Talented Genius

Chapter 1371: Celebration banquet

After Han Jing finished breakfast, she went to the bathroom and took a shower.

Ye Tianlong did not leave. He knew that Han Jing was in need of help at this time, so he stayed at the villa to accompany her.

Han Jing began to make more than a dozen calls, but every one of them ended with bad news. Not only was no one willing to help her, but they were also suppressed.

Between Xiaohuadan and the big director, they all chose Ma Gang's camp.

After Han Jing's efforts came to no avail, she simply stopped tossing about these things and took Ye Tianlong to watch more than 900 episodes of "Detective Conan".

While Ye Tianlong watched TV with Han Jing, he took out his mobile phone and sent out a few text messages. Han Jing didn't care about mixing in this circle, he couldn't let her leave.

At noon, the major media broke out again, and Han Jing's assistant Xiaowen stood up and said that the fainting at the airport was a scene played by Han Jing.

The purpose is to win everyone's sympathy and to increase her popularity. Xiaowen also said that she bought many fans for Han Jing.

And she also hinted that Han Jing has a complicated relationship with her uncle Sanjia, and she has staged countless ‘One Finger Zen’ scenes, which is not as pure as everyone imagined.

Xiaowen's stabbing has once again set off a big wave in the entertainment circle, and one after another has cracked down on this bad hype.

The righteous urged that black sheep like Han Jing should not be allowed to stay. She has touched the bottom line of morality with her ingenuity and arrogance.

Several media also called on artists to boycott Han Jing.

There were also dozens of second- and third-line artists, five or six first-line small fresh meats, and took the opportunity to hold a press conference to declare a boycott of Han Jing.

These people said that in the future, all merchants that invite Han Jing to endorse will not participate and will boycott it. In other words, there will be you but me.

They hope to employ a large number of people to let the merchants give up Han Jing, so that Han Jing will not even have the opportunity to eat.

What made Han Jing most painful was that many of these artists had good friendships with her. They were usually sisters, and they couldn't imagine turning around and stepping on herself now.

Compared with their vigorous suppression of Han Jing, Han Jing did not even have a chance to speak. Not only was the draft suppressed, but Weibo and other accounts were also temporarily suspended.

If Han Jing's mental quality is not strong enough, it is estimated that she will suffer a mental breakdown.

"What do you plan to do?"

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Ye Tianlong soaked a face to Han Jing: "Strike back, or just disappear?"

He also went to the window and looked at it a few times. The reporter had already gone seven or eighty-eight, and the remaining few people were also stunned by the earth kuangtian, falling into the car and sleeping.

Han Jing huffed his face while eating, and responded without raising her head: "Of course I want to fight back strongly, but now it seems that I can't even make a sound."

"Weibo and official accounts have all been temporarily suspended, the company will not give me justice, and the reporter will not wash me off."

"You said, what else can I do besides disappearing? Do you really want to succumb to the beast of Magang?"

Han Jing bit off the noodles, her pretty face was firm: "I would rather bankrupt my family and indemnify the business, and I will never be ravaged and humiliated by him."

"Although you are violent and brutal, I like your character."

Ye Tianlong stretched out and smiled: "Hurry up and eat the noodles. After eating, dress up better. Let's go to Ma Gang together."

"Things will always be broken, but the one who disappears shouldn't be you, but the scumbag of Ma Gang."

Ye Tianlong is going to help this woman tide over the difficulties, although with Han Jing's character, no one can do too bad, but he doesn't want a woman to change careers like this.

Han Jing was taken aback: "Go to Ma Gang?"

Ye Tianlong nodded: "That's right, find him and cut off grievances face to face, and at the same time, terminate the contract with your Tiandu Entertainment Company."

"Get your free body back, I will give you a better platform."

Han Jing opened her mouth slightly, put the fork on her mouth and didn't move. Seeing Ye Tianlong in a daze, she didn't seem to know what he was talking about...


