Talented Genius

Chapter 1380: Kitchen contest

When he came, Ye Tianlong went through the information about Taishu Taijia again.

As I saw last time, Taishu Taijia, Taishu Xingguo's eldest son, has been Taishu Xingguo's right-hand man since he was sensible.

When he was a child, he wiped thousands of antiques for Tai Shu Xingguo. When he was a little older, he learned to repair and appraise. When he became an adult, he began to contact China to transport treasures.

The 30,000 antiques shipped back to China were all polished by Taishu Taijia, and then returned to China in person.

During this period, the crew encountered risks more than once. The crew was conscious of the wealth, made difficulties for customs along the way, and intercepted by pirates halfway, but they were all managed by the uncle and Taijia.

After Tai Shu Xingguo donated some antiques and accepted the title of World Outstanding Chinese, it was Tai Shu Tai Jia who started planning a national tour exhibition.

It can be said that Taishu Taijia is the hero of Taishu's family, but he has always been a high-profile man, a low-key man, no matter where he is.

All the glory, praise, and praise, Tai Uncle Tai Jia all pushed to his father's head, and he was only an important but not dazzling chess piece in Tai Uncle's family.

Compared with Tai Shu Qin's bohemian bohemian, Tai Shuqin's drunken fans, young and old have a lot of hardship, he even picks up and eats the rice grains off the table.

But the detachment and peace he bloomed at this time made Ye Tianlong appreciate from the heart.

Gu Jie, this is Ye Tianlong's evaluation of him at the moment.

"Eat candy, eat candy."

After Mrs. Taijia finished playing the piano and sang, several young female teachers smiled brightly, carrying baskets and handing out sweets to two hundred children.

Colorful, mellow and sweet, peeling off the colorful sugar paper, the sweet smell surging instantly, as if even the air exudes a sweet smell.

The happiness of the child, the smile of the teacher, and the fight for sweets all outline a warm and cheerful scene.

"Doctor Ye, hello, why are you here?"

The uncle Taijia walked off the stage, touched the heads of several children, and came to the wide door with a lot of candies in his hand.

Ye Tianlong showed a smile: "I happened to be passing by, my ears were sharper, and when I heard the sounds of nature, I came in curiously and took a look."

"I didn't expect that it turned out to be a young man from Taishu Mansion. The young man behaved like piano art. It was unexpected."

Uncle Taijia seems to have not understood Ye Tianlong's words and words, and he maintained his usual gentleness: "I will come once a month."

"Bring them some candy, play a tune, play a few games, make them happy, and let me relax."

"Today is heavy, rainy and cold. I even invited them to have hot pot at noon."

Uncle Tai Jia looked at Ye Tianlong with a calm expression: "If God Doctor Ye came early, he would have eaten tender New Zealand beef."


Ye Tianlong laughed, looking regretful: "It seems that I was out of luck today, and I missed the delicacy of big and young. I should come here soon."

"It's okay, I missed the fat cow, but there is still candy, doctor Ye, don't you eat candy?"

Tai Uncle Tai Jia put the candy in front of Ye Tianlong, smiling very warm and calm: "I made it all by myself, pure natural, no additives."

"Really? Unexpectedly, young and old are versatile, not only can they appreciate antiques, play the piano, but also make sweets."

Ye Tianlong smiled and took a few candies, put them under his nose and sniffed them: "Such a good craftsmanship, I definitely want to taste it."

The uncle Tai Jia burst into a smile, and after leaving a few of them, he handed the rest of the candy to a teacher, and then led Ye Tianlong to the corridor:

"I'm just a trick of carving bugs, I can entertain myself, but I can't get on the stage."

The uncle Taijia peeled off a red candy and threw it into his mouth to chew it slowly: "Compared with the superb medical skills of Dr. Ye, it is really insignificant."

"I'm overrated."

Ye Tianlong let out a burst of laughter and waved his hand to throw out a sentence: "There is a specialization in the art industry, but there is no humble distinction. The ultimate is the king."

