Talented Genius

Chapter 1375: Greet the storm (six shifts)

Song Donghua was bombed by Ye Tianlong to doubt his life.

Seeing Taijun Ling and Dragon Soul Ling, the smiles of Song Donghua and Mushroom Tou all stopped, and their eyes revealed unbelievable shock.

No one had thought that Ye Tianlong had two brands like this. They were all people who were eating meat in the system, so naturally they knew the meaning of these two brands.

Even Song Donghua didn't expect that Ye Tianlong had such a pair of Wang Zhan in his hands. He knew that Ye Tianlong was just a ruthless character who took advantage of his strength.

Now Song Donghua found out that he was wrong, and the connections that this kid clapped beyond his imagination.

Who is Wu Lao Taijun? Who is Zhao Ditian? Song Donghua knew when he was eight years old that it was the existence that Huaxia could only look up to.

Despite the constant rumors in the capital that Zhao Ditian is dying and the old prince is dying, but no matter what, the two are still alive.

As long as they still breathe, let alone Song Donghua, even the entire Song family dare not offend.

So seeing these two tokens, Song Donghua's eyeballs were slammed, and he really couldn't figure out that Ye Tianlong had this assassin.

"Tsk, Ye Tianlong, you are too vain, too vain, how can you show off with this thing? Be low-key, low-key..."

Ye Tianlong criticized himself fiercely while picking up two heavy tokens, and then shook them vigorously in front of Song Donghua.

The pattern and words of the token clearly flooded into the eyes of Song Donghua and Mushroom Head again. The official seal on it was completely water-free.

There was a bad sign in the mushroom head.

While Ma Gang and the others were at a loss, Song Donghua shook his body, and then he grabbed Ye Tianlong and drank, "Where did you get it?"

Ye Tianlong looked around, and then mysteriously said: "I went to Zhao Mansion and Wu Family to steal it. Song Shao likes it. I can steal two yuan another day."

Song Donghua and his group almost vomited blood, no one believed Ye Tianlong's words, who could steal these two things? Who dares to steal these two things?

"Song Shao, I have two tokens, who is bigger than your stuff?"

Ye Tianlong stretched out his hand and picked up the mushroom head's certificate: "You are more advanced, or I am more advanced."

Song Donghua and the others didn't say anything, each of them looked very ugly, and several of their companions who had held guns had already lowered their muzzles.

The corners of Ma Gang's mouth affected what he wanted to say, but he knew that he was too light compared to Song Donghua, so he could only remain silent with anxiety.

Several beautiful female artists were also surprised. They didn't know what the two things Ye Tianlong smashed out were, so that Song Donghua and the others dispersed.

"not talking?"

Ye Tianlong burst into a smile, then picked up the mushroom-head ID, and slapped Song Donghua's face: "That's how big I am."

Song Donghua staggered and took a step back, very angry: "Ye Tianlong, don't be too presumptuous."

Ma Gang and the others were all shocked, it is hard to believe that watching this scene, Song Donghua was beaten in the face by Ye Tianlong? And he didn't dare to fight back.

Which one is this?

"Presumptuous? When a bunch of people bully my brother, why don't they say presumptuous?"

Ye Tianlong laughed loudly when he heard the words: "Why didn't you talk about being presumptuous when you took out the red police certificate to press me over?"

"When you want to break my brother's legs and knees, why don't you say presumptuous? Now I slap you in the face, you just say presumptuous?"

The corners of Song Donghua's mouth were moved, and he didn't know how to refute Ye Tianlong.

Mushroom Head and their eyes bit their lips, the initial fury and killing intent had long been replaced by a touch of depth.

Ye Tianlong patted his hands, picked up the unfinished glass of wine, drank it in one sip, then looked at Song Donghua and they smiled:

"Are you going to move me? You don't move me, I'm going to move you."

Song Donghua and the others were silent subconsciously. They originally wanted to take the opportunity to explode Ye Tianlong's head. They didn't expect that he had two tokens in his hand, and he couldn't afford it today.

But Song Donghua vowed that he would trample Ye Tianlong to death when he found a chance in the future, and would trample Lin Chenxue and Han Jing in front of him.

