Talented Genius

Chapter 1387: Mrs. Feng Family

Last night, after waiting for a lot of things, Ye Tianlong didn't go back to the Peak Manor, but went back to Villa 12 to rest.

Several cars were blocked at the door, all interview cars, reporters squatted around the clock, Ye Tianlong secretly called himself to be far-sighted, otherwise Han Jing would be in trouble.

That's the case. When Ye Tianlong asked them to move their car, several reporters gathered around and heard nothing, trying to get an evaluation from Ye Tianlong.

The words of Han Jing's neighbor are also very attractive. Unfortunately, Ye Tianlong didn't say a word about Han Jing, but happily introduced himself.

He started talking when he was a child, and has been talking about young and promising now, until the reporters finally avoided all, not wanting to be Ye Tianlong's bragging audience.

After pacifying the reporter, Ye Tianlong went back to the room to take a bath and sleep. This time, he slept better than before, and he woke up at seven in the morning.

After washing, Ye Tianlong went down to eat breakfast, and he passed the bookstore last night with the revised edition of "Ten Great Gus of Miaojiang" he bought.

Ye Tianlong was sipping milk while flipping through the books. He was purely curious about the mysterious stories, not wanting to learn Gu art from them.

For Ye Tianlong, the so-called Gu technique is similar to the medical technique.

The intangible killing is just a refining toxin effect, dissected it is the combination of various chemical elements, and then use the human body to react.

The Six Desire Gu Poison of Earth Kuangtian, in Ye Tianlong's eyes, is a synthesis of several kinds of games like itching powder.

The Six Desire Gu Poison uses the characteristics of normal people's blood acceleration and body heat when they think of the desire for wealth and sex.

Then let the itchy powder enter the expanded pores, and eventually make the body uncomfortable.

The reason why Gu technique is so mysterious is that the user puts a story on it and adds a mysterious coat.

Of course, some techniques for domesticating snakes and insects are also involved.


Just when Ye Tianlong was about to turn back, the phone vibrated in his arms, he put on earplugs to answer, and soon the oriole's voice came:

"Ye Shao, locked Miao Tiannu's hiding place."

Ye Tianlong drank the milk in one sip, and went out with Tianmo and Earth Kuangtian without saying anything. Wei Weiwei's affairs must always be figured out.

Fifteen kilometers away, there is a loquat garden covering an area of ​​tens of acres, and a small house built in the middle, about 30 square meters, is very inconspicuously hidden by the loquat.

This hut is a resting place for the loquat owner during harvest time or when weeding and spraying medicine. The rest of the time, especially in such rainy days, is rarely used.

But at this moment, the little room was smelling of aroma, the smell of instant noodles.

Inside the house, sitting on low tables and chairs, one big and one small, are Miao Tiannu and Wei Weiwei, and two hot sauerkraut noodles are placed between them.

Miao Tiannu also took out two hams, cut them apart, and put them in Wei Weiwei's hot noodles, then covered the paper on them, and laughed kindly:

"Smile, take a dip, and eat later."

Then, he took out a dozen yuan from his pocket and put it in a cabinet carefully, apologizing to the owner.

Wei Weiwei nodded docilely, and then asked in a childish voice: "God, why are we here? Why don't we live at home?"

Miao Tiannu looked startled, then smiled and squeezed out: "Outing, outing, let's go outing."

He doesn't even speak much, and lying is even more powerless.

Wei Weiwei blinked beautiful eyes: "Today seems to be Thursday, not Saturday. Should I still go to school and live on campus?"

"Why did you take me on an outing? You mean, a kid who doesn't study well, isn't he a good kid?"

There was a touch of puzzlement on her face: "And I haven't said goodbye to the teacher yet."

Although Wei Weiwei was still a child, the outline of that beauty embryo still appeared. When she was curious, her eyes became clearer.

Miao Tiannu was taken aback, and then sighed: "I have already said goodbye to you and asked for leave. Don't worry..."

"You lied to me!"

Wei Weiwei suddenly pursed her mouth: "Last night till now, I have been staying with you, and I have never seen you on the phone. Why do you ask for leave?"