At this time, Ye Tianlong's cell phone vibrated. It was an unfamiliar number. Ye Tianlong picked it up to answer it, and soon the voice of his uncle's top three trusted followers came:

"Ye Shao, hello, I'm Su Rui, San Shao's subordinate."

Ye Tianlong remembered the middle-aged woman: "I know, what's the matter? Mr. Taishu is sick again?"

"No, it's because the Third Young Master took people to find Ma Gang to be unlucky."

Su Rui Lianzhu shouted out with a cannon: "He already knows about Miss Han, and after finding out Ma Gang's whereabouts, he led people there."

"I was worried that he had a bleeding case, and wanted to call Miss Han and ask her to help dissuade her, but her mobile phone was turned off."

"I couldn't get through with her agent and assistant, so I can only call your cell phone and ask about Miss Han's whereabouts."

Su Rui was very anxious: "If you can contact her, please tell her. The third young master is very angry and will kill you if you are not careful."

"I hope that Miss Han can stop him, and only she can persuade the third master in this world."

Before Ye Tianlong could respond, Han Jing rushed over, grabbed the phone and shouted, "The top three went to Ma Gang? Where is Ma Gang?"

Su Rui was stunned, unexpectedly Han Jing was with Ye Tianlong, and then hurriedly said: "Mingyue Club..."

Han Jiang hung up the phone and rushed towards the door while pulling Ye Tianlong: "Go, Mingyue Club."

At six o'clock in the evening, the rain is pattering, the cold wind is gusting, the sky is gradually lit up, filled with the deep and impetuous atmosphere that a big city should have.

The Mingyue Club welcomes visitors from all walks of life as in the past, but today the foreman feels that the flow of people is greater than before, and many rare entertainers come and go.

In addition, there are also more men and women in the clubhouse, looking around the crowd deliberately or unintentionally.

All of these people are in suits and leather shoes or sitting and chatting. They seem to be customers but they don't have that casual atmosphere. On the contrary, the foreman smells a bit of murderousness.

She once asked the manager who they were, but the manager didn't respond. He just threw a word of nosy, so she dropped her attention.

The foreman tried his best to do his job well, and at the same time asked the waiters to take good care of the horse guides in the Plum Blossom Hall.

Ma Gang set up twelve tables, and the banquets were all popular entertainers, and the clubhouse could not let them be dissatisfied.


Just as the foreman tightened his clothes, four Mercedes-Benz cars drove up from the door, the door opened, and eleven men in black appeared.

Then, the burly uncle Sanjia came out of the middle car, combing the head like a gambling god, and draped in black, majestic and majestic.

The foreman hurriedly greeted him and shouted respectfully: "Three young masters!"

The uncle's top three have no nonsense: "Where is Ma Gang?"

The foreman was taken aback, then whispered: "Plum Blossom Hall."

The uncle Sanjia nodded, and then led eleven people forward, approaching the Plum Blossom Hall with an aura, three of whom also reached out into their arms.

Finger touched the cold shotgun barrel.

In the Plum Blossom Hall, the wine and dishes are fragrant, chatting and laughing are enthusiastic, and the atmosphere is harmonious.

Nearly a hundred men and women in the circle who have worked hard in Ma Gang, while clinking glasses with Ma Gang while holding red wine, talked and laughed at Han Jing's lack of praise.

"For today's matter, thank you all for speaking up and letting the good people be innocent, and the bad people will eat their own fruits."

Ma Gang held up the goblet with a bright smile: "As long as you have your support, I believe that this circle will not harm the horses of the group."

"Thanks for your hard work today, come, I will toast you a cup."

He also raised his glass to look at a young man: "Especially Song Shao, so that Ma Mou face, take time out of his busy schedule to participate in the banquet, to respect you."

The young man called Song Shao hugged left and right, without much smile on his face, raised his glass and nodded.


At this moment, there was a sudden muffled sound and the wooden door was blasted open by a shotgun.

Uncle Tai shot in with the gun three times, and the audience stopped laughing.

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