As for what Ye Tianlong said to move them, Song Donghua and the others didn't take it seriously. Ye Tianlong smashed the bottle just now was the limit.

They believed that the two tokens were Ye Tianlong's amulet, but it was not his attack order, and Ye Tianlong did not dare to mess with the children of their family.

Ma Gang and the others froze slightly, and they all felt a sign of bad luck. How could Song Shao be deterred?

Seeing Song Donghua and the others daring to be angry but not speaking, Ye Tianlong smiled and nodded: "It seems that the two tokens are a bit more advanced than the red police."

He turned his head and looked at the pale uncle Sanjia who had been shot twice: "Does it hurt?"

Uncle Sanjia grinned: "It doesn't hurt."

Ye Tianlong looked at the eleven subordinates of Tai Uncle's top three: "Do you hurt?"

Eleven people straightened their bodies and shouted in unison: "No pain!"

"But... I hurt."

Ye Tianlong calmly squeezed out a sentence, then he moved his steps and knocked over Mushroom Head and other Song family bodyguards.

They snorted at the mushroom head, and fell off after flying over, hitting the wall and falling, with blood from the corners of their mouths.

Ye Tianlong shook his body and stood in front of Song Donghua again, with two more guns in his hand.

The muzzle is sideways!


The bullet hit Song Donghua's calf.


A shot came out, a blood shot, Song Donghua screamed and sat back, clutching his calf in pain.

"Boom boom!"

Ye Tianlong didn't stand still, both of his guns missed, and eleven bullets were shot out one by one, and the mushroom head hit their wrists one by one, and blood shot.

They had no time to lift their guns, and they were hit by Ye Tianlong and fell back to the ground. With guns in both hands, they could no longer pick up the guns to fight back.

They could only look at Ye Tianlong angrily while in pain. At the same time, they were shocked. This kid's marksmanship was too overbearing, and it was almost perfect.


With the last shot, Ye Tianlong shot Song Donghua in the leg again, and the bullet once again pierced a blood line, bleaching and dyeing on the ground shockingly.

The light projected from the top of the head was slanted on Ye Tianlong's body, still so warm, but everyone felt the chill.

A few beautiful female artists fell to the ground in shock.

The whole hall was silent for an instant, and even the wind seemed to be dead.

No one thought that after Ye Tianlong suppressed Song Donghua, he didn't satisfy the victory, but directly started to seek justice for the uncle's top three.

How can this blood, this means, this courage not shock people?

The uncle's top three and a group of people have tears in their eyes, with emotion, gratification, and enthusiasm: Ye Tianlong is really a good brother.

"You fired eleven shots on the children of the uncle, and two shots on the three-jia of the uncle, a total of 13 shots."

Ye Tianlong threw the gun to the ground and looked at Song Donghua with a gentle smile: "I am very fair. You gave 13 shots, and I will return you 13 shots."

"Very fair, very fair."

"Song Shao, the first time he broke his arm, this time he broke his right leg. Next time, I can guarantee that it will be your head."

"Don't think I dare not kill you. You are half a waste of the family now, and there won't be too many people who will give you a head start."

"Even if you are the heir to the family and touch my bottom line, I will not let you go."

Ye Tianlong looked at Song Donghua's bitter face: "Think about how your elder brother Song Dongzhong and Cai Jinyin died."

Hearing the eldest brother and Cai Jinyin, Song Donghua trembled. He almost forgot the pain, and there was a deep fear in his eyes.

He looked at Ye Tianlong with a dry mouth.

"You can be upset, you can find someone to retaliate against me, but remember, you only have one chance."

Ye Tianlong patted Song Donghua's face: "If you can't kill me, I will kill you."

After speaking, Ye Tianlong helped his uncle Sanjia and walked slowly towards the gate. When he was approaching the gate, he turned his head and smiled at Ma Gang:

"Director Ma, get ready for the storm tonight..."


A thunderstorm blew up outside the door, causing Ma Gang to tremble...

(Everyone likes to step on people so much, so crazy support, of course, the update is over, and the sixth update is up, thank you for your support.)

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