"Also, who came from those who arrested us last night? Why do they like to pretend to be the police and arrest us?"

Wei Weiwei's eyes twitched out and said: "God, we have pulled our fingers, no one is allowed to lie, otherwise the nose will be as long as an elephant."

Miao Tiannu hesitated for a moment: "Those are bad people, traffickers...want to hurt you..."

He didn't know how to explain, so he could only respond to the girl's question like this.

Wei Weiwei suddenly realized that she was annoyed: "They are too hateful, they are bad guys, and they say you are a trafficker..."

Miao Tiannu took some instant noodles and changed the subject with a smile: "Smile, don't say anything, the instant noodles are ready to be soaked, eat it quickly, it won't taste good when it's cold."

At this moment, his ears moved slightly, and a light flashed across his eyes, and then he patted Wei Weiwei's shoulder: "Smile, you eat first."

"I'll go to the bathroom."

Wei Weiwei nodded obediently: "Okay, remember to come back soon."

Miao Tiannu smiled kindly, then took the umbrella and walked out of the house. When he went out, he closed the door backhand, letting Wei Weiwei isolate the wind and rain and the danger.

"Swish swish!"

After closing the door, he walked to a simple toilet not far away, and when he was halfway there, he saw twelve men in raincoats suddenly stood up all around him.

They all had anesthesia guns in their hands, they pulled the trigger at Miao Tiannu without hesitation, and twelve anesthesia needles were shot at the back of Miao Tianlong's chest.

At the same time, three women in raincoats rushed towards the small house very fast, trying to take away Wei Weiwei who was eating instant noodles inside.


Miao Tiannu seemed to have expected it long ago. When the umbrella was turned, it was like a pocket, and all the anesthesia needles he shot were put in immediately.

Then he fell to the ground with a crashing sound, and the anesthesia needle rolled into the muddy water.

"Take it down!"

With a low voice, twelve men in raincoats stepped forward indifferently, holding ropes with hooks in their hands, turning and throwing them at Miao Tiannu's hands and feet.

Miao Tiannu stepped back four or five meters in silence, and at the same time shook the drops of water from the umbrella, the drops of water suddenly splashed out and hit the twelve people.


After the drop of water hit them, the twelve people kept charging and narrowed the distance between themselves and Miao Tiannu, but they instantly shook their bodies on the way.

Afterwards, the twelve fell to the ground without a word, twitched and passed out.

At the same time, the three women in raincoats who rushed to the stairs of the house shook their heads as if they were drunk, and finally fell to the ground with a plop.


At this time, two more people sprang out of the dark, drew their guns and rushed towards Miao Tiannu: "Don't move! Don't move..."

Before they could finish speaking, the two felt dizzy, and then they became weak and fell into a coma in the rain...

"Why do you want to force me..."

There was a touch of pain in Miao Tiannu's eyes, but she bit her lip and quickly recovered her calm, turned and returned to the house full of sauerkraut.

Two minutes later, he quietly left with Wei Weiwei with his eyes closed...

Ten minutes later, five or six cars drove into the mango orchard, and a dozen men and women in raincoats emerged. They quickly rushed into the house and the garden to search for traces of the girl.

Then, they lifted the seventeen people who fell down and put them into a minibus that followed...

After a while, another woman in a raincoat emerged from the depths of the mango orchard. She went straight to a Lincoln car and whispered after the window was dropped:

"Madam, that man is very powerful in poisoning. A dozen rescued brothers were lost. He held Weiwei towards Yangguan Peak and asked Madam to condemn him."

The car window dropped for another two minutes, and a Qianqianyu hand stuck out, his wrist was frosted, as bright as lush white, and it faintly waved in the air:

"If you don't have a toast, then eat the penalty bar."

"Order, let's kill it."

The woman in the raincoat immediately took her orders.

Not far away, Ye Tianlong, who was sitting in an off-road vehicle, looked at the line of people who had taken his prey away, frowned and asked the oriole:

"Who is this?"

"Wei Weiwei's aunt."

The oriole told the news they had just found: "The first gate in the Australian city, Feng's house, Mrs. Feng."

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