Talented Genius

Chapter 1385: Human trafficker

Mother-in-law Xiaohua, who was stabbed with a broken rib, looked like ashes!

She saw that Silver Silkworm not only didn't directly poison Ye Tianlong, but was also firmly held in his hand. She knew that a dead end was the best relief for herself.

The silver silkworm has been raised for more than 50 years, not only has a fierce murderous and highly poisonous, but also connected with her heart.

Yincan is equal to her child and her life.

Ye Tianlong's life was pinched, and Xiaohua's mother-in-law knew that she was playing. She would either become a slave to the other party or die in pain.

Granny Xiaohua didn't want to choose these two paths. She decided to take the third path, which was to let herself die as quickly as possible.

She couldn't poison Ye Tianlong or Earth Kuangtian, but she still had the ability to poison herself.

So when Ye Tianlong found out that something was wrong, she had already bleeds, giggled, and the sharp voice quickly echoed:

"Ye Tianlong, you can't control me, and you can't torture me."

She yelled hysterically: "I'm going to die, no one can stop it."

Ye Tianlong instinctively rushed to find out what happened, but was grabbed by Earth Kuangtian and sighed: "Ye Shao, she was right."

"She can't kill us, but it's easy to kill herself. Gu Masters are divided into ten levels, and the highest three are natal, golden silkworm, and silver pupa."

"Natural life is refined from 811 kinds of poisons, the golden silkworm is 499 kinds of poisons, and the silver pupa is 366 kinds of poisons."

"She has become a silver pupa, with at least a hundred kinds of poison on her body. Now she has broken the poison that has accumulated in her abdomen for many years, and it is difficult for the gods to treat it."

Earth Kuangtian's expression is very solemn: "And she will be eaten back by Gu worms soon, you better not go over."

The old woman laughed wildly: "Earth Kuangtian, you traitor, you will not die, you will definitely not die, and the zombie woman will kill you."

"And Ye Tianlong, you will be our public enemy, and you will be punishable by seedlings. You can be safe for a while, but not forever."

She stared at Ye Tianlong fiercely: "The people around you will also suffer accidents...


The corner of Ye Tianlong's mouth evoked a touch of joking, and then he squeezed the silver silkworm in his hand, with a crisp sound, the silver silkworm became a touch of flesh and blood, and fell to the ground to die.

Granny Xiaohua's laughter also stopped instantly, her blood-red eyes widened, her body stiffened invisibly, and she lay back straight on the ground.

After the ugly old woman lost her vitality, the blood flowed out more happily.


Soon, seven or eight small insects crawled out of Granny Xiaohua's snout, sucking blood greedily, and her body became a bit fatter.

The Gu Master died, and the Gu worm began to eat back. Ye Tianlong shuddered when he saw this scene, and then let Earth Kuangtian deal with it quickly.

Earth Kuangtian sprinkled a pile of powder, and then really took out a lighter to light it, a flame soared, all the snakes and insects were burned to death, and the old woman's body zoomed.

Di Kuangtian also burned eleven corpses, completely stifling the snakes and insects on them, lest they run away and harm innocent people.

Ye Tianlong couldn't bear the smell, so he woke up the four children of Quetang and went out quickly. He sat at the door of the warehouse and breathed, breathing fresh air.

Compared with these gloomy things, Ye Tianlong still likes more sunshine.

Afterwards, he looked down at his two fingers, and there was a dazzling blackness, but the toxin did not expand and remained in the fingertips.


Ye Tianlong took out a silver needle, stabbed it twice on his fingertip, and then squeezed it hard, the black blood dripped, and it didn't change color when it fell into the water.

The blood dripped for almost two minutes before turning from jet black to bright red. Ye Tianlong dripped for another minute before taking out a pill, crushing it and applying it.

After handling the wound, Ye Tianlong moved his finger, feeling that there was nothing serious, so he put the "Black Leaf Saint Cicada Pill" back into his arms.

"There are only six left, save a bit."

There were originally seven. In order to save Tai Shu Xingguo, Ye Tianlong reluctantly took out one and put it in the glutinous rice water. This was also the reason Tai Shu Xingguo woke up quickly.

So looking at the last six omnipotent detoxification holy medicines, Ye Tianlong was really reluctant to use it randomly...


At this time, two more cars drove over, and the doors opened. Five members of the Quetang were transferred by the oriole to handle Ye Tianlong's hands.

Ye Tianlong asked them to send four brothers to the hospital for a comprehensive laboratory examination, and at the same time asked them to burn the bodies of Tai Shuqin and Miao Boguang overnight.

For the Taishu family, it is far better for Taishuqin to evaporate than she is involved in a detrimental business.

After dealing with these two things, Ye Tianlong called Suri again and asked her to arrange manpower to protect his uncle Sanjia and Han Jing.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Ye Tianlong appeared at the entrance of the police station, watching dozens of parents show up and pick up the little loli, he felt happy.

"Ye Shao, the police station has already taken over this case."

The oriole pulled the car door and got in: "I also contacted the little girl's relatives, and everything will be properly arranged before dawn."

"But we didn't inform the warehouse of the rush, only that we found that we got off the car halfway through a robbery."

He considered very well: "After all, it involves the lives of Miao Boguang and others, and the revenge of the dead woman."

"It's ok."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "The police are smart people. They should be able to use the girl or other clues to target the zombie woman on July 14th."

When the oriole lightly nodded, Ye Tianlong looked out the window again, Tian Mo stood at the door, wanted to get in the car several times, but looked at the police station again.

Ye Tianlong asked curiously: "Tianmo, what's wrong?"

Tianmo narrowed his eyes: "I saw Miao Tiannu."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at the police station. In his vision, he saw Miao Tiannu holding an umbrella and leading a little girl out.

The little girl looks less than ten years old, with croissant braids, and she is holding a sweet potato in her hand. The panic on her face has been replaced by happiness.

While nibbling on the hot sweet potatoes, she was talking about something.

Beside her, it was Miao Tiannu, who was thousands of miles away, but at this moment he was not as fierce and vicious, only a sense of peace and tranquility.

He almost completely blocked the umbrella over the girl's head, and let his body get wet from the rain. At first glance, he looked like a warm father and daughter.

Although he couldn't see his facial features wearing a mask and couldn't capture the look on his face, Ye Tianlong could feel the love flowing out of him.

He spoils little girls very much.

"Isn't he alone?"

Ye Tianlong had a look of surprise in his eyes: "Why is there a little girl?"

Tian Mo shook his head: "I don't know!"

The oriole poked her head out: "But it is certain that the little girl is one of the eighteen loli."

"Stop him!"

At this moment, several figures suddenly rushed out of the lobby of the police station and shouted at the security guard on duty at the door: "The little girl is a missing child."

"He is a trafficker!"

Several security personnel were taken aback for a moment, and then swarmed up and pressed down the dazed Miao Tiannu. At the same time, one person took away the little girl eating sweet potatoes...

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