Talented Genius

Chapter 1400: Accident reproduction

The black robe old woman was directly killed by Ye Tianlong with a brick.

She crawled hard for more than ten meters before losing her vitality and giving up and finally seeking survival. She was unwilling, she was angry, and she greeted Ye Tianlong's eighteenth generation ancestors.

As one of her mother-in-law's two personal guardians, she took revenge on Ye Tianlong with her martial arts and mission, and wanted him to know how powerful she and the zombie mother were.

By the way, revenge for the dead Xiaohua.

Before she arrived at Tiandu, Dahua thought that killing Ye Tianlong herself was like killing a dog, and her appearance would make these mortals tremble.

But the black robe old woman didn't expect that the first time she met, she was defeated and lost her life that she believed to be tough.

The most frustrating thing for Da Hua is that she hasn't shown anything yet, and she hasn't even used one-tenth of her skill and Gu technique, so she succumbed to death.

The eyes of the black robe old woman reflected the greatest helplessness in this life.

"Hello, Chief Qiu?"

Touching the white cloth of his mouth and nose that resisted the pepper, Ye Tianlong, who confirmed the death of the black robe old woman, took out the phone and called Qiu Hongpao with a bright smile:

"Are you free now? If you have time, come to the vegetable market and tell you something good."

Qiu Hongpao's laughter soon came from the other end of the phone: "Ye Shao is polite, I'm nearby, I must be there within five minutes."

He didn't ask any good things, but simply and neatly expressed his presence, showing his trust in Ye Tianlong.

Four minutes later, Section Chief Qiu arrived at the scene with a few of his men. He was shocked when he saw the dead black robe old woman, and then he dispersed the nearby onlookers.

Qiu Hongpao looked at the familiar black robe, and asked his subordinates to run to Ye Tianlong after alerting, "Ye Shao, what's going on?"

Ye Tianlong coughed: "This old woman in black robe is the murderer who assassinated Madam Feng."

"I came to the vegetable market to buy groceries and happened to ran into her and her accomplices, so I tried my best to knock her to the ground."

He was a little embarrassed on his face: "I just shook my hand when I hit the brick, and accidentally hit her to death."

Qiu Hongpao looked shocked: "Assassin?" Then he hurriedly stepped forward and scanned: "I said, why is this black robe so familiar..."

He scanned the facial features of the black-robed old woman, trying to confirm whether he was the same person as the airport killer. He was helpless and hard to recognize.

As for the figure, covered in the black robe, there is a big visual dislocation, and it is difficult to judge the fat or thin.

"Chief Qiu, don't worry, this person is definitely an assassin."

A smile appeared from the corner of Ye Tianlong's mouth, and then he took out a snake-head crutch and handed it to Qiu Hongpao, lowering his voice to speak:

"Look, the snakehead dagger at the airport has the same texture as this crutch? Are the two snakeheads the same style."

Qiu Hongpao took the snake-head crutches and glanced, his eyesight was still very good, and he instantly confirmed that Ye Tianlong said there was no moisture.

The workmanship of the snake-head dagger and the snake-head crutches are exactly the same.

He glanced at the corpse on the ground, and cried out if this man was really a murderer?

Just as Qiu Hongpao's mind was turning his mind, Ye Tianlong shook his shoulder again, and laughed heartily:

"Chairman Qiu, congratulations, within half a day, I solved the attack on Mrs. Feng and directly killed the outstanding killer."

Ye Tianlong's tone is very playful: "This skill, I'm afraid it can give you a boost, right?"

Qiu Hongpao was taken aback for a moment, unbelievable: "Ye Shao, you--"

"As you said, if you don't fight, you don't know each other. After Mrs. Feng, Chief Qiu, we are already friends."

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "Although I killed the murderer, this credit is of little use to me. It's better to accept the benefits."

"Don't refuse, you can do me a favor."

"After all, I am not a law enforcement officer. I killed someone. Although I didn't have to go to jail, it was a lot of trouble. At least I wasted a lot of time recording a statement."

