saving you."

Thinking of Ma Gang's madness after Chinese medicine just now, he regretted that he saved Han Jing too early, otherwise he could detoxify himself.

Han Jing lightly punched Ye Tianlong: "Are you a hero?"

Ye Tianlong looked proud: "Of course!"

"Am I a beauty?"

"Forget it!"

"Hero save the United States, you rescue me, isn't this what you should do?"

"Damn! Does it all work?"

"Then have you ever heard, the grace of dripping water, the spring of the spring will return?"

"Yong your sister--"

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