Uncle Taijia nodded when he heard the words, and then gave a thumbs up in praise: "Ye Shao is really a wonderful person. He speaks like medicine, always hitting the nail on the nail."

Ye Tianlong also picked up the yellow candy and ate it in, and soon felt a smell of mango, very pure, very sweet, as if it were real.

There was a touch of approval on his face, and then he said softly: "Good craftsmanship, these candies are so delicious, and the hands of young and old are really clever."

"Ms. Ye is just as good as he likes it, dexterous hands are not counted, he is just eating a meal."

Tai Uncle Tai Jia took Ye Tianlong forward: "You don't know, the world is difficult now, it seems that singing and dancing are prospering, but in fact, it is eating people without spitting bones."

"Our grassroots without a background don't need to use our own hands. Not only can they not eat a bite, but they may also become the bones of others."

Ye Tianlong glanced at him: "Grassroots? Are you kidding me? The uncle's family has a net worth of 30 billion yuan and has a world-renowned reputation."

"Uncles, nephews and nephews are respected wherever they go. If all ages are regarded as grass roots, wouldn't I even be regarded as grass?"

Uncle Taijia led Ye Tianlong to a small room. The rain was pattering outside, but it was warm inside. He sat down on a wooden bench:

"Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite. God Doctor Ye looks at me glamorous, and I see you become richer. After all, medical skills are in hand, and I have the world."

He still maintained a warm smile: "What do I have? Thirty years of hard work, I'm afraid it will be nothing in the end."

Although the sky was already dim and the rain was heavy, Ye Tianlong still saw the loneliness in Taijia's eyes by the yellow light in the house.

Even if it was just a fleeting moment, it made Ye Tianlong remember it uncontrollably and could not forget...

Ye Tianlong sighed softly: "Can't sleep on a bed, eat a mouth, rich and powerful, and powerful, how much can he take away after death?"

"For a person, the wonderful life process is far more valuable than the final result."

He stared at the wind and rain: "Think about it, every day I spend my heart and soul, what is the point of letting you rule the world at the last moment?"

Taishu Taijia's expression was slightly stagnant, and then a smile bloomed: "The **** doctor Ye is reasonable, but not everyone is as indifferent as you."

"I have worked hard for so long, always wanting a brilliant result, even if I die, I will be pleased to hold something in my hand."

Having said this, he suddenly burst into laughter: "The genius doctor Ye is a layman, how can I talk to you about this? It really stains your ears."

Ye Tianlong retracted his gaze and smiled: "Actually, I am also a layman. I act rationally with others and act as hard as my own interests are involved."

"The genius doctor is a layman, and the worst is a man of temperament."

The uncle Taijia smiled brightly, and the conversation turned to Ye Tianlong to invite: "Genius doctor, it's a rare meeting today, how about having a potluck together?"

"There are two acres of vegetable gardens here, and I also planted a piece of land. There are all melons, fruits, vegetables and vegetables. There are also a dozen eggs and some bacon."

"Let me cook a few dishes, warm a pot of wine, and drink a few glasses together?"

His attitude is very enthusiastic: "It is not only a celebration of our fate, but also my gratitude to God Doctor Ye."

"If it weren't for you, I still don't know that Miao Boguang colluded with Tai Shuqin. If it weren't for you, my father would have driven Hexi."

"Even the third child's ordeal was solved with the help of God Doctor Ye. Now the uncle's family is calming down, all thanks to Doctor Ye."

Uncle Tai Jia expressed sincerity: "Let me show my heart."

Ye Tianlong greeted his gaze calmly: "You are polite, Young Master. I and San Young Master are friends. I should do my best for his affairs."

"But the young and old are right. It's a rare encounter in the vast sea of ​​people. You should have a drink."

He happily agreed to stay for dinner: "Tonight, I will be more respectful than my fate. I will stay and make a fuss."

"That's it!"

Uncle Taijia smiled and got up, and then reached out and opened another door. It turned out to be a small kitchen, 15 square meters, but with all the internal organs.