He looked at Qiu Hongpao and added: "Now you carry this pot for me, I save trouble, you have the credit, you can kill two birds with one stone."

Qiu Hongpao sighed with emotion and gratitude. He knew that this was a great contribution. No matter who killed the murderer, it would only be rewarded, not punished.

Now Ye Tianlong looked like "disgusting", stating that he wanted to give him a favor, which could completely bring him to the next level.

The corner of Qiu Hongpao's mouth moved, and he was very grateful, and said in a low voice: "Ye Shao, this ceremony is too heavy... how is this embarrassing?"

Qiu Hongpao exhaled a long breath: "The old lady knows that I take credit for you, I'm afraid..."

Ye Tianlong laughed loudly: "It's not heavy at all, it's making the best use of it. As for the old lady, don't worry, I won't talk about it."

"Don't worry about doing this for me. By the way, there are seven murderers from the same party in the street ahead. Section Chief Qiu helped transport them back to deal with them."

Qiu Hongpao reached out and shook Ye Tianlong's hands: "Ye Shao, thank you."

Ye Tianlong kept a gentle smile, "Don't be so polite, everyone is friends, friends, isn't it me helping you, will you help me?"

"Instead, what do I need to help from Section Chief Qiu, Section Chief Qiu certainly won't be picky, right?"

Ye Tianlong silently put down a set.

Qiu Hongpao replied without hesitation: "That's where Ye Shao is useful to me, he will definitely go through fire and water, and he will die."

There was a smile in Ye Tianlong's eyes. He was waiting for this sentence, then patted Qiu Hongpao on the shoulder and smiled: "What a good brother."

"Chief Qiu, the scene will be handed over to you, I hurried back to eat."

Ye Tianlong pulled away at the right time: "When you are done, and when you are free, let's make an appointment for a drink."

Qiu Hongpao repeatedly said: "Okay, okay, when I'm done, I will drink together, but I must be the boss..."

Ye Tianlong nodded, then smiled and waved away...

After half an hour, Ye Tianlong leaned on the seat of the car, twisted a bottle of soda and drank it, then looked at Tian Mo and Miao Tiannu and asked:

"Is the one that caused you to run away on purpose?"

Miao Tiannu and Tianmo could have killed all the black-robed women, but at the last moment they got Ye Tianlong's instructions and left a living.

Tian Mo drove the car towards the villa, and whispered back: "She was poisoned and stabbed by me, but it is not fatal."

Miao Tiannu added the last sentence: "The toxins in her are very common. Even if you don't deal with it, you won't die in four or five hours."

Ye Tianlong nodded lightly: "Very well, just don't die."

Tian Mo hesitated for a moment: "Why didn't you kill her? Kill all, no one will know that we will start it. It is troublesome for her to run away alive..."

Ye Tianlong chuckled softly: "Worried about her alive and reporting today's incident? Or worried about her going to find a companion to avenge us?"

Tian Mo nodded: "Both are a little bit, after all, killing her can buffer a little time."

Ye Tianlong stretched his waist: "Dahua and the others came to Tiandu, the purpose is to come to us, they die, they will recognize us without thinking."

"So if we do not report on what happened today, we will all become targets of the other side's revenge."

"It's better to let her go and squeeze her last bit of value."

"She was poisoned and injured. She is in a state of being unable to return to Dashan. She will definitely go to the Tiandu stronghold."

Ye Tianlong's smile became playful: "As long as she goes to the stronghold, let's serve the nest together, wouldn't it be better than killing her with a single knife?"

They suddenly realized Tianmo.

Ye Tianlong looked at the wind and rain ahead: "It is estimated that the oriole will have news soon..."


Just when Tianmo and the others nodded, Ye Tianlong's cell phone suddenly rang. He pressed the answer button, and Su Rui's panic yelled soon:

"Ye Shao, it's not good, something happened to the manor..."

Su Rui almost cried out: "Half of the employees, more than 100 people, have a strange disease, and they are covered in rashes."

"The doctor said it was a plague infection..."

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