There are also many melons, fruits, vegetables and vegetables on both sides of the shelf, a dozen eggs stained with soil, two pieces of dried bacon, and a few jars of muddy wine in the corner.

When Ye Tianlong got up and followed him, his uncle Taijia had put on an apron, rolled up his sleeves, and asked with a smile:

"Do you like something lighter? Or salty?"

Ye Tianlong laughed and said, "Don't you see that I am a person with a strong taste?" How many people can be light in the years of struggle in Africa?

Uncle Taijia laughed again: "I can't think that you have the same taste as mine. It seems that the acquaintance between you and me is really a fate."

"How about a bitter gourd scrambled egg, snow peas fried bacon, and loofah egg drop soup?"

Ye Tianlong nodded: "Very good."

There was a touch of surprise in his eyes. How could someone with the status of Uncle Taijia cook?

Tai Uncle Tai Jia seemed to have seen his surprise in the day, washing his hands and replied softly: "Everyone has their own years of suffering."

Ye Tianlong nodded: "Understood."

Uncle Tai Jia took out bitter gourd, loofah, eggs, snow peas, and bacon. His movements were fluent and natural, showing his excellent cooking skills.

When he was ready, he suddenly asked, "Why don't you ask, what suffering do I have?"

Ye Tianlong stepped forward to help pick the snow peas and smiled faintly: "Should I ask?"

The uncle Taijia didn't respond, just a turn of the kitchen knife, and the cutting speed was accelerated. That fierceness and speed instantly made the kitchen jump and kill.


Just when Tai Uncle Tai Jia's killing intent was at its peak, Ye Tianlong's fingers slowly tapped on the table, very abruptly, cutting into the rhythm of the kitchen knife.

The killing intent instantly became messy and was greatly weakened.

"Got it--"

The kitchen knife stagnated slightly, but then it became faster. Uncle Taijia's face was silent, but his right hand kept shaking. Soon, the kitchen knife jumped up again.

The two bitter gourds were in the light of the knife, like a piece of thin snow sliding down, and fell on the cutting board.

There was no wave on Ye Tianlong's face, he still tapped unhurriedly, with a slight sound, but it could disturb the rhythm of the kitchen knife and suppress its ascending killing intent.

Tai Uncle Tai Jia's eyelids twitched, but the gesture did not slow down, pressing on three points of force, making the chopper's speed and power reach the limit.


When Ye Tianlong felt the tremendous pressure, he suddenly stopped and knocked, and Taishu Taijia's kitchen knife instantly ran into a chaotic rhythm, as if he had stepped into the air.

The uncle Taijia's face changed, and he looked very uncomfortable. He instinctively wanted to hold the speed of the kitchen knife, but he was full of breath.


Uncle Tai Jia turned his wrist and slashed the bacon with a sharp sound. The bacon broke into two pieces.

Ye Tianlong said softly: "Do you want to help?"

"No, I can handle this little work."

The uncle Taijia smiled, and the depressed breath was released, and the whole person was as peaceful as ever.

Later, he cut the loofah and bacon again.

Although Tai Uncle Tai Jia seemed to be in a daze at the moment, his hand in cutting vegetables was still very stable, more stable than when he was playing the piano.

The vegetables and meat were quickly cut, and the eggs were beaten. Uncle Taijia then took the basket-Ye Tianlong picked the snow peas basket.


Uncle Taijia poured snow peas into the basin for washing, and while stirring with his left hand, a talisman rolled out, it was the one from Magang's purse.


Outside the window, there was a thunder sound. Uncle Taijia shook his hand when he picked up the amulet, but the amulet did not fall and fell back to the pool...

He threw the amulet into the trash can with his backhand, and then looked at the rain outside the window and said with emotion: "This rain has been raining for five days, eight hours and thirty minutes."

Ye Tianlong answered the wrong question: "Yes, July 14 is coming soon..."

The uncle Taijia sighed slightly: "Tianlong, leave Tiandu